Not All Cops Are Bastards! IBK 12th July 2018
From 11 to 13 July 2018, there was an informal meeting of EU justice and home affairs ministers in Innsbruck, where people like Salvini, Seehofer, and Kickl will discuss topics such as „combating extremism“ and „protecting the EU’s external borders“.
So on the 12th July a few of us got together to wander round Innsbruck to try to tell them "we don't wanna live in a fuckin prison" and "leave the brown people alone" and "Stop drowning motherfuckers" and other variations on the theme.
I don't think they took a blind bit of notice, but it was fun!
The police and Intel services turned out in great numbers to support the event, so special thanks to them!
and an extra special thank you to the spooks that followed me about for most of the day, making me feel really safe, you know who you are ;-) .
remember folks #notallcoppersarebastards and #notallhashtagsareshorterthan24letters.
We can all dream that one day so called "rational human beings" will stop believing in imaginary doctrines such as borders and nation states and religious deities etc etc etc etc etc etc etc and so on and so forth!
Have a nice day y'all!!
all pics in chronoligical order.
In this age of high tech gagetry, spooks are still whispering secrets to each other! ("hey, let's follow that guy with the camera")
a pair of spooks!
no spooks in this one, just fine upstanding officers of the law!
"Timeless?" or alternatively titled "get off your horse and drink your milk" John Wayne quote (the cowboy, not the serial killer!)
"there's some o them there pro-testers"
"Dam I should go to the gym more"
"What the fuck do you think he's doing Dorris?"
"The insanity is short, the regret is long" btw - Kurz is the Austrian president.
"Keep calm and carry on"
"Y M C A it's fun to stay at the Y M C.................."
"Your turn"
"spot the spook"
"best get tooled up guys, someone lit a cigar"
Another game of "Spot the spook"
"don't cry Tarquin, I'm sure he didn't mean it"
not quite Abbey rd.
Spot the spook!