ALERT! Biblical, Nostradamus and I Pet Goat Prophecies UNFOLDING at a VERY rapid pace now !

in #nostradamus6 years ago (edited)


You were warned HOW the WIND changed direction and what it means biblically. Various prophecies are now fulfilling whether through the Bible, Nostradamus, Cayce, I Pet Goat and various others and it is important to seek understanding of it all since it is all happening at a VERY rapid pace now!

in CASE YOU MISSED the Warning >>>>Refer to this so you understand what it means biblically AND OVERALL PROPHETICALLY!
Read on it here


ALERT! A new COMET and what it means!



Nostradamus: "... when the comet will pass".

Century One – Verse 46

Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande, a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. The cause will appear stupefying and marvelous: Shortly afterward the ground will tremble.

Century One – Verse 67

The great famine which I sense approaching will often turn (in various areas) then become world-wide. It will be so vast and long lasting that (they) will grab roots from the trees and children from the breast.

Century Two – Verse 15

Shortly before the monarch is assassinated, Castor and Pollux in the ship, a bearded star: The public treasure devastated by land and sea, Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin under threat.

Century Two – Verse 18

New, unexpected and sudden rain will suddenly halt two armies: From the skies, fire, and a sea of stones, The death of seven suddenly by land and sea.

Century Two – Verse 41

The great star will burn for seven days, the cloud will cause two suns to appear: The large mastiff will howl all night when the great pontiff changes his residence.

Century Two – Verse 43

During the appearance of the bearded star, the three great princes will become enemies: Struck from the sky, peaceful earth quaking, Po, Tiber overflowing, a serpent placed upon the shore.

Century Two – Verse 46

After great misery for humanity, a greater one comes when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and plague, Fire will be seen in the sky, dragging a trail of sparks.

Century Two – Verse 62

Mabus will soon die, then will come a terrible destruction of people and animals: Sudden vengeance will be seen, A hundred hands, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

Century Two – Verse 70

The dart from heaven will make its journey, speaking with death; a great execution. The stone in the tree, the proud nation brought down, A human monster, cleansing, the penalty paid.

Century Two – Verse 81

The city is almost destroyed by fire from the sky: The Deucalion flood threatens again: Sardinia is vexed by the Punic fleet, after Phaeton has left Libra.

Century Two – Verse 91

A great fire will be seen at sunrise, noise and light extending towards the north: Death within the earth, one will hear cries, Death awaits them through war, fire and famine.

Century Two -Verse 92

Golden fire will be seen in the sky on earth: Struck from on high, a marvellous accomplishment: Great slaughter for humanity: The nephew of the great one taken, spectacular death, the proud one escapes.

Century Two – Verse 96

A flaming torch will be seen in the sky at night near the end and the source of the Rhone: Famine, war: relief comes too late, Persia turns to invade Macedonia.

Century Three – Verse 19

In Lucca it will rain blood and milk, shortly before a change of leader: Great plague and war, famine and drought will be seen, far from where the prince and ruler dies.

Century Three – Verse 42

A child born with two teeth in his mouth, stones will fall like rain in Tuscany: A few years after no wheat or barley, to satisfy those who faint from hunger.

Century Four – Verse 67

When Saturn and Mars are equally fiery, the air is parched by a long meteor: From hidden fires a great place blazes with burning heat, Little rain, hot winds, wars, invasions.

Century Five – Verse 62

Blood will rain down on the rocks, the Sun in the East, Saturn in the West: War near Orgon, a great evil seen near Rome, ships sunk to the bottom taken by Poseidon.

Century Five – Verse 90

In the Cyclades, Perinthus and Larissa, in Sparta and the entire Pelopennesus: A very great famine, plague through false dust, lasting nine months throughout the whole peninsula.

Century Five – Verse 98

At the forty-eighth degree latitude, at the end of Cancer a very great drought: Fish boiled in the seas, rivers and lakes, Béarn and Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky.

Century Six – Verse 5

A very great famine caused by pestilence will extend its length to the arctic pole: Samarobrin one hundred leagues from the hemisphere, They will live without law, free from government.

Century Six – Verse 6

He will appear towards the North, not far from the bearded star in Cancer: Susa, Siena, Boetia, Eretria, The great Roman will die, the night is dispersed.

Century Six – Verse 38

The enemies of peace, the profligate ones, after having conquered Italy: The bloodthirsty king, red will be revealed, Fire, bloodshed, water coloured with blood.

Century Eight – Verse 2

I see Condom, Auch and Mirande, encompassed by fire from the sky. The Sun and Mars joined in Leo, then at Marmande, lightning, great hail, A wall falls into the Garonne.

Century Eight – Verse 10

A great stench will come from Lausanne, but they will not know its source, It will displace people in distant places, Fire in the sky, a foreign nation defeated.

