The Protector - Prologue (First Draft)

in #novel6 years ago (edited)

The Protector - Prologue (First Draft)

The darkness infesting this world was incomprehensible. No other world could contain such evil, an aura of negativity, as if it held a single black beating heart; it was indeed a Dark World. It consisted of several realms, most of which were a home to one of the world's many rulers. Along with these housing realms was the appropriately named ‘main realm’, which held a temple surrounded in a dark mist. This encasing blackness seeped from the temple and covered the ground with nothing but a dark shadow, this temple was the only noteworthy construction in this realm. Two heavily armored beings stood guard out front of the temple gates, wearing metal that was unbreakable from mortal power. The guards stood still as statues, impenetrable, refusing to move at anything other then their superiors they obeyed.

Another being appeared from thin air not to far away from the temple, teleporting from his own realm to the main one with a small amount of his power. He stood straight with excellent posture, his long, highlighted brunette hair covered his calming eyes. His aura and stature proved him to be someone of great importance within this world, he owned much power that could rival the fiercest dragon. He took a few steps towards the temple gates, the guards still hadn't flinched even by the appearance of this being. However, they disappeared as this menacing being walked towards them and the gates opened at his whim. Their ability to sense this being's aura told them that he was needed as a meeting was taking place inside the temple.

This being stepped into the only room within the temple, it was large with several pillars surrounding one stone conference table. Seated was ten more beings, all equal in power with the one who just entered. Their attention was grabbed by the man who entered the room, their displeasure was obvious to him. "Late as always, Daeva." Spatted one of male beings, who rested his head against his upright fist, clearly unhappy with Daeva's late arrival as he stared him down with almost murderous intent.

"My apologies, I promise not to make this a habit," Responded a calm Daeva. He took his seat at the end of the table with all of the other beings eying him down. He sighed, "who's leading today's meeting?" he asked, looking around at all of the other beings, all of which were clearly annoyed with his words, as if he had forgotten something important.

"You are." Stated the woman directly to his left, looking at Daeva with her hands at her lap, keeping an appropriate posture to try and seem formal through her irritation.

Daeva chuckled and shook his head. "Right, right." He stood back up with everyone else still looking at him, a few of them crossed their arms, waiting for him to start the meeting he called and was late for. Daeva cleared his throat, looked around at his peers and begun his speech, "Ladies and gentlemen, for a few years now, we have been eagerly watching the Balanced World for the sign of a Chosen Soul, someone who has the potential to further expand our race, as well as pioneer the Demons to a new era of supremacy. We all have our own separate Chosen Ones, of course, but this unknown child is the key for our future. For our race's fut-"

"You mean, you have been searching." One of the Dark Lords cut Daeva off, he sat at the opposite end of the table with both of his arms lent against the conference table, but his eyes looked off to the distance as if he was daydreaming. "None of us have ever agreed with you on your prophecy." His head turned slightly and his eyes locked onto Daeva's. "We know you think there is a special Demon up there in the Balanced World that will live up to your desires of evolution. You have brought this to our attention more then enough times!" He hissed, "However, what you want just simply isn't possible." a majority of the other Dark Lords nodded or chatted to each other agreeing with his statement.

Daeva wasn't phased by his comrade's judgment, all he did was smirk. He remained extremely confident in his belief. "I understand your criticism, but you can all trust me. I have poured most of life into this philosophy, both while I was alive and when I became a Dark Lord. I can promise you all, what I speak is the truth. There is someone out their destined for greatness."

"The last time our race expanded, the Ice Demon was created." Responded a calm female Dark Lord. She remained seated with her hands together, staring intently at Daeva, almost like she was looking right through him. "And you out of all of us know just how much we regret that creation."

Once again, everyone talked amongst themselves. The Ice Demon was not a wanted creation, it was a mistake. Daeva knew what his fellow Dark Lord was attempting, she was trying to shut down the topic and end their meeting. He knew they all disagreed with his philosophy, so now was the perfect time to show his proof. "However, you have not seen what I've seen. The proof of such a being, the proof of his power and what is in his possession."

Daeva opened his hand, a beam of green light shined from the roof of the temple onto his hand. The beam began to take shape into a 3D image of a person, the identity of which was only known to Daeva. The Dark Lords were strong, powerful and had a variety of abilities unique only to them, one of which was summoning spectral images of observed items. Daeva has been watching this being for a long time, the being he believes is the Chosen Soul.

Suddenly, the Dark Lord who questioned Daeva's late arrival stood up quickly, “What?!” he peered closely at the image in his hand, Daeva knew what he looking at, so he enhanced the image to focus on the item held in this person’s possession. Once the item was clearly visible, the other Dark Lords shared similar shocked reactions.

"Is that… it? The one we have been searching for?"

Daeva nodded. "It is. This Demon is the Chosen Soul I speak of. He holds the item we have been searching for. The same one which the Dark King Apollyon once held."

© 2018, Trent Moullae. All rights reserved

Zane (unofficial).JPG
(A sketch of one of the protagonists, drawn by my good friend Celeste, her work can be found here: - this isn't the finalized look for this character)

Message from the author

"Hi there, so this is the first draft of my prologue for my light novel/novella series, The Protector. I have been working on this series for years and the first volume is close to completion. I say working on it for years because it initially started off as a novel, but as I came up with more ideas, the plot grew and grew until I decided to rewrite the whole thing in a novella format. Hence why only volume one is close to completion. Give me your thoughts in the comments! If you came here from the link of my YouTube video, please consider following me if you have Steemit. And same if you have a YouTube account, please subscribe: Trent_Y."

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