Billion Dollar Man (An erotic fanfiction inspired by Lana Del Rey's song Million Dollar Man)

in #nsfw5 months ago


The drive from the charity gala to her penthouse was a blur, with neither of them paying attention to anything but the other. There in the back seat of the limousine, their hands and lips desperately groping and tasting whichever square inch of exposed skin they could access. Selina knew she had awoken the beast in him, what with the sultry and seductive way she danced with him at the event. Bruce's heated gaze seemed to burn her flesh as she moved her body ever so mesmerisingly. Teasing him, tempting him even as he had her in his arms.

Their dance may have drawn the attention of the other guests. The way they stared at the couple as Bruce took Selina by the hand and headed straight for the car as soon as the dance was done, suggested that they did. In any case, the Bat and the Cat didn't care. Their bodies were aching with desire and hearts spilling over with passion. The society airheads could think what they wanted.

They continued their kissing and groping in Selina's private elevator, as it took them strait to her penthouse. Bruce had all but removed her dress when they finally arrived. He was carrying her to the bedroom when his phone rang. It was Damian.

Selina kissed him sweetly and said "It's ok, darling. You take the call. I'll be waiting in bed."

As soon as Bruce finished his conversation, he went into the Master bedroom. Selina had put some music on and had taken her clothes off. She was nonchalantly brushing her hair in front of the full size mirror beside her bed. As if she hadn't just driven him wild with all her unspoken promises. As if her body wasn't on display for him.

Bruce approached her and put his hands on her bare, curvy yet slender waist. Selina tried to act as though she wasn't affected but failed to stop the hitch in her breath when he buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply. His hands slowly caressed her smooth skin, feeling her breasts, her derrire, her long legs.

"Bruce...." Selina finally whispered as he grabbed her inner thigh.
"Shhh.... I didn't say you could talk." He told her, rather sternly.

Selina realized this would be one of those nights. When he took complete control of her and moulded her any way he saw fit. Not that she would mind, of course.

Bruce pulled a pouffe in front of the mirror and had Selina sit down on it. His Kitten was being naughty again and needed discipline. Using his tie, he bound her hands behind her back.

"Spread your thighs" he ordered

Selina obeyed him without question. The most sacred part of her anatomy was exposed. Her opening just as wet as she had expected. Being enveloped by the most exquisite rose petals. Her rose bud prominent and throbbing, especially when Bruce grazed it with the tip of his finger.

"Keep looking in the mirror." He said as two of his fingers entered her. They maintained eye contact in the mirror.

Selina let a moan escape her as he fingered her slowly.

"Be quiet." Bruce growled into her ear, "And you're not allowed to orgasm, unless I tell you to. If you do, I won't fuck you for a whole week. Understood?"

"Yes.... yes Batman!" Selina answered as she watched his fingers manipulate and toy with her cunt, while his other arm maintained a firm grip on her waist.

He had her tied up. He made her keep her thighs apart. He was fucking her with his long, fine fingers.

And he was making her watch.

The Dark Knight was truly diabolical.

How on Earth was she not supposed to cum? She needed something to distract her mind with or she'd go crazy.

Just then, a new song began to play.

It was Billion Dollar Man by Lisa Del Rey. A wonderfully talented singer/songwriter Bruce had "dated" a few years ago.

Selina did enjoy Lisa's songs. She loved this one in particular, as it reminded her so much of Bruce. She decided to focus on it.

'You said I was the most exotic flower
Holding me tight in our final hour'

The longing in the lyrics and the singer's voice was palpable. Bruce Wayne's charms could be deadly. The combination of his Greek God like beauty, his wit, his confidence was the stuff of fantasies. Lisa had been particularly smitten with him. Swept off her feet, as one would say.

'I don't know how you convince them and get them, boy
I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable
And I don't know how you get over, get over
Someone as dangerous, tainted and flawed as you'

"Dangerous, tainted and flawed" were just some of the defining traits of Selina's beautiful, complicated man. Underneath all that danger was a vulnerability the Bruce only revealed to a privileged few. Those who had never seen it, could not be blamed for thinking he was cold, even heartless.

His mouth peppered Selina's long neck with gentle bites and kisses. His skilled fingers continued their exploration and torment of her womanhood. Selina was about to close her eyes in pleasure, when a sharp slap to one of her breasts reminded her that he hadn't given her permission to do that.

'One for the money, two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know'

Selina thought of all those times Bruce had left poor Lisa hanging. It was either to attend to the usual business of protecting Gotham. Or simply so he could steal a moment with Selina. She and Bruce hadn't taken their relationship public then. Which made sense, because neither of them was willing to think about what it would mean if they were together and committed.

But Bruce Wayne not having a beautiful woman on his arm was something that would certainly be noticed. So the "Billionaire Playboy" simply pretended. Dating a string of stunning women and taking them to whichever event at which he was supposed to show his face. Quite often, he wouldn't even remember their names.

Most of these women were content with being Bruce Wayne's arm candy for one night. Given how many of them were aspiring models or starlets, being seen with one of the richest men in the world would get them just the kind of attention they wanted.

Selina bit down on her lower lips to contain the scream that had build up in her throat, when Bruce pulled one of his fingers from her heat, soaking wet, and used it to massage her clitoris in an agonisingly pleasurable circular motion. All the while looking into her eyes and enjoying her torment. His eyes drinking in her arousal. A satisfied smirk on his lips.

