digital rendering of a rare photo
A rare phenomena captured, long time ago in my alternate universe!
Setting out refried bean tacos to attract the rare and elusive unicorn, I managed to take this unique image of a unicorn rainbow fart! This is particularly difficult since they stay visible for only a fraction of a second, and only under certain light conditions, like in bright moonlight under a clear sky. Fading fast (even though the smell lingers), one needs to be quick to capture, with a steady hand at high speed exposure.
This is a digital rendering from the original photo, and I am sorry I cannot show the original since it was lost long ago and all I have is what I had done in Photoshop to enhance the colors.
Ein seltenes Phänomen, das vor langer Zeit in meinem alternativen Universum eingefangen wurde!
Mit Refried Bohnen-Tacos, um das seltene und schwer findbare Einhorn anzuziehen, gelang es mir, dieses einzigartige Bild eines Einhorn-Regenbogen-Furzes aufzunehmen! Dies ist besonders schwierig, da er nur für einen Bruchteil einer Sekunde sichtbar ist und nur unter bestimmten Lichtbedingungen, wie bei hellem Mondlicht unter klarem Himmel. Furze verblassen schnell (obwohl der Geruch andauert) und müssen schnell aufgenommen werden, mit ruhiger Hand bei hoher Belichtung.
Dies ist ein digitales Rendering aus dem Originalfoto, und es tut mir leid, dass ich das Original nicht anzeigen kann, da es vor langer Zeit verloren gegangen ist. Alles, was ich noch habe, ist das, was ich in Photoshop getan habe, um die Farben zu verbessern.
Additional Variations - Zusätzliche Variationen
Reflections - Spiegelungen

It is especially difficult under such circumstances to hold a mirror simultaneously with the camera
Es ist besonders schwierig unter solchen Umständen auch noch einen Spiegel gleichzeitig mit der Kamera halten
How about putting a Unicorn Rainbow Fart on your fingernails?
Wie wäre es, wenn Sie einen Unicorn Rainbow Fart auf Ihre Fingernägel setzen?

I think my favourite part is the Name! I love it. And I forgot about zazzle and I see now they have nail art! I need to add this to my New Year's to do list as I want to use MORE online sites that allow your work on things and nails, that's amazing!
Happy New Year! I'm trying to get to all my favourites and yet here it is the 6th and I'm just wishing a new year now, oh well, better late then never, as they say!
Thanks Donna, and all the best to you as well!
I am glad you like my silly phase - I happen to think of stuff like that while I am just about to fall asleep, so I get up and do it. Interesting also that all this, creating the digital, writing the post and creating the stuff on Zazzle took only a fraction of the time it took me to write my next post about Arik Brauer which so far earned much less than this one! So maybe I should just keep on writing silly posts - the serious ones don't seem to cut it on here and take way to much effort.
About Zazzle: I had not been on there myself for a long time, but got notice in my email that they sold some of my prints, so I went to have a look. Yes, there are a lot of new items you can have fun with. This is the only one where I actually uploaded a image, but I created a whole bunch of nails with images I had on file there already.
Nice and colourful, almost doesn't feel like you, Otto. Very bright and playful and childlike :D I like it !
Like I said in the text, I conceived of the story while already halfway in dreamland. I normally fall asleep and forget about it (even though I want to remember), so this time I did get up and made it. The colors actually come from a decades old painting.
Hey, Du wurdest von @altobot gevotet!
Danke - freut mich!
Wow I imagine the smell that I leave hahahaha I like your creativity and imagination. ;)
you are a Unicorn? That is funny!
hahahahaha sometimes I am one. but shhhhh XD
Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk
Thank you - always a pleasure!