How Much Evil Can America Consume?
Currently, there are lively debates recklessly revolving through social media streams regarding just how much evil is palatable. There are loaded terms or phrases bandied about that have implied meaning, such as: “Liberal, Commie, Conservative, Conspiracy Theorist, … etc.” These are polarizing terms that divide all meaningful disposition of thought into coarse vulgarity; basically, 3rd grade name calling with High-schoolish grammar and demeanor skills. Nevertheless, the phrase “The Lesser of Two Evils” has particular meaning and import to every living person on Earth.
Earth?! Really? Woah woah woah… Let’s find our bearings here. We Americans enjoy our freedom, which in this article can also be referred to as “ignorance;” so much, We free ourselves from knowing how it was attained, how it is maintained, and unfortunately sustained. It doesn’t bother most of us to pay attention to issues around the World or even around the corner. Issues that separate life from body, attach lifetimes of debt to the unborn voiceless-future. Raping, pillaging, and distilling serf sweat, nourishes American Freedom through the capitalization of All else. No indeed, no time to know, because for most of us, We are so focused on staying afloat ourselves, making ends meet, staying present tense in our newest emperor’s clothes.
What We, as American Sovereign Beings, do this election cycle will have impact WORLDWIDE. What We do this year will reverberate into and throughout eternity. American Foreign policy will be taken to the next level. The depths We descend thusly is equivalent to the proportion of evil within the constitution of our next President. Despite who leads, the footprint of American Freedom has grown too big to sustain. We have already saddled the Future with untenable debt. My child was just born, in debt. ‘Free born, in debt’ is a clear contradiction in terms. There is hope though.
We can free ourselves from the tyranny of consummate villainy; this year even. There is actually a button for freedom on our television remotes. Smashing the ‘off’ button will free up lots of American time, reallocating hours upon hours of attention, redistributing true wealth, disbursing dividends where ‘attention’ is paid. If We familiarize ourselves with our neighbors more than television show personalities, the characters that fill our lives will make differences in real time and in real people.
We Free ourselves by informing, shaping, and qualifying our Freedom through the understanding of Universal and wholearth equity. The Green Party Platform resonates ‘Wholearth Equity.’ We are all Humans Being, and I don’t remember deciding to be born American. And, I am gonna gamble and say everybody will agree to the same. So,We are All People… Humans. Being. Thus, We all have similar functions and needs, to a greater or lesser extent, in a practical sense. Wholearth Equity in Humans Being is a social contract where We All agree the Human body, the corpus, the vehicle, must be nurtured and cared for from birth to death. The Human body will benefit society if each is properly invested in during our nascent beginnings. We must feed, clothe, and provide all children of Earth equitable access to education until they are 21. Managing this clearly socialist ideal isn’t as difficult, expensive, or as evil as the “Red Scare” propaganda programmed us to feel.
Where is the money going to come from? Half U.S. Government spending is on War. We Americans spent $598.5 Billion on Defense in 2015(source). We keep ‘borrowing’ and dumping money We do not have into the doomed F-35 Raptor, which already wasted $1.5 Trillion and will cost 100s of Millions of dollars per plane. For example, 10 Navy F-35 Raptors would cost $3.37 Billion(source). Reallocating war-money to outreach and education programs will be how We defend ourselves in the future.
Dr. Jill Stein, when elected, will vastly reduce the U.S. Defense footprint into only what is needed for our contiguous homeland security. This means closing bases around the world. Doing this will save Trillions of dollars. This may make some feel uneasy, and rightly so, America has made more enemies than friends, and, enemies out of friends. We will attract more friends again by better utilizing “honey(money),” than by dropping endless containers of volatile “vinegar(bombs).”
Reducing War spending and increasing Education and Outreach programs is the only way our children and our children’s children will walk this Earth untethered by archaic forms of control. We educate our children so that their lives will be easier and more full than ours. This is a biological imperative. All Children of Earth deserve sanctuary and support while they nurture their spirit and become their passions. This socialist ideal is loaded and given energy by the personal experiences of the reader. I present this idealistic possibility because it is the only way to look at Earth with real eyes. Humanity has no patriotism, individual groups do, and on this basis We Americans have subjugated the entire globe to ensure our patriotic security.
All Humans on Earth deserve similar and equitable access to appropriate instruction, nutrient-rich food stuffs, clean water, and secure housing. Educating everyone on Earth is vital for everyone’s security. It is an old decaying paradigm to exert influence around the world through might and defensive prowess. But, it is a brand new day, the Internet has interconnected our lives in a decentralized way. When only 30 years ago the information forming our worldview was highly controlled and easily and often manipulated(source). Through social media today We get a clearer picture of events around the world through the real life perspectives of real people living through the event. Country of origin should no longer restrict someone access to nurturing sources of information and supplementation. Everyone on Earth deserves the same consideration while they develop their being.
