Mother & son discover stranded discover - 3

in #nsfw8 years ago (edited)

"So tell me. I can help. I promise." She gave him such a warm and understanding look that before he knew it he told her everything.

Told her how he had done his best to make out with Katie, but his lack of experience made him nervous and unsure of himself. Bottom line—Katie was less than impressed. Told her how when the whole ordeal was over and he was on his way home with the other guys they were all bragging about how they made out with their girls and much, much more. They teased Jimmie that he probably didn't even feel Katie up. He hadn't.

The next day at school Katie broke up with him. Then just today, before the call came to rescue his mom, he had been over her house, still helping her with her homework, and begging for a second chance when finally she told him to just leave her alone. Period. Exclamation point. Done.

"So now you feel like you are somehow less of a man because your friends were teasing you and Katie thinks you don't know how to kiss and you didn't try to even feel her up a bit."

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up Mom, I am a failure with girls."

"You are not a failure son, just ahh inexperienced and naive is all. Katie was your first real girlfriend right?" Ellen looked at her son with a most alluring smile before she added faintly, "Other than me of course."

She moved a bit closer after flashing her pretty smile to him while letting the blanket slide down her chest revealing once again that alluring bra to his hungry eyes.

"Yes, Mom she is . . . ahh I mean was now stop teasing me."

He tried not to stare too hard at his mom's chest while wishing to hell she was his girlfriend. He suddenly felt shame at such an appalling thought and turned away from her. He moved away- across the seat to the opposite corner- and stared out the window into the darkness.

"I am not teasing son. I am serious. I mean don't you remember how you used to think I was your girlfriend when you were little. God, you were so jealous of me."

"Yeah well, I ain't little anymore."

"Maybe it's not that, maybe it's just your mom is not girlfriend worthy anymore as she is now old and washed up."

"You ain't old." Jimmie stared glumly out the window. Talking about the whole ordeal with Katie has depressed the hell out of him.

"I'm 44," Ellen said simply. Sadly.

"So? You still look great," he half mumbled while still staring morosely out the window into the darkness.

She sensed his sadness as any good mother would have so she moved closer to him. Her heart was set on providing him comfort in his time of need. Emotional comfort for sure. Physical comfort—if she played her cards right. She just needed to steer the conversation in the right direction.

"Yeah right. I look so great and that is why you would rather stare out the damn window than look at me."

He glanced over at her quickly and seen she was making no attempt to hide the upper half of her body under the blanket. He swallowed hard unsure of what to do.

He turned away to gaze out the window again and then remembered that would only further upset her so the twisted his face back towards her. Her soft smile is disarming. The colorful bra tantalizing. The sexy panties dangerous.

She reached out and took one of his hands in hers and spoke tenderly, "So you did not get very far with Katie, so my guess is she put her tongue in your mouth and you did not respond well because you were inexperienced with that sorta of kissing. Maybe kinda of got nervous coz you did not know what to do."


"Shh let me finish. Maybe we can both help each other out. Right now my self-esteem is suffering greatly as my son finds a few stupid rocks and trees outside the window better to stare at than his half-dressed mother that he claims to find so beautiful."

"Mom I do-"

"Let me finish," she interrupted him gravely. There was a brief moment of silence as Ellen composed her thoughts.

"Listen baby, I know you are in pain from what happened. Let me take your pain away and at the same time maybe you can warm me up too in the process. Take a look at me hon, can't you see how cold I am."

He stared at the goose bumps that were forming up and down her bare arms, but more importantly he noted something else. The twin outlines of her extremely erect nipples were pressing invitingly up against her bra.

"Jesus Mom put the blanket back around you." He was making a real effort not to stare at her tits but it was a losing battle.

Despite his protests, Ellen made no attempt to hide herself under her blanket. Quite to the contrary, she left her blanket bundled up in the other corner of the backseat. He doesn't know what to say or why she left it there. It's like she wanted him to look at her half naked body.

Instead, she makes a startling revelation to him. "Yeah well I have a confession to make in that regards. The blanket no matter how tightly I wrap it around myself does not keep me nearly as warm as when I notice you staring at my chest hon. I . . . well that just sets my heart racing and warms me up so much."

There is a moment of silence between them while the raw sexual tension between them rose to an almost unbearable level before she leaned and whispered pleasantly in his ear, "Don't you want me to take away your pain while at the same time you will be warming me up?"

He shrugged his shoulders unsure of what to say. That was exactly the reaction she expected from him - uncertainty—and she was well prepared for it.

She used both hands to turn his face towards her and keep it in place. "I have a most wonderful suggestion of a rather nice way you can help warm your mother up hon."

