[Announcement] Official end of nTOPAZ service / [공지] nTOPAZ 서비스 공식 종료 발표

in #ntopaz5 years ago (edited)


Hello, everyone. This is nTOPAZ.

It's been 18 months since the nTOPAZ service started.

nTOPAZ, which began with a big dream of "social network for global talented people," is now saying goodbye to its service over the past two years.

We have struggled for quite a while to find a breakthrough, but feel sorry for the fact that we have to come to this conclusion.

However, including repeated trial and error to build the nTOPAZ service has cost me about US $800,000 in property losses over the past three years.

In addition, I have felt much hurt by the members of the team who have left, but I hope all of these will be an opportunity to grow further.

Although the most devastating blow was the takeoff delay caused by chronic development issues and the failure of subsequent development personnel operations, we also hope to evolve into a good experience in the future.

The nTOPAZ service is officially terminated as of today (January 31, 2020).

However, we are plan to support voting through the both accounts(@Artisteem and @nTOPAZ) during the next 13 weeks of power-down.

During this time, nTOPAZ users will be given time to back up their personal works or data.

In addition, I offer my deepest apologies to all of you who have failed to live up to expectations through TOPAZ Token, who have trusted and supported SP Sponsors, and the Community Roles(Coordinators & Curators) who have worked hard to improve the nTOPAZ service.

Especially, to the leaders of the nTOPAZ, including @Smeralda, @Livvu, @Georgeboya, @Catwomanteresa, who silently performed the leader's role even in difficult situations.

I bow my head to thank you and express my apologies.

Each and every one of you is TOPAZ, glittering jewels.

I was happy during the time we were together.

Thank you.

January 31, 2020





여러분 안녕하세요? 엔토파즈입니다.

여러분과 함께 한 시간이 어느덧 18개월이 되었군요.

"글로벌 재능인들을 위한 소셜네트워크" 라는 큰 꿈을 안고 시작된 엔토파즈는 이제 지난 2년여간 이어온 서비스에 이별을 고하고자 합니다.

적지 않은 시간동안 고민과 돌파구를 찾기 위한 몸부림이 있었지만 이런 결론에 이를 수 밖에 없는 현실에 안타까운 마음이 큽니다.

엔토파즈 서비스를 만들기 위해 겪었던 시행착오로 인해 지난 3년간 개인적으로 8억에 달하는 큰 재산적 손실을 입었고, 떠나간 팀원들로 인한 마음의 상처도 적지 않았지만 이런 모든 것들이 한단계 더 성장하는 계기가 되기를 소망해 봅니다.

고질적인 개발이슈와 후속 개발인력 수급실패에 따른 도약 지연이 가장 치명적인 타격을 주었지만 이 또한 좋은 경험으로 승화시키길 기대합니다.

nTOPAZ 서비스는 금일(1/31일)부로 공식종료를 선포합니다. 다만, 향후 13주간의 파워다운 기간중에도 작품 보팅(@Artisteem + @nTOPAZ)은 지원할 계획입니다.

이 기간중에 nTOPAZ 유저들은 개인적인 작품이나 데이터에 대한 백업을 하실 수 있도록 시간을 드립니다.

아울러, TOPAZ Token을 통해 기대에 부응하지 못해 드린 점, 믿고 후원해 주신 SP Sponsors 분들과 nTOPAZ 서비스의 발전을 위해 불철주야 노력해 주신 Community Roles(Coordinators & Curators) 여러분들께 깊은 사죄의 말씀을 드립니다.

특별히, 어려운 상황에서도 Leader의 역할을 묵묵히 수행해 준 @Smeralda, @Livvu, @Georgeboya, @Catwomanteresa 를 비롯한 nTOPAZ의 주역들에게 머리숙여 감사와 함께 미안한 마음을 전합니다.

여러분 한사람 한사람 모두가 반짝이는 보석과 같은 TOPAZ 들이었습니다.

여러분과 함께 했던 시간동안 행복했습니다.


2020년 1월 31일

nTOPAZ 드림.


I am deeply sorry for this. I want to thank the opportunity you gave me, it was a nice experience and I learned a lot about curation. I won a big contest by Oracled talking about nTOPAZ so I will always thank your existence. I want to thank specially to @Smeralda and @Georgeboya for all your help not only to me but a lot of great artist from Steem Blockchain. You supported a lot of people and made them believe on themselves. Thanks for everything @ntopaz.

You honor me a lot but i do not think i did so much,lol.

Wow, those are some really huge losses. How did that even happen? I'm sad to see you go, even though I'm not an artist and never posted through your platform. 😮

Feeling so sad. I really believed you and I made so many posts over ntopaz even I made a post yesterday. This announcement is really heartbreaking.

This is sad and heartbreaking news for me. nTopaz had supported me at my bad time on steemit. i never forget your support "THANK YOU" . it is really hard to run platform with financial losses.

Its sad to see you going. You're the one whi supported many artists on Steem platform but I understand that financial constraints stop is doing many things. Hope you well in future.

Posted using Partiko Android

How sad, thanks to you, I got better benefits in previous years than any group, they made me try harder and motivate me to participate with their contests.
Thank you very much for everything Ntopaz. 👋🙁

I want to thank you and your team for their support! Thanks a lot!
It hurts to read it. But, I wish you compensation for all losses. It is possible that you are on the right track.

Pretty bad to hear the sad ending. Sorry to hear the loss incurred in building a great platform. Must appreciate all the effort put in by each individual out there....trully magnificent in praising some great work of the artist....I personally invited many user looking at the bright prospect. ....glad such begining happened on Steem hope to see a turnaround some day. Thank you for all the support

So sad you are saying good bye to this platform after two and a half years. It's really nice having this platform around because it supported and motivated creators like me to keed doing. We will forever have you at heart.

Goodbye ntopaz😢😢

Posted using Partiko Android

It's quite surprising to see the end. Love nTopaz, no matter what. And wish to see something good in the future.
I and I'm sure many others will miss nTopaz. It's been a wonderful journey.

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