Lovely birds.
And today, as promised, I send my art to ntopaz. I created a collection of postcards - birds. Look, they are so cute. I can’t stop looking at them. It took a lot of time for this series, I started drawing it since the summer, and not so long ago I finished. Now I will prepare a series of cards for the New Year. I think to make cards bright and funny.
И сегодня, как и обещала отправляю свое искусство на нТопаз. Я создала коллекцию открыток - птицы. Посмотрите они такие милые. Я самв не могу налюбоваться ими. Времени ушло очень много на эту серию, я ее начала рисовать еще с лета, и вот не так давно закончила. Теперь буду готовть серию открыток на Новый Год. Думаю сделать открытки яркие и веселые.
I like your composition. The birds are cute.
[nTopaz Curator]
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Thank you, soon there will be new work, I think to draw bright cards for the New Year =)
Beautiful Artwork!!! 😀 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
[nTopaz Curator]
This comment from the curator is for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform.
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Thank you very nice to hear. Soon there will be a new series of cards for the New Year. I think it will be bright)
Awww that little things so beautiful, I love these two little birds, they look so cute. <3 <3 <3
[nTopaz Curator]
This comment from the curator is for information and encouragement. The upvotes from nTopaz and
rankings are based on the popularity of your art work when posted to the nTopaz platform.
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Thank you, very nice =)
They are beautiful indeed. I just love your style and color combinations, not to mention your creativity. ♥
Thank you, very nice. glad you like it! ♥ ♥ ♥
Muy hermoso. Me encantan las aves, estos animalitos nos alegra la vida con su canto. Tu trabajo esta increíble la manera como plasma cada detalles, su plumaje, sus patas, su pico y además se ven adorables los dos juntitos. Te felicito por tu arte y la manera de abordar lo que quieres transmitir. Te felicito. Mis saludos.