She decided to focus on the song again. It was the only way she could survive.

'You're screwed up and brilliant
You look like a billion dollar man
So why is my heart broke?'

Lisa sang with the same hauntingly beautiful voice that Selina admired.

Selina remembered having seen her with Bruce. And noticing that she was different. The difference wasn't in the way Bruce had treated her, but in the way Lisa had treated Bruce. The admiration she had for him was obvious. When Bruce spoke, Lisa listened. Genuinely listened. When Bruce made a witty comment, the smile on Lisa's face was one borne out of real joy and not sycophancy, as was the case for most of the other women he dated.

Selina's mind went back to the sadness she had seen in Lisa's eyes when Bruce had to make a hasty exit so he could join Catwoman in stopping a drug deal being conducted at the infamous Iceberg Lounge. The poor woman went after him, asking if everything was ok. She was stopped by the ever diligent Alfred Pennyworth, however. And he explained to her the Master Bruce had an unexpected crisis to attend to.

Later on, when they met on a rooftop Selina had asked Bruce if his date would be ok. Bruce told her she would be as Alfred would have surely gotten her home, before they resumed kissing. Their suits came off and as Batman fucked Catwoman against a wall, all thoughts of Lisa faded away.

'You got the world but baby at what price?
Something so strange, hard to define.'

Lisa cared about Bruce. Not just Bruce's billions, but Bruce. She had tried to understand him, triedto get him to open up to her. Even going as far as to share details of her own life with him. She was trying to build trust, in hopes of their "relationship" becoming something more than just a series of steamy but superficial rendezvous. But of course, the poor girl had no idea that she was better off not knowing Bruce Wayne too well.

'It isn't that hard boy to like you or love you
I'd follow you down down down
You're unbelievable'

Selina had also noticed the guilt Bruce felt when he had left her in a restaurant in the middle of a dinner date and Lisa had been close to tears when he saw her again. Several days later.

"I tried Bruce. I tried to trust you, to give you your space. Maybe I was hoping you'd show me the same level of respect. I suppose I was wrong. But I'm not angry. And I hope that someday you'll find someone who can show what caring about someone truly means."
Her words came straight from her heart. They caused Bruce to feel a rare moment of shame and he was unable to meet her gaze.

Lisa displayed timeless grace and didn't let a single tear fall, as she told him she would not be seeing him again.

"This is why you need to stick to the bimbos. A good woman is going to wonder where you ran off to and she will be hurt." Selina remembered telling Bruce, and he agreed. She too felt the pangs of guilt as, in a way, she had hurt Lisa as well.

'If you're going crazy just grab me and take me
I'd follow you down down down, anywhere anywhere'

These particular lines resonated with Selina the most. Mostly because it's how she felt about Bruce. Especially as times like these.... When he consumed her. When he assailed all her senses with such relentless passion.

Three of his fingers were now inside her and his thumb just teased her clitoris. Promising it some relief, but pulling away at the last moment. Leaving Selina hanging between frustration and satisfaction. No other man could do to her what Bruce did.

'One for the money, two for the show
I love you honey, I'm ready, I'm ready to go
How did you get that way? I don't know
You're screwed up and brilliant
You look like a million dollar man
So why is my heart broke?'

Selina gasped for breathe as Bruce displayed just how well he knew her body and drew sadistic pleasure from her desperation.

He finally decided to fuck her. Not because he was showing her mercy, but because HE needed to be inside her. The delay in pleasure had been a torment for him too. Watching his Kitten's helpless and lust filled eyes plead for release, her naked breasts heaving as pleasure threatened to undo her. It had his cock throbbing.

As the song ended, Bruce had Selina on the bed and on her back. All thoughts, beside having his manhood invade her body, left her mind. Her legs wrapped around him, as if on their own volition and soon her was making love to her exactly the way she needed.

Several other songs played one after the other. All of them drowned out by Selina's screams and Bruce's grunts. The world faded away as they surrendered to each other.

"That song was about you, you know!" Selina said, tracing lazy circles on Bruce's chest as she lay on top of him. One of his hands had a relaxed grip on her thigh, the other was caressing her hair.

"Hmmm?" He grunted, not knowing what she was referring to.

"Billion Dollar Man", Selina replied, "Lisa Del Rey's song. It's about you."

"I never noticed."

"It was playing when you were punishing me." She said, playfully tickling his chest.

"You really think I'm going to notice a song when I'm doing that, Kitten?" Bruce asked her, gently holding her chin to make her look up at him.

"Well, listen. Pay close attention to the lyrics."

They lay together listening to the ode to Bruce Wayne's apparent emotional unavailability, that could sometimes border on the callous. A reminder that some beautiful hearts had been scarred in the midst of Catwoman and Batman's dance and their combined mission.

"That does sound like someone we both know." Bruce remarked, sounding almost amused. In time they both drifted off to sleep, as Lisa's voice continued to croon.

Together the Bat and the Cat were a formidable combination. Just what Gotham needed to cleanse her of the corrupt and the evil, and protect her innocents. But the fact remained. Getting too close to them, or simply being a part of their world, could cause the less formidable to be burned. Be it physically or emotionally.

'You're screwed up and brilliant
You look like a billion dollar man
So why is my heart broke?'


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