Now Playing: Week 51 (Dec 16 - Dec 22)
Now Playing: Week 51 (Dec 16 - Dec 22)
Now Playing
is a way to share what you're listening to this week with others.
Steemit Now Playing Rules
Week 51 spans from Sun. Dec 16 to Sat. Dec 22 |
#nowplaying must be the first tag |
Now Playing Week 51 must be in the title of your post |
Add a link to your post in the comments of this post |
Upvote this post and at least one other #nowplaying entry |
Rewards from this post will be split among all contributors equally |
A contributor is anyone who follows all of the above rules |
Enjoy friends:
Can never go wrong with some Grateful! I know they are quite a well-known band but I feel like they don't get the airtime and praise now as much as they deserve.
Best of Bernstein!
I know I've said it before, but once again I really enjoy that you find these well captured live performances for the songs!
I think live performances are the real truth of bands (artists). It's obvious that sometimes it's very hard to match studio performances with the direct playing but you can take a good vision of what are the actual value of their work.
Love going to gigs btw.
Thanks for your comments and all the nice stuff and good vibes you add to our community @yamaagni.
Thank you guys for the mention as always. :)
Excuse me that this time I haven't complied with the rule indicated in the quote. But as you can appreciate this one today has been a very special #nowplaying entry for me.
However, I included the tag at the end and also I've upvoted this post.
Over here the link to my especial entry for this Week 51.
Cheers!! :)
Dude you are more than excused and it's always nice to have you around.
Muchas gracias mi querido amigo por tu constante y siempre bienvenido apoyo!! :)
Ambos sabemos que la música es lenguaje universal, pero quizás también ya vaya siendo hora de enseñarles a todos alguito de nuestro muy castizo español e inclusive mi extravagante spanglish Jajajajaja.
Un fuerte abrazo!! :)
Merry Christmas all the family :)
Happy Holidays errbody here is my wrap up of my favourite 5 songs released this past week with a special bonus song fitting for the time of year!