Swing Swing #9: The FuckbuddiessteemCreated with Sketch.

in #nsfw8 years ago (edited)


I blinked and read the message again. His offer was just too good to be true. A tranny and a milf all for me? Five years I’d been trolling underground dating sites for an easy lay and now this guy was just going to give it to me?

“I don’t pay for sex,” I messaged to him.

Tittycaca messaged back. “Lol, no charge. Do you wanna come?”

I scratched my chin and thought about it. There had to be a catch but I couldn’t see one so I accepted.

“Cool,” said Tittycaca. “ Park Plaza in Stoke-On-Trent at 7:30 on Wednesday night.”

I didn't think I’d go. Something about Tittycaca’s offer smelled rotten yet too tempting too resist. A milf and a tranny, huh? Two things on my sex bucket-list that I needed to cross off. Female Caucasian makes three.

Stoke-On-Trent was just a bus-ride up the road. Wednesday found me on my way there in the middle of my first snowstorm. I wore gloves and the thickest jacket I owned and they still weren’t enough to keep me warm. My fingers felt like they were about to snap and fall off. When I got off the bus I dashed into the nearest cab and managed to keep myself from shaking for long enough to tell him to go to Park Plaza.

“You sure?” said the cabbie. The collar on his coat was so high that I could only see half of his head. “It’s like just round the corner.”

People like this are the reason that Britain is a first world country and Kenya isn’t. Kenyan drivers would never reveal such information. Hell, they’d take you round the venue twice just to hike your fare.

But I didn't care. I’d rather drive to Hanley and back then step out into that horrible cold. I texted Tittycaca and told him I’d arrived. He told me to wait outside. No fucking way I was going to stand and wait in the cold while the snow fell on my head and gave me a brain-freeze.

I let the meter run while Tittycaca did God-knows-what. Patience is my least favorite virtue. The meter on the cab kept ticking and if it went any farther then I wouldn’t have been able to afford the next day's dinner. The cab guy did look a little disappointed when I gave him the money and got out. There was no wind but the air was so cold that it felt like it was taking small bites out of my skin.

The hotel entrance had one of those revolving doors. With a little more tact I could have gone to chill in the warm reception but the possibility of me being asked what I was doing there freaked me out more than the threat of freezing to death.

Two other guys stood out there with me. One tall and white, the other was stocky and looked Carribean-ish. Both were doing their best not to make eye contact. My phone buzzed in my pocket and the other two guys looked at their phones at the same time. The stocky guy with the curly hair broke for the door first, the white guy followed and I brought up the rear. We all went strait for the elevator and got off at the same floor and straitened out our collars as Curly knocked on the door.

A short round balding man opened the door with a wide smile. He could only be Tittycaca.

“Come in, come in,” he said.

Tittycaca bounced into the room, rubbing his hands. One other guy was already in there, a skinny Asian lad. The rest of us shuffled in and made ourselves comfortable in random corners. One other guy was already there, a skinny Asian lad. The rest of us shuffled around the room and started to make small talk while Tittycaca passed beers around. My palms were sticky and I was sweating through my shirt. Everything about this situation felt awkward.

“…what about you, then?” Tittycaca said while pointing at me.

I froze with my eyebrows high and tried to act like I’d been paying attention.

“Sammy,” I said reflexively. Something felt wrong about giving them my real name.

“Cool. I’m Pete by the way. Where you from?”


“What, like in Africa?” he chortled at his own non-joke. “What are you doing here then? You must be like some kind of Prince. You ever seen Coming To America?”

Was he serious?

“I’m not a prince,” I said. “I’m just hear for Uni.”

“Nice. We love a horny student, don’t we ladies?” He turned towards the bathroom and called out. “Ladies! Get out here before the boys get cold.”

The bathroom door opened and a cream-colored woman in her 40s stepped through. She wore a pink/white lace lingerie, the type designed to hide rolls where there aren’t supposed to be any. Besides the slight roundness to her she was quite alright. A solid 5. The kind of chick you’d take on a ride just for fun but not really break your neck trying to get her.

Behind her was a lady whose body looked like a box with curves in the middle. She strutted in on knee-high leather boots and leather lingerie. A weird tingle ran down my shaft when I saw her, a mixture of confusion and arousal. She winked at me and I blushed.

The blonde woman, amnesia strikes me every time I try to remember her name, came close to me and leaned back on the desk across from me. She looked me up and down like she was analyzing a peace of meat at the butchershop and that made me even more fidgety. I had no idea what to do with myself so I reached for my favorite solution to such awkwardness.

“You guys don't mind if I smoke, do you?” I said.

Blondey’s face grimaced and she folded her arms on her chest.

“Ew, I hate smokers,” she said with an accusing glance in Pete’s direction. Pete shrugged and popped off the chair and started rubbing his hands.