She slipped under his blanket and nestled up close to him not waiting or needing a reply from him. She had a plan or maybe better yet a trap and was about to spring it on him.

She moves her mouth to his ear and begins to whisper tenderly to him. "It's a known fact that when someone is kissed by someone they really, really love it raises their body temperature and since I really, really do love you Jimmie maybe you should try and give me a whole bunch of kisses until I'm all warmed up."

"Really Mom you want me to kiss you?"

"If I have to ask twice I am going to be hurt sweetheart and since your heart needs mending from what that bitch Katie did to you I should be allowed to kiss you back. You know only a mother's kisses, soft and sweet, warm and loving, can truly heal a baby's broken heart." She whispered all this solemnly as she intently stared at him. He had no reason to doubt she is anything but serious.

He said nothing, instead he wrapped an arm around her and gave her two affectionate caresses of his lips upon each of cheeks in turn before shyly pulling back.

"Honey if you are going to start a fire inside of me you need to do better than that. Your kisses need to be . . ." She patiently brought one finger up to her lips and whispered a single word that set his heart on fire, "Here," she breathed so soundlessly that he felt he had fallen asleep maybe and was dreaming.

He sighed heavily while basking in the warmth of his mother's intense beauty so near to him. Her face is so close, her lips so near, that he found it impossible to stop what happened next.

Their lips came together. Slowly they kissed- soft and sweet at first- honeyed, delicate kisses that break off almost as soon as they start. Their soft kisses, so full of caring kindhearted affectionate, are shared in an intense isolated silence that served only to augment the enflamed atmosphere.

The rain, for the moment, has stopped falling in this pristine alpine forest prison where they find themselves trapped by their desperate fiery adoration for one another. Their soothing, tender kisses soon give away to longer, deeper kisses.

Ellen remained in charge not letting her timid 18 year old son back away from her. She kissed him over and over again each kiss more aggressive, more affectionate, than the last.

Finally, she drew her mouth away. "Honey you are not such a bad kisser. You just need practice."


"Really, in fact I think you should let me show you how women really like to be kissed. Follow my lead sweetheart and then take over."

Her hands glided up to his face and brought it close. Their lips come together and they kissed- this time with no pretense of innocence. She let her tongue slip out and slowly, carefully swirled it around in his mouth. She felt him tense momentarily before he relaxed allowing the unthinkable to happen.

She pulled back and cooed, "Now. Let's try that again but this time don't tense up sweetie. Instead relax and enjoy my tongue in your mouth and then it's your turn. Kiss me like back leading with your tongue."

Their lips crash together once more as Jimmie was impatient to do exactly as his mother wanted. He felt her tongue slip into his mouth and this time welcomed it. As soon as she withdrew it he tentatively slipped his tongue out to return the favor finding her mouth to be warm and inviting. He also found his cock to be growing hard as they continue their little kissing 101 session.

The tension inside the backseat of the car becomes neigh unbearable as his restless hands skated all over her exposed tummy while she traced miniature circles with her fingernails on his bare chest.

Both of their hands desired more. Both wanted to go in opposite directions. Hers wanted to slip down and across his chest, past his stomach to the front of his briefs, maybe because the earlier sight of her son's large bulge still burned bright in her mind.

As for his hands, they badly wanted to skate upwards to the swell of his mother's breasts. To fondle them while feeling the silkily smoothness of that pretty turquoise bra would be a dream come true. But both of them showed restraint and kept their hands in a holding pattern if only for the moment.

They spent the next few minutes letting their tongues work their magic on each other before breaking off their kisses. She pulled back and beamed at him.

"You are a fast learner sweetheart," she says as she pulls the blanket back up covering her desirable chest.

"I c-can't believe we are kissing like that. I mean -"

Ellen promptly interrupts him as she does not want to go down the path of "what is right, what is wrong".

"Sweetheart don't dare say it's wrong. I bet the whole time we were kissing you didn't think of Katie one time. Am I right?"

He nodded his head in agreement. Katie, indeed, was nowhere near his thoughts for the first time since she had dumped him.

"And your kisses made me forget about the coldness in the car, but more important the coldness in my life. Your father has never made me feel desirable Jimmie and you just don't know how important that is to a woman, especially as she gets older."

"Mom you are desirable!!" he blurted out.

She leaned back slightly from him, letting the blanket drop away from her upper body. "Desirable enough where you may want to try and feel me up when we start kissing again."

Jimmie, at first anyways, was thunderstruck at his mom's suggestion, but then made a quick decision that she was simply teasing him a bit. Probably. So he decided to ignore her comment about wanting to feel her up and focus on the kissing comment only.

"What, so you want to kiss some more?" He replied shyly not believing she enjoyed it enough to want more.

