She Lay All Naked

in #nsfw7 years ago

Image Source | Photo Owner | Image License CC0

She Lay All Naked


She lay all naked in her bed,
And I myself lay by;
No veil but curtains about her spread,
No covering but I:
Her head upon her shoulders seeks
To hang in careless wise,
And full of blushes was her cheeks,
And of wishes were her eyes.

Her blood still fresh into her face,
As on a message came,
To say that in another place
It meant another game;
Her cherry lip moist, plump, and fair,
Millions of kisses crown,
Which ripe and uncropped dangle there,
And weigh the branches down.

Her breasts, that welled so plump and high
Bred pleasant pain in me,
For all the world I do defy
The like felicity;
Her thighs and belly, soft and fair,
To me were only shown:
To have seen such meat, and not to have eat,
Would have angered any stone.

Her knees lay upward gently bent,
And all lay hollow under,
As if on easy terms, they meant
To fall unforced asunder;
Just so the Cyprian Queen did lie,
Expecting in her bower;
When too long stay had kept the boy
Beyond his promised hour.

‘Dull clown,’ quoth she, ‘why dost delay
such proffered bliss to take?
Canst thou find out no other way
Similitudes to make?’
Mad with delight I thundering
Throw my arms about her,
But pox upon’t ’twas but a dream.
And so I lay without her.

Poem Source


To add a bit of spice to my poetry collection, I decided to pick some erotic poem and with it a sexual photo.

Hey, poetry is not just about love, and and heroes and villains. There's some lust in there too. With the author's description of a womanly figure, a plum breast and sexy curves and yet towards the end, alas! tis but a dream.

I love anonymous authors. They give so much value, so much beauty and yet take no credit. Oftentimes it is them that makes the most wondrous of art.

Whoever you are, no matter when you wrote this be it yesterday or a hundred years prior. Someone like me still appreciates your work and in doing so has immortalized you into history by storing this piece on the steemit blockchain.

I own no rights to the poem nor the picture and have stated my sources.

Please support the arts, especially poetry as I fear it may be a dying breed in our culture.
-Sir. Picsalot

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