“ Alright boys,” said Pete. “Skinny-on down and show these girls what you’re working with.”

Just like we would have in a high-school locker room, we stripped down. Piled our clothes in their heaps. The beer was meant to help me calm down but it was the act of taking off my clothes that really cooled my nerves. I could finally breathe.

When I looked up I noticed Leeyah, the tranny, staring at my junk. She sat on the bed, her legs crossed and her right thigh exposed all of the way up to her hip. They had good tone, with that little ridge up the centre. She lifter her right knee back up and flashed her crotch at me. There was an unmistakeable bulge.

“You’re sweet,” she said with a flick of her long black hair. She waked up to me and placed a hand on my thigh, tracing light patterns on the inside.

Up on the bed curly-haired guy already had blondey laid out on the sheets, her legs spread as wide as they’d go. My neck craned to get a look at her snatch but curly-haired guy’s face was so deep in her clunge he probably still has her juice in his hair.

Leeyah pulled my head back and tutted.

“Pay attention here,” she said. “Or am I not cute enough for you?”

I didn't know how to answer that. I hadn't seen that many trannies up close but as far as I could tell, she was pretty cute. Her long, black hair fell past her shoulders and the twinkle in her eye promised fun.

Her hand went farther up my leg towards my crotch, then she grabbed my boxer shorts and pulled them down, put my wood in her mouth and started rubbing it against her lips.

“Wow, you’re a big boy,” she said as the pressure in my cock increased. She took it all in this time and I rolled my head back in my seat. She definitely knew what she was doing.

Whatever Curly was doing, Blondey was really feeling it because her moans filled the roam. I looked up and saw the white guy shut her up by sticking his shaft in her mouth. Tittycaca, in the far corner, stroked his wood furiously.

“This is such a lovely cock,” said Leeyah, then she got up on her feet and whispered in my ear. “You don't mind if Pete sucks it too, do you?”

The request caught me off-guard. I was used to sucking on old men’s cocks, not the other way around. But my head was too full of euphoria to think it through so I just nodded my head and she waved Paul over. He came over with a big smile on his face and got on his knees next to Leeyah.

“Oh, that’s a big one,” he said and started to work the bottom of the shaft while Leeyah rolled her tongue over the top.

Pete started to suck and stroke more aggressively then pushed Leeyah off. I didn't mind because he was actually better at it. Not quite as good to look at so I just rolled my eyes back and enjoyed the feeling of my wood pressing against the back of his throat. He choked on it like a champ.

Leeyah winked at me and went over to the Asian lad. The next time I looked up, he had her in doggy style, pounding her like a jack-rabbit. Her cute little dick with the excess foreskin flopped limply against her thigh and I got the sudden urge to have her in my mouth. I pulled Pete off of me and he looked at little hurt but I pointed to the bed. He followed me there as I lowered myself underneath Leeyah and took her cock in my cock. Pre-cum dripped through her foreskin and it tasted lovely. The Asian guy kept pounding, I kept tonguing and Pete, Tiittycaca, kept choking on me. Beside us the white guy and Curly had switched roles, with Curly on her mouth and the other guy pounding. Ever single one of us looked like we were about to cum.

The Asian lad shot first. He pulled out of Leeyah with a satisfying slurp and I took that to mean it was my turn. I pulled up behind Leeyah, rubbered up, and turned her over onto her back. Doggy is fun, but I had other plans for her. She lifted her feet onto the bed and I hooked under knees with my elbows. Folded her over until her heels were behind her ears, her cheeks spread wide. My favorite position for deep penetration.

She took all 8 inches. I had her balls deep, deeper than I’d ever gotten into any asshole and it was amazing.

“Don’t cum yet,” she whispered in my ear as my grunts got more intense.

Fat chance of that happening with a condom on.

“Only if you cum in my mouth,” I replied.

“Oh, you naughty boy,” she said. “I want to do it now.”

I pulled out and Leeyah got to her knees. Held her tiny cock between her thumb and forefinger and started working it. I kneeled down in front her, mouth wide open in giddy anticipation. Her body got tense and she thrust her hip forward and warm fluid filled my mouth. It was the best cum I’d ever tasted; light and watery and not too sour. I swallowed and kept sucking. I wanted more but she pulled back.

“Your turn,” she said and propped her ass in the air. I jizzed ten seconds later. Popped a hot load all over her right ass-cheek. Pete appeared out of nowhere and hoovered my spunk off her ass with his mouth. Looked like he wanted more too.

By that point the Asian lad the white guy were already gone. They left as soon as they popped but Curly and I had the stamina of lions. He kept Blondey moaning and I kept stretching Leeyah’s ass. I jizzed two more times before we called it a night.

And what a night it was. I didn't get to fuck Blondey like I wanted but better lays were yet to come. And Leeyah rocked my world.

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