Not surprisingly, this franchise has stepped on its 13th installments .
Not surprisingly, this franchise has stepped on its 13th installments . Starting from “Iron Man” (2008) to the latest “Captain America: Civil War” (2016) which is very amazing and deeply memorable.
Well , in the end, not all of the MCU films managed to catch my heart. There are a few films—not bad, just still way too far from my expectations. But to perfect the storyline of this universe , they still have to be a spectacle.
Before Marvel could be this big and its superheroes , I used to be a fan of the DC universe. Especially for The Dark Knight! However, since the DC lost to the start of Marvel and successfully introduced the superhero that is underrated , my heart began to switch.
Try it, did anyone know Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Vision, or Inhumans?
Ok, here I have selected the 5 best MCU films in my opinion:
Is it too early? Hopefully “yes.” Even though “Civil War” won the best title for me, I still have high hopes to see MCU films next year can be better than this. I think there is no need to elaborate on why I should choose “Civil War.”
Wow, apparently I chose the prequel in second. Actually, it’s brief why I like Captain America so much more than other Marvel superheroes . Huge and awesome servings of action sequences!
It is not easy to unite many characters in one film. Moreover, the varied characterization is a challenge in itself. Joss Whedon has managed to prove the impossibility to be an unforgettable treat.
When else will you see heroes with various skills unite to defeat criminals
- IRON MAN (2008)
As a debutant, “Iron Man” presents a very exciting and memorable event. In addition to Nolan’s version of Batman, the origin of Iron Man is what is so extraordinary to tell.