"Don't you?"


"Kiss me and since," she paused dramatically before she continued. "You missed out on feeling up Katie, well I was thinking why not take a chance . . . and try to feel up your mother."

"Mom!!" Damnit stop teasing me. It ain't funny," he barked at her.

Ellen looked at her son seriously. "Mom is not teasing baby. Those demons will bother you for some time unless you exorcise them tonight here and now with me. You know maybe it was not all your fault. Maybe Ms. Katie was simply not aggressive enough with you. Not a problem I will have."

Jimmie said nothing. He swallowed hard. He continued to stare at her chest fixedly. His dick was stiffer than it had ever been in his life.

When he does not respond Ellen, the whiskey making her feel so carefree and flirtatious, figured what the hell, let's see just how far I can tease him before he snaps.

"Well you were so desperate to get your mom's blouse off of her so I can't imagine you . . ." She tilted her head at him seductively while at the same time she pushed her chest out towards him. She prayed he took the bait. "Not wanting to feel me up a bit."

"Mom, it was your idea to take your blouse off," he retorted going on the defensive while conveniently forgetting that it was his idea that she should take her blouse off.

"Hmm well yeah that is not the way I remember it, but regardless ever since I've had it off I have noticed the shy little subtle glances you have been casting towards my chest, which only leads me to believe you were not lying when you told me earlier how pretty, real pretty that is, your mother's new bra looked on her."

"I wasn't lying, it is pretty Mom."

She decided to go for broke. She looked at him deep in the eyes and said warmly, "So aren't you just a little curious to find out if your mother's new bra feels as good as it looks."

She was glad when he didn't answer, but instead just sat there and fidgeted nervously. She liked the feeling of being in control and calling the shots. She reached out and stroked the side of his face before she took his hands into hers.

She carefully guided his hands upwards- off of her lap- and onto the smooth plain of her bare tummy.

"I am curious a-about that but . . . w-would you let me do that Mommy?"

He called her "Mommy" by accident as it just sort of slipped out. It's like he had slipped back into a time when she was the all-powerful queen and ruler of his world and he always called her "Mommy" with such sweet reverence.

That simple word and its meaning was not lost on Ellen. She jumped on it, meaning to use it for all it's worth. She sensed he too has fallen under the same lecherous magic spell that has taken her heart away and made it hunger for what a mother should not hunger for.

Ellen fully planned on capitalizing on that simple word while introducing the theme she hoped it would produce between them. A theme of purity, innocence and beauty that exists between mother and son transported into the wicked environment of what was happening in the back seat of this old battered Cadillac. She sensed the underlying theme of innocence especially shall appeal to her heart-broken son.

"Of course baby. But only if you tell me . . ." She paused before beginning to guide his hands upwards before introducing this new theme. "Mommy will be the first."

"The first?"

The muted tapping of rain that fell mild and gentle upon the car's roof created a mesmerizing effect. In the darkness of the backseat this effect seemed in direct contrast to the otherwise corrupt atmosphere slowly building between mother and son.

"That mine will be the first breasts you ever explored. It would just melt my heart sweetheart to know that my breasts will be the first those sweet virgin hands of yours have ever touched, have ever fondled."

He is beginning to suspect that he has opened some new door when he called her "Mommy" by accident just a moment ago. It looked as though she relished thinking of him as her adorable baby boy.

"This could work to my advantage," Jimmie pondered. He was not at all thinking like an innocent baby but scheming like an adult as he lowered the tone of his voice while trying to make it sound as cute and childlike as possible.

"Y-yes they would be Mom-Mommy."

She steered his hands up to a few inches below the gentle rise of her tits before stopping. She said nothing for a moment letting the unbearable sexual tension that had been gradually building all night rise even more.

"Really wow. I feel so special."

"Well you should because you are special Mommy." Jimmie again swallowed hard; his self-effacing nervousness is offset by the growing hardness inside his briefs.

"You have been dreaming of touching them all night huh. Tell Mommy you have been please little boy." Her voice was so pleading, so soft and sugary, yet with a desperation that he found heart-warming.

Just as he heard the impatient imploring in his mother's voice it dawned on him what maybe she was doing. By referring to herself as "Mommy" and him as "baby" or "sweetie" or most especially "little boy" she was trying to maintain a semblance of innocence between them. Probably so she won't feel so guilty about what is happening.

If he didn't understand the game she was playing fully before he certainly understood it now. He decided it would very much be to his benefit to "play along" with this not so innocent little fantasy she had created in her mind.

He dove in head first. "Mommy I, yes I mean I h-have been dreaming of playing with your boobies for so long." His hands crept slowly upward and then pause.