I digress, the voting stratagem “Lesser of Two Evils” has been overtly operating for some time now; cycling through seemingly prescient Presidents, all with varying degrees of evil. Voting our ‘fears, the lesser evil,’ instead of the greater good, has only juxtaposed evil closer and closer, indeed nestled it within, comfy-cozy-cuddling, malproximating flagitiousness overtaking the Seat of Power. Fear-based tactics have wrought out no clear choice, just a lot of digital noise. This evil-debate is thoroughly worn out. Where as the debate weighing the consequences of having evil all up in the Oval Office, at whatever percentage; is patiently waiting to be heard.
Evil, metaphorically speaking, can be related to poison. How much poison are We willing and able to consume? If two 8 oz. glasses of water are filled with differing amounts of poison, yet, poison all the same; does it really matter which glass We choose? Does it really matter how little or less poison either contain? We willingly partake, assassinating ourselves just to take part in the quadrennial ritual, sacrificing the pristine lamb of choice on the pernicious alter of American Freedom. Drinking from either glass will sustain the virulent American scorched Earth policy: Death of Birth, Freedom for US, Capitalize all mechanisms sustaining Life.
The duopolous twins, Republicans and Democrats, are so similar it would take a 3rd Party candidacy to reveal the actual differences, if any. Today We have a 2-party system, again metaphorically speaking, these two can be related to a single mirror. The malleable mirror is bent convex for one side, and concave for the other. The reflections seem to differ in presentation only but the function producing the visage is the same. The 2-party candidates that seem different actually all operate and serve the same function; to separate, to distract ‘We The People’ from harnessing our incalculable power.
A 3rd Party Candidate, such as Dr. Jill Stein, polarizes the unified 2-party system into puppets and plebeians. The puppets still tied to their strings clamor and whiskey-tango-foxtrot about, to and fro, obstinately gesturing the primacy of the 2-party narrative; flattering and fabling 3rd-Party tickets as unwinnable. Politicians reinvigorated with conscience are discarded as waste and coalesce into the trash heap of bourgeois American society. It is easy to see those still tied to the money-masters because their mouths flap obsequiously, feigning fealty to ‘We The People,’ all while mirroring the subtle gestures of their puppeteers; ever-calculating in the shadows. The 2-party lullaby has droned on too long, falling flat and upon awakening ears; flattening debate for years, revealing the 2-dimensions of our political ponzi scheme.
Let me take some time and clarify some things. I have idealistic leanings and I am very faithful to them. I have no leader other than my spirit. If Freedom were a paved road the Office of the President of the United States would execute the entirety of its responsibility directly under my feet. I am not reducing the significant influence of the Office, or the person who takes on the mantle; I am returning the President back to the altitude in which they should be operating. I am promoting Dr. Jill Stein as the necessary and needed change in the political landscape and leadership. I firmly believe Dr. Stein is the ONLY candidate who will return functionality to our voting ritual; restoring Power-to-Choose, placing it back within the rightful hands of ‘We The People’.
Stepping into the future, while remaining in the present, requires a day trip back to the founding of our country. Allowing the necessary adjustment to include All People groups, ‘We The People’ must again shine brightly, shine together, and shine-on the shadowy suitors who promise the bottomless dowry of true freedom, yet historically supplied only the furtively constructed underpinnings and undergirding of unreasonable, unnecessary, and unfathomable security apparatus. True and lasting Freedom will come swiftly after divesting in the last remaining bastion of dark-age illumination. Identifying a “villain” in this regard is tantamount to pointing into a shadow hoping to route out the evil sheltered within. It is all very cryptic until the wizard is seen operating behind the shroud, behind the scenes, behind the shadows filling our fears with terror. The truth of the matter is the Shadows, and those who work within, truly fear US, ‘We The People’.
Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka are already, and have been, displaying and demonstrating the character and responsibility the Office of the President of the United States has; by engaging, participating, and achieving social and political change through personal investment in the movements of ‘We The People’. Moreover, if an exemplar is required to show the character traits absolutely indispensable to those who manage the White House, then, these two people, Dr. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, are the only worthy candidates for study. The Stein-Baraka ticket is our key to a fruitful, healthy, and interconnected future. Bombs and walls are unnecessary among friends, and, stepping up, employing the Green Party platform, We All, the inhabitants of Earth, can become friends again, especially with our caretaker and provider; the Beauteous and Bountiful Earth.