in #nsfw7 years ago (edited)

I have a friend who joined Steemit last week. I've been trying to get her to join Steemit for 18 months and was just giving myself a pat on the back for finally succeeding.

She is also my massage therapist and was doing deep work on my neck.

Which was bad timing because she chose that moment to point out all Steemit's short comings.

Starting with: "the search engine doesn't work at all - it's the most fucked up search engine in the history of the internet"

Mmmm, I mumbled.

And then she started asking questions like "how can I go back to a persons early posts without having to scroll all the way down their timeline?"

"That..." I began (I was going to say that is another major pain in the arse) when she told me to shut up, and stop trying to talk, because it made me tense my neck.

To tell the truth I think any mention of scrolling makes me go tense.

Here on Steemit we have a site filled to the eyeballs with tech geeks, coders and geniuses, but every time someone comments on one of my posts I have to scroll down through all the comments to find it and answer it.

No wonder my neck is tense. Why is it that Steemit has so many basic functions that don't even work? Anyone would think the site was designed by some clueless muppet like me that just wants to do posts about freaky shit. WTF?


And this brings me to spam. Yesterday I recieved a new low in spam comments.

Someone copied and pasted someone elses comment.

I'm told that popular authors get this regularly, but I'm not that popular and it was new to me.

I stared incredulously and tried not to tense my neck while I replied:

"Copy and paste somebody else's comment? - ARE YOU A FUCKING RETARD?"


I've noticed that certain tags attract spam like flies to shit - the worst being "funny" because every person in Bangladesh is waiting to comment with a variation of "thanks for shearing, much funny post follow me dear"

Because I think flagging sucks balls, I don't flag them, but I'm now going to stop politely asking if they are retarded and start being rude to the fuckers...

Here is a video on you tube about sticking your face up a cow's arse and blowing to increase milk production. It's brilliant and I've watched it three times because I'm a pervert and I really like the farting noises.


From now on I'm going to advise spammers to watch this video and contemplate where spamming will take them...



Yes, @sift666, I also told you yesterday that you can't even search internally for someone's name or a rare word that produces any result.

I know an NGO in New Zealand with ZERO money that improved their search function which now performs better that Steemit's.

Hopefully one day soon, one of the rich tech whales on here could hire another tech someone on here to fix the bugs and make the site more user-friendly. Especially for newbs like me!

Newb Boob.jpg

You know there are photos of your clinic on Steemit? - just do a search :)

Mongolian Girl and Camel- Laughing WITH.jpg

Forking A .. post. I don't have that problem of finding people's replies. I don't get any. But when I do I return to the previous page hit the comment a second time and wha-la takes me right to the comment. Don't forget to wipe you nose.


The having to scroll thru whole post to see comment is a newer update.When I joined in May of last year,if you clicked on comment ,it would open just that comment.
I miss that.
Just today I was commenting on a post,after several replies ,it got to where I got a message to click to see more replies that is some kind of endless feedback loop,where I could not access the comment I was trying to see.... grrr. so I have replies that I can half read,but not access... such an improvement! ....
lets hope they make better choices and improvements.

That annoying feeling when you watch Steemit going backwards. Again...

There are many a great feature on steemit that has been reversed. It makes me wonder if it's on purpose. Remember when you would get notifications that someone replied to one of your posts or comments? That was a great two weeks for that feature only to have it never return.

Of all the posts to check out right now in my current herbal haze, there couldn't have been one more perfect than this- HAHAHAAAA. Oh my God, I cracked up all the way through this. And I'm about to show Howie so he can confirm it's hilarious without the herbal haze too, LOL.

You are a bad influence!

Check out Don's hair too!

Wow. Just one wipe with the tail after it dumps, then straight back in. Do they not have bellows?
evil monkey.jpg
Awesome response to spam video though.

Yeah, the search facility is shite. Need the boffins to pull their finger out or put them on cow milking duties in wherever-the-hell-that was ^^


You sir are the man, call it like it is and F that flagging nonsense. Just got my rep downgraded for calling out someone "high up" about flagging someone else. Keep up the good work!

Rule 1 of Steemit

Never call out anyone high up...

I expect a photo of your neck getting tense about scrolling.

my neck is getting tense seeing all the spam comments I just got! :)

I actually ask clients to remove eyewear during sessions @sift666

And patches of hair on their necks...

AUHAUHAUHAUHAUAH this made me laugh so badly :D

I've really been wondering about the basic features for a while myself. I'm not a coder, but a lot of them seem like they would be easy to fix since they work on places like busy.org and other similar sites. It's a little weird that there isn't so much more development done on the site. I'm sure things are being worked on but there should be new updates rolling out left and right to get this place modernized and functional.

I started thinking I may have to bite the bullet and start using Busy, but I just had a look and it now seems to be stuck on the giant facefuck display option with the option to change it removed - so I won't be using the site with the retarded name after all

I can't get over the need to click to view the comments on busy. The comments are most times just as entertaining as the post and having to click that extra button to view them when I'm done reading each post is too annoying for me to hold my attention.

Great contribution.
Like is so much.
Thanks for shear it.

Happy Steeming.

How is the milk production of your cows?

OH that was sick completely euwwwwww

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