Fuck YouTube! Long Live Steemit! Long Live DTube!

in #nsfw7 years ago

Here you see an obnoxious man testing the new frontier that is Dtube to see just how anti-censorship it truly can be, and reveling in his newfound ability to be completely free as a creator and artist for perhaps the first time ever.

He squanders this gift on juvenile declarations of sexism, excessive racial epithets, and gratuitous nudity, because that's the American way!

▶️ DTube

Great to have you over here in Steemit!
Provided we approve.png

Hahaha that's great :D

"Broadcast Yourself"... they haven't used that slogan in years. They're very much aware of what they're becoming. :(

Hahaha, dude that video had me laughing to the point where my stomach hurt ;D

Happy to say that I was enjoying your work already 10 years ago, or whatever, when you started out. Watched less more lately as there's only so many times I can bother hearing every and which way in which SJWs are toxic and feminazis are... feminazis.

Looking forward to more videos from you man! Happy to have you here and glad that I can be able to support you.

I tried upvoting your comment a million times and it didn't work, so I tried downvoting to see if at least that worked and it did, but now I can't undo it...

the most annoying part of youtube is the ads

Omg lmfao . I do under stand your point that you can say what you please and no one can censor you. I can tell you love or hate humanity as a whole. You for sure do not discriminate! Bring it on .

I am celebrating your outcry for finally being free. Awesome video. Fuck YouTube! Fuck censorship. Fuck centralized control. Long live DTube and the Steem blockchain.

Edgelord in the house!

HAHA "ANd here is a Dick!" HAHAHA
This is going to be amazing man, speak that mind of yours please PLEASE! HAHA.

Also, there IS censorship on steemit but it comes in the form of steem power. If you piss off whales they can technically downvote the shit out of your stuff and that could cut into your profits. BUT if that were to happen it would likely cause a flag war.

This is the wild west and everyone with a shit load of steam power has a gun and they can use it however they want. If some dumbass like Shives shows up and drops a billion dollars on Steem power he would be able to technically down vote the shit out of anything he hates.

A cucked out billionaire could technically fuck this platform and censor it to hell and back.

With that said, what is most likely to happen is guys like you will already be established with a metric shit ton of steem power that not only will you be harder to downvote but you will be able to upvote your buddies who you are protecting.

Anyway its great to see you here man!!

edit : Self upvote for visibility. I normally don't do that shit with comments.

If a billionaire buys millions of Steem the price will rise and we will all be more powerful to counter his downvotes. But you are right, this remains a problem until we improve the code. And we WILL improve the code. It is just not important right now. Hardfork 20 will bring mass market adoption features like easier account creation. But the flagging system will not continue like this forever, I think.

The flagging system is fine. All it does is place us in a situation where you have to put your money where your mouth is. The wild west will have problems but most people who are politically correct are total dumb asses who will have almost no power here. They are grow dumber every day while they jack themselves off in echo chambers and safe spaces.

TJ wont have the kind of content that angers whales here because most whales don't care about this kind of stuff. The early adopter content creators will be the main people who will be the strongest and have the most influence.

Leave the flagging system alone. completely unregulated wild west is very much a needed aspect of the platform. Its a major attribute to cryptocurrency in general.

Just don't piss off a whale and you are fine I think lol.

Leave the flagging system alone. completely unregulated wild west is very much a needed aspect of the platform. Its a major attribute to cryptocurrency in general.
I agree that we should avoid regulation. I have critical content like alternative media in mind which could be de-moneytized here by undercover accounts. On the other hand the free market could and would react and counter that with multiplied attention.

It's a very difficult topic but code can always be improved to work in better ways.

Undercover accounts? How much steem power do they have? I think if you get someone with a tribalistic following then flagging is pretty risky even with a sock account. It would be really hard to cover your tracks on the blockchain to hide who provided the account with steem. Yikes

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

On that same note, I have seen some really wealthy dudes get their asses kicked in on this platform. Being a whale wont save you from negative reputation which I think pretty much destroys your downvote power.

The technical term is "censorship resistant". Like it's possible for a video with child porn or snuff film to be flagged into oblivion and in effect "censor" it. But now the power lies not on a board of some PC idiots who don't give a shit the content or the context of a "flaggable material" but on the hands of the audience.

Anyways yea its awesome to see @tjkirk on here. Freedom of expression for the fucking win!

I disagree.

  1. Even if you are flagged your content is still on the blockchain to be viewed. It is not taken down and thus you are not censored.
  2. Even if you are flagged and you earn little to no revenue from the Blockchain, you can still profit from having your own adds or receiving payments from readers or any other business models you implement.
  3. If you are producing content and getting flagged by "some cuck", unless you are directly harming the collective project that is STEEM, you will likely get an equal if not greater amount of support from other stakeholders and whales who are invested in STEEM because they see the value in an uncensorable platform for content sharing.

So people can say whatever the fuck they want, they can just not expect payments for whatever the fuck they want unless the support they receive exceeds the opposition they get. Which is how it should be imo.

Even if you are flagged your content is still on the blockchain to be viewed. It is not taken down and thus you are not censored.

You can potentially be demonetized. But yeah otherwise you cant really be censored. Nobody can take your stuff down.

Even if you are flagged and you earn little to no revenue from the Blockchain, you can still profit from having your own adds or receiving payments from readers or any other business models you implement.

I wonder if its possible to double dip using BAT tokens on Steemit. But also too nobody can prevent you from getting direct donations which is very easy to do. I wish they would add a donate button next to the upvote button. to be honest.

If you are producing content and getting flagged by "some cuck", unless you are directly harming the collective project that is STEEM, you will likely get an equal if not greater amount of support from other stakeholders and whales who are invested in STEEM because they see the value in an uncensorable platform for content sharing.

Very true. Also to be realistic, its probably never going to happen. Look at that fucking
Haejin guy posting terrible content and massively self upvoting himself for 400 USD each post. And that fucker has not been bothered by anyone, and anyone with half a brain can watch one of his videos and see that he is just out right raping the reward pool.

Aint nobody is going to get censored on this place, its technically possible but it isn't going to happen.

It wont cut the visibility among whoever allready follows you though, so unless that person has billions or trillions (i mean, if that where to happen the value of steem$ will rise) to spare, it will be very shortlived, i.e. till you upload more content.

Subscribed! Glad you see you're here! btw check out my channel TJ, for some more adult content (you might like lol XD)

Fuck all the big corporations that have been sellin us all out for years! We cannot have censorship when we live in a world full of fake news and biased opinions! Our country is changing in a big way right now, and I feel like those who are not Savvy enough will be left behind! I can't wait until we look back in a few years and look at Facebook how we all look at my-space today! image

Tell your Youtube audience to join Steemit/DTube so they can support you here!

I agree the more people we get to leave YouTube the better DTube will be. There is definitely some developments issues with the platform, but those things will only get fixed with public support.

Exactly, bring them all finally home!

Wow, this is absolutely huge for the community and TJ himself.

Only more and more content creators, big and small, will start migrating over to Steemit and Dtube due to the problems that TJ addressed.

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