
in #ntopaz5 years ago


I am a bit discouraged and very busy at the moment, I do not have much time for anything, besides, my little dog is still sick and this saddens me.

I had to take some time to paint this drawing because I can not afford to stop publishing because of my situation, so I painted this drawing in several parts every time I had a free moment to do it.

I have many comments that I have not been able to answer, I apologize, I will try to see them and answer them all very soon, I hope you understand me.

Here you can see the process of my drawing

Thank you all for watching my publication and for the support.

Good afternoon!!!

Copyright @yanes94 - All rights reserved.


I had to turn the PC around to understand what he was saying hehehheh.
Thanks for the support @themadcurator

Life takes priority. You take care of her and the comments can be answered later. Stay strong and I'm sure that she will get better. You have to keep up your mood as she feels it and believe me that when you feel good she'll feel much better herself :) they have this kind of sense that makes them feel the way their owners feel :)

I like this illustration - she is hot, powerful and possess some super powers.. she is exactly like all women that I know :)

Thank you for sharing!

Thank you very much dearly for your words!
I'm glad you like it and see my drawings.

Please start showing and citing your !sources

First, I would not have any problem citing a source if I needed it.
Second the source is my niece, is there a problem with that?
If I'm not bad this drawing is my creation, mine, mine, all mine, from the tip of the foot to the hair, the positions I take from my relatives, I have to place pictures of them too?
Stop placing these messages in my publications.
and finally you are absolutely no one to come and force me to place things when you have no right because you are wrong.

@yanes94 - don't answer this fool. Out on a limb and trying to harass you, probably frustrated for getting banned from OCD Discord - the moderators there had enough of the stupidity.
By simply adding a ! in front of sources, anyone can trigger the sources bot.
In my Viennese slang, we have a saying, that translates to something like this:
don't even bother to ignore it

I imagine that this guy is frustrated because nobody wants him, he feels alone and then he wants to annoy others.
I do not think it's just because they took him out of OCD that he's bothering me right now, but if, as you say, I think that enough problems are enough, so that someone else is stoking the flame more.
I love your saying! I am healed in health ehehheeh.
Oh! I answered him because he wrote me in the last two publications so I wanted to give him some love, but he did not correspond, maybe he does not want to be given sincere love.
Disappointed me! I will not respond more!
I think that people should be aware when making robots, so that they will be used and if they are using it correctly not for pleasure.
Giving this guy a robot is like giving a gun to a psychopath.


Is this your niece? She is wonderfuly similar if not....


Also, why dont you mention in your post that you are basically coloring an old sketch?


It would seem that curators are finally waking up to your deceitful tactics and continuous victim playing....

I do not see any similarity between the 2 artworks except that are both showing girls.. This is unbelievable, I thought that apart you brutal manners you were doing a good job researching. It is seems that you are good for nothing and just destroying the platform..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you very much for your opinion, several art curators we consulted disagree with you and find it extremely similar.
And yes, we apologize for the truth being brutal and so inconvenient.
Here you have an overlay one of those art curators made, it shows the face is very close to identical. And hey btw, dont shoot the messenger! :)

Any face used for an overlay in this perspective would create similar results. Do a reverse image search on google and use any of the pictures found... If you replace the eyes with a kind of "light", you will produce even more hits.

I have spent years training my eye. I can judge a fraction of a millimeter and and a few percent in hue and/or saturation. This face is one of many, and there is as much or as little similarity as you would get from taking a photo of a crowd of a thousand people and overlaying the ones looking in the same direction.

I really would like to carry on this discussion with the mentioned curators. Not to argue with them, just out of curiosity of their own artistic potential and the accuracy of their eye.

I had thought, the discussion the other day had come to a reasonable conclusion. Most people around here would agree with you, that your mission per se is important, but it also seems a bit out of proportion. Taking it to such extremes could be just as bad for the platform as letting the real culprits getting away with what they are doing.

Btw... what is wrong with coloring a sketch or creating something based on a previous version of ones own artwork? Artists of all times have done it and you will find many examples in the top museums in the world.

I will be at Art en Capital in Paris next week. One of the most prestigious art shows in the world. I would be surprised, if I find even one hint of any source used on any of the works. In fact, it will most likely be the same at the Louvre, which I intend to visit again as I have, many times before.

So again, yes, by all means, fight abuse! But please, lets not be more papist than the pope.

Do a reverse image search on google and use any of the pictures found.

We concur with you that google reverse search is a mediocre tool, not to say shitty, but you must be aware that we use way more sophisticated tools, you can easily ascertain this by noticing that most of our finds, dont even come up in google reverse search. Just in case your next question is which tools are those, we are not gonna tell you which tools we use, for obvious reasons, just know that they are state-of-the-art (pun intended) tools with the latest technology.

I really would like to carry on this discussion with the mentioned curators.

Im sure you would like many things, as much as I would like many things, but many of the things we wish in life are not possible as you know, in the case of your particular wish you can find the reason in one of our latest post:

Btw... what is wrong with coloring a sketch or creating something based on a previous version of ones own artwork?

There is nothing wrong with it, and if you read our message well, you will clearly see that is not what was said, I will paste it again so that perhaps this second time you are able to comprehend it:

why dont you mention in your post that you are basically coloring an old sketch?

As you see what its being asked is why the user did not mention it in the post, what is being questioned is the deceitful tactic of coloring an old sketch and making the audience believe its a new drawing by stating:

I had to take some time to paint this drawing because I can not afford to stop publishing because of my situation, so I painted this drawing in several parts every time I had a free moment to do it.

