Is rubbing horseradish on my nipples a good idea?
I'm going to find out.
Of course, I'm terrified. Anyone who's had a big bite of horseradish or wasabi knows that feeling of absolutely burning and fire that engulfs their face, nose and throat. It's purest madness. I want sensations that intense in my nipples.
They're already quite sensitive, so I'm wondering if this will make me into some sort of depraved girl who's moaning and begging for more. I might just go past all sane limits of lust.
But my friend said she has tried this before, without much luck. But I still feel compelled to attempt it.
For science. If you want to know the results of the experiment, upvote and make a comment below.
If this post is popular, I'll follow it up with another one later, telling you all about what happened.
Heheh, it's gonna be great.