Century Eight – Verse 77

The antichrist swiftly annihilates the three, Twenty-seven years his war will last. The heretics will be dead, captive, exiled; Blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

Century Nine – Verse 83

The Sun in twenty degrees of Taurus, a very great earthquake, The great crowded theater will be ruined: Darkness will trouble the sky and the earth, even the faithless will call on God and the saints.

Century Ten – Verse 60

I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa, Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena and Malta: Blood from on high and the sword for a gift, Fire, earthquake, water, an ill-timed alliance.

Century Ten – Verse 67

A mighty trembling in the month of May, Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter and Mercury in Taurus: Venus also in Cancer, Mars in Virgo, Then hail will fall larger than an egg.


NOW we have this story below. Coincidence? I think not!

antichrist_nostradamus_death_star_ww# (1).jpg

There’s a new comet in the morning sky: 3 amateur astronomers discover a bright new comet that has quadrupled in brightness over the past few days
By Strange Sounds - Nov 12, 2018

Story Here


I want you to always take a look at these stories and events taking place during this time which seem to reinforce that these prophecies appear to be in the works! Also, some of the I Pet Goat prophecies seem to coincide with these and
It is kind of hard to refer to it all as a coincidence!

By the way... The new comet is coming out of "VIRGO"!


Story Here
Amateur Astronomers Discover a Bright New Comet
Nov. 12, 2018: There’s a new comet in the morning sky. Discovered just last week by three amateur astronomers–one in Arizona and two in Japan–Comet Machholz-Fujikawa-Iwamoto (C/2018 V1) has quadrupled in brightness over the past few days. “It is now glowing like a fuzzy 8th magnitude star in the constellation Virgo,
Story Here
As a matter of reference and background please refer to these previous stories for that further insight and confirming the fulfillment taking place now.

Article quote:
“We see a cooling trend,” says Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”

Mini ice age at the edge of space! The chill of a solar minimum as our sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age
By Strange Sounds - Nov 15, 20181

Our sun is currently engulfed by a hurricane of dark matter!
By Strange Sounds - Nov 15, 201813



Luke 21:25 There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among the nations, bewildered by the roaring of the sea and the surging of the waves.

Story Here WATCH | Giant waves tear balconies off buildings
19 November 2018 - 12:52

The "Most Intense Storm On The Planet" Is Hitting Canada And These Are The Provinces Being Affected
High winds will create the highest waves in the world today for this province.

Largest waves on the planet target Newfoundland, see it here
Story Here


As the world’s largest waves, and wind gusts of more than 100 km/h hit Newfoundland, the island started shaking like during an earthquake
By Strange Sounds - Nov 18, 20188
Article quote
The effects of the incredibly strong low-pressure system moving through Atlantic Canada caused more than ripples across the Atlantic Ocean this week, causing giant waves to track towards Europe and Africa. The LARGEST waves on the planet crashed onto the Grand Banks of Newfoundland with significant wave height over 15 meters (50 feet) and theoretical maximum wave height over 30 meters (100 feet) on November 14-15, 2018. Large swells and surf reached Ireland, Portugal, and parts of Africa this weekend. As the world’s largest waves and wind gusts of more than 100 km/h hit Newfoundland, the island started shaking like during an earthquake. Just look at this image from a seismograph in St. John below… It was going crazy:


Story Here




We Are Talking MAJOR Earth Changes and Pole Shift Very Soon!

Archbishop Selena Scott quotes





This is also happening in China and Japan

Quotes Angelus Domini


"Unprecedented"... How many times have you heard that word since Lord RayEl arrived?... Might be time to take it seriously!

Story Here


Never in the memory of man, there’s been a case of floods of that magnitude in the desert of Saudi Arabia
By Strange Sounds - Nov 17, 20185
Quotes Angelus Domini
Angelus Domini
It's not just Saudi Arabia...
Biggest deluge in decades closes ancient city of Petra, Jordan after Dead Sea flooding killed 21 Jordanians two weeks ago
By Strange Sounds - Nov 10, 20180


"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced that flash floods have killed at least 30 people across the desert nation over the past month. The government has issued an emergency warning as the situation is expected to get worse across the country. Floods in the land of the Arabs is a sign of the End of Times if I recall correctly. Get prepared! Be ready!"

Story Here

We all know what the sign of the PHOENIX stands for! Look Carefully!

I bet you’ve never seen something like that! Look at this fiery PHOENIX in the sky over Norway
By Strange Sounds - Nov 18, 20182


Story Here



The world is rumbling again!
By Strange Sounds - Nov 16, 20181


Story Here

YES, there is more, but you must seek the Lord and PREPARE quickly now.



Other Evidence

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Other Sources Credits
Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
This is all purely educational and blog
Coincidence such thing!
The Storm Is Here
The Whole Truth vs the Half They Tell You



Remember and Learn More about the Exodus to Baja or Mount Zion! Safe Zones are nothing without Salvation


There is no defense for what is coming - Lord RayEl

Wow! So much to take in here!

We are at the end

It's interesting to see the prophecies coming to life.

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