In no place of the posts there is the most minimum clue about this being the coloring and finishing of a previous "work of art". The reason is simple, the user is trying to make the minimum effort possible, and at the same time present the work -by intentionally omitting the fact that its a modified old sketch- as a new piece.

Your comments about all the prestigious art shows and most of your arguments, when boiled down seem to come down to the fact that a common attitude in the art world would seem to be: "Lie to me, I like it." or to go a bit further: "I love sausage, but please dont show me how its made because I wont be able to eat it again", or to go Matrix style: "Ignorance is bliss".
Once again thank you for your opinion and have a wonderful day sir.

It is very unfortunate, that I don't seem to be able to make you understand, that I agree with you on the basic issue.

The only thing, where I think we have a different opinion is the "principle of proportionality" and that is why I mention prestigious art events and such. Not to justify things. Only to put them in a different context and proportion. In fact, I despise the way the art market is today. There are literally billions of dollars moved around for stuff that is done with little or no effort. Again, I am the last one who would say it is right and totally agree with your last paragraph.

The (high end) art world today is in a sad state. And it is exactly that, why I wonder, why we have to make such a big ado about a person making a handful dollars with something she likes, and which might actually be an important part of her resources.

In my humble opinion, she didn't do anything wrong, as I don't believe she was deliberately deceiving anyone. If done well, oloring a drawing is a much bigger effort than a lot of things I see on steemit... even on trending for the art tag.

So yes, have a wonderful day too. I really mean it :-)

You are very welcome and I will always express my opinion. I believe is fair that you should mention who are these curators along with the comments. Transparency is as vital as justice

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your opinion once again sir.

I took some time reading your post about @jaguar force. What you are suggesting is that you are like hitmen? people can pay you to take someone out, destroy his credibility and reputation as an artist.

Such an amazing painting @yanes94 Your situation is so hard but you always try your best. You never make a simple drawing just for posting everyday, you always take so much effort and love on your artworks, that's what I repect.

[nTopaz Curator]

This comment from the curator is for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform.

You can find out more in our Discord:

Thank you very much dear Liv, for your beautiful words, I'm glad you like it :).
I have tried to make simple drawings, but for more than I think, I prefer to spend hours sitting at the computer doing my drawing and trying to learn a little more because I know that my effort is worth it, it would not be good to earn it by doing nothing. ;(

I know I'm not the best artist, but I want to learn.

Great artists always have that spirit @yanes94 You learn fast and will become a great artist soon !

Thank you, dear Liv, You inspire me a lot.🤗
I hope to be one day.🤞

Oh @yanes94, someone talk to me about my comment above and they misunderstand it. I am not against posting daily. You used to post everyday and I said even though you post everyday, your artworks are so good with much love and efforts which I think I could not do, so this time is the same meaning.

English is not my mother language and I hope small things are not turned into big problems.

Such a beautiful artwork. All the details are wonderful.


The nTopaz Curation Team recognizes your work as being of outstanding quality and an enrichment to our community. We encourage you to use nTopaz again for your artistic creations, and are looking forward to your future posts.

Join our Discord:

Thank you dear Teresa, I'm glad you like it. 🤗

Such a striking and strong woman. Draw on her strength and you will break through all the challenges you are facing at the moment @yanes94


[nTopaz Curator]

Your work has been recognized by the nTopaz Curation Team for its excellent quality and its enrichment to our community. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform.

⚖️ S H I N E ⚖️ Y O U R ⚖️ L I G H T ⚖️

Thank you Ally for your nice words and for your support.

Wow!!! this is this is...

AMAZING @yanes94 , really spectacular :3 💎💎💎 👏👏👏
Hope your dog gets better soon 💙 and you get to feel better as well

[nTopaz Curator]

The nTopaz Curation Team recognizes your work as being of outstanding quality and an enrichment to our community. We encourage you to use nTopaz again for your artistic creations, and are looking forward to your future posts.

Join nTopaz Discord Channel

Thank you very much dear because your support and your wishes.

I wish you all the best dear Carmen, and hope your dog gets better. Also, I understand your situation where you live. It saddens me - this is something my grandparents had told me about that they went through in their days.

Honey, thank you very much!
Well yes, the situation is difficult, but you have to follow, no ? one day everything will improve.
Many know everything that is lived here and another simply close their eyes to not see the situation.
Your grandparents told you about that?

It is amazing dear Carmen:) Very detailed outifit and i love this dark and sexy style. My favourite detail is how you matched the eyes and the magic signs in her hands with blue, very smart:) It is like she is powering up.

I hope your little dog gets better soon:)

Thank you, dear George!
For your beautiful wishes and see my drawing, I'm glad you like it. 🤗
Maybe and just maybe, it did not do the fire safety it should and now it's on fire.🤔
He should have hired someone good in that.👍

Hahaha, that was a good one 😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android


Pretty hot, for a sorceress! Excellent use of cold and warm colors together.

Sad to hear you are having difficult times. Breaks my heart, when I see a fellow artist struggle with things that keep them from creating. Hope you and your little dogie will be better soon!

Pretty hot? hehhe
Love, thank you very much !. I know she will be better soon and all this will be over.
Yes, that happens sometimes, with so many things and worries in your head, it is often difficult to concentrate, because there is not a moment when you can be calm about everything that happens, when it is not one thing it is another.
But it makes me happy to have nice people like you who are always there to support your fellow artist.
That is so cute.🤗🤗

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