Dickpics on request
And now for something completely different
It is not often you are asked by a woman to send her some dickpics – but I just was. A friend of my wife is making brooches with nude ladies embroidered on badges. Embroidery seems to be all the rage among jewelery artists in Copenhagen these days- (Maybe interesting for @vermillionfox).

Now she want to expand the concept and go for some brooches with the good ol’ one eyed trout. So I made her these six drawings, trying to get as close to her simple and naive style.

She is already at work with the first one she says, so I guess I will be able to bring you the finished artworks soon.

Magnificent. Balls-ey move there. It seems like a style which is hard to create work on :D
When she asked me I had a hard time maintaining my stiffy upper lip.
Everything in this post looks like penis. Reminds me of Disneyland. 😆
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