"Oh really," Ellen answered with a bemused little smile on her face. She was truly ready to go all in now on the fantasy she had created for them.

"So that means you are going to be a brave and see if Mommy's bra feels as nice as it looks?"

"Oh, can I please Mommy?" He gazed tenderly into her face trying to appear as adorable as possible sure this was what she wanted.

"Of course, sweetheart you know Mommy never, ever can deny her adorable little boy anything he wants." She quickly decided that while the sweet and innocent theme is nice he needed a reminder, every now and then anyways, that he is a grown man so she looked at him seriously and said, "Of course my little boy is . . ."

She carefully pulled back the blanket that was covering the lower half of his body. Her breath catches in her throat as her son is sporting an extremely rather large bulge under his white briefs. It was quite large enough where it literally takes her breath away.

"Jesus, not so little anymore, but big and strong and quite hard it appears," she finished while she stared pointedly at his crotch.

Jimmie's hands, emboldened by this glowing compliment, felt confident like a man's, yet still innocent much like new born baby exploring things for the first time, move unflinchingly upwards towards the mild ascent of her petite boobs so enticingly clad under that tantalizing turquoise bra of hers. He began to explore them slowly, carefully through the maddening plush material of her bra.

"Oh, that is it, baby." She murmured as she rested her head back against the seat. "Do they feel nice?"

"Y-yes Mommy," he pants barely able to believe this fantastic fantasy was actually happening.

Jimmy continued to rub his hands all over her bra experiencing the feel of her heavenly boobs underneath to his heart's contents. Finally, Ellen let out a mild sigh and pulled him into her arms. They exchanged a pair of slow and easy kisses that soon turned into several long hot sizzling kisses that made their earlier make out session seem innocent in comparison.

Sometime during the kiss, she noticed Jimmy becoming brave and reaching out with his hands to explore her tits once more. Breaking the kiss off she senses it's time to advance their game to the next level.

She swung one leg over and positioned herself where she was straddling him. He required no prompting this time as he eagerly used both hands to attack her breasts with untamed vigor.

She let him play with her boobies for a bit before she whispered, honey dripping from her tender voice, "Do you wanna see them baby?"

"Y-yes." His voice came out in a hoarse whisper full of a terrible craving to finally see his mom's bare tits.

"Will mine be the first you have ever seen, other than in a movie or pictures of course."

"Yes," he answered truthfully, his voice barely rising above a whisper.

She looked at him with a sly smile as she leaned closer. "Go ahead then and unhook your Mommy's bra sweetheart."

His hands moved around to her back while his heart trip-hammered inside his chest as his fingers commenced a fumbling, bumbling attack upon the intricate hook and eye closure. He tried to undo it, but the elaborate hooks befuddle his novice fingers.

Ellen sensed her son's growing frustration and came to his rescue. "Here sit back and let Mommy do it, baby," she whispered using one hand to push him back against the seat.

His hands fell away as his poor heart continued to pound away inside his chest. He finds it fantastic the very first bare boobs he will ever set eyes upon will be his mother's.

He watched with rapt attention as she reached back and undid her bra with little effort and then slipped it down tantalizing slow off of her breasts revealing inch by inch the heaven underneath.

She tilted her head to one side and in a honeyed maternal voice sighed, "Do you like them, sweetheart."

"Oh, God yes, Mommy they are so . . ." His voice caught in his throat momentarily before he could finish. "Beautiful."

She took his hands up and guided them to her breasts. "I'm so glad you like them, sweetie. Now that Mommy's bra is not in the way you can really play with them huh baby?"

His hands provided the answer as they eagerly fondled her breasts. Like a novice explorer in a new land sampling forbidden treasures he took his time investigating every inch of her luscious little boobs. He especially enjoyed how when he flickered his fingers over her fully erect nipples she would let out a subdued moan so he decided to concentrate his efforts there.

His hands and fingers lightly brushed over the entire surface area of her breasts. He traced lines and patterns near her nipples coming ever so close before backing away. Finally figuring that he had teased her enough he slowly scraped his fingernails over her stiff nipples sending shock waves of pleasure throughout her body.

He was delighted much like a baby playing with a new toy would be to witness this amazing new thing of how her nipples snap to attention whenever he flickered his fingers lightly across them.

Jimmie boldly explored his mom's nipples to his heart's content. He traced his fingers slowly over each one before using his thumbs to brush her rigid nipples back and forth several times. This elicited a quiet moan from her. By the third time he has done this she was squirming in his lap losing control.

Her eyes opened as she raised her head up and grabbed his hands yanking them away. Surprised, he wondered if he did something wrong.

"You have been teasing Mommy for too long. Jesus, you need to give me more!"

part One :

The second part :

the third part :

part Four :

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