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RE: Norwegian Christmas theatre play sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism

in #norway7 years ago

If immigrants don't understand the majority culture, how can they integrate? And if THEY become the majority culture, oh vey..believe me, we won't have the rights we are now taking for granted.

What they want is to destroy their culture, the desire of those who promote multiculturalism is not that they integrate and adapt to their culture and laws, but go there to destroy their culture and replace it with theirs, that is why the attack to Christianity too.


EU people don't understand one thing, there is no need for 51 % to lose. No... Even 15 % is more than enough if the group is closed and aggressive.

And I don't understand one thing, why EU countries have open borders for all the illegal immigrants without any check, but for me, PhD, no problems with the law ever, require all imaginable papers for the visa.
And why they want to import exclusively some exotic nations while at the same time they can import easily integrable people from Eastern Europe? If they need workers, that's more logical...

I have a neighbour from the US, who's also a scientist. The most calm, nice and social character you can imagine. Just the perfect next door neighbour and citizen. Dude's had so much trouble with the authorities. He's a fucking PHD or scientist I don't know..he works in the university on those stupid ass six month or one year contracts. He's got norwegian kids and wife, and every year is a nerve wrecking session for them if he can stay. I think he's finally here permanently now, but it's been like that for 10 years.

Meanwhile, illiterate somalis, rapefugees and welfare migrants with no intention