Good Job Making More Victims FOSTA/SESTA
Looks like FOSTA AND SESTA are already punishing legal adult workers lickity split!!
Our best payment processing option for cammodels worldwide, First Choice Pay is in liquidation as their bank hath pulled out of the Adult Industry!
I may not even be able to cam for much longer as both of my main source of income are now being rerouted to my paxum account..
of which they aren't offering cards at all for another month....
and whose options for payout otherwise include WIRE with mad fees or a check that will take forever to get here.
Nevermind all the models who are even MORE international who have NO IDEA how they're getting paid, period!
So thanks SO much to all you great celebrities who wanted to stop people from doing something they love and do of their own free will in a sicko attempt to pretend you give a fuck about the actual victims of sex trafficking!
Looks like due to your stupid new law you're scaring off any credible company that will work with amateur NSFW content creators and making it so some of us at least will have to resort to even riskier sex work!
Woah, wait did you say we just made MORE victims rather than less?
Why, that's correct! Now you're gettin it!
Remember when they shut down and pretended that was going to help?
Nope! Now all those escort who were doing it in a safer environment get to go back to the streets and work for pimps and be what you were trying to help them not be...
whats the word again?
thats right, VICTIMS!!!!
So ya as we can all tell I am in a mood most foul today.
I will most likely discuss this in more detail on @dlive tonight for a very anger installment of POLITICAL PORNO.
Cos..I am pissed.
Side note, VIT released their test net of their site...and it looks..JUST LIKE STEEMIT...
which i kinda creepy since they pulled out of being part of steemit at all so...
check it out here:
and tell me your thoughts in the comments!
My thoughts: the first person to make a platform on steemit that has live streaming AND supports the ability to tip in room [kind of like dlive donate but more visible to the with dlivelabs type of code built in maybe?] will be rich as fuck
Since, a lot of cammodels have it even worse off than i do and can't figure out ANY way to get paid out on many of the top sites right now.
It's pretty messed up...
This may be the end of quality amateur porn...
If you haven't and have NO idea wtf FOSTA/SESTA is check out my helpful "Political Porno" on the subject:
So I spent all of yesterday and half of today, seeking out and updating my payment info everything...
and I'm still not done....
Anyways enjoy these pics I should have posted yesterday but I didn't have time cos I was busy WATCHING THE WORLD BURN
There is a huge, multifront attack on sex workers right now. Many harmful proposals are touted under false pretenses and deceive the public of their total scope. This is especially disappointing because we are reaching a place in adult entertainment and sex work where women who would have often been viewed as props in the past are finally able to control (to a larger degree) the narrative of what sex work is all while producing, owning and distributing their own content and services. I personally know a few different wonderful, happy, and empowered people who are sex workers or who work in adult entertainment and lately I find myself more and more worried about their safety and livelihoods.
This is especially ridiculous given the frequency with which adult entertainment and sex work is 'consumed.' Nearly everyone enjoys the products of the adult industry, but very few are willing to stand up for (or even refrain from attacking) those who provide them (especially if the provider is a woman).
I thank people like yourself for helping to raise awareness around these issues. If only we could get the rest of the consumers out there to take a stand with you guys.
Thanks for all your hard work!
yep it really sucks. def an attack by our governments on amateur sex workers for sure. we are all feeling it very hard..i have friends who got into camming to get off escorting on the streets who are thinking of going back since they can't get payment processors in their countries sucks sooo bad...
welp it looks like its happening. Um that platform you talked about
One of the key businesses that we are working on in conjunction with our debit card banking platform is the creation of a network of payment solutions. This is targeted towards webcam models and the affiliates that promote these websites. It is no secret that models want to get paid daily and in cash. Most want to stay out of the limelight as well. Privacy and real anonymity are key elements of this business. Nobody is better positioned to capitalize on market opportunity as we are. The division is called TokenCams and the objective is quite clear. To provide the payment card solutions for models and affiliates of adult webcam sites. We have met with several key players in the industry, both in Japan and Latin America. Everybody we have spoken to is interested in this solution as well as the integration of secure and private TPAY merchant processing for the respective websites. High demand for this service and we will aim to fill it very quickly." ""
I am so sorry this is happening to you it seems the world right now is going retrograde in so many things. People really need to understand the service sexworkers do for the safty of so many women and the emotional support of many men who otherwise frankly said would never get laid. Have you thought of creating your own platform? I mean you are obviously smart as a whip there has to be a way that you and maybe some other girls and guys you know from the business can band together and make it happen. Also you look amazing in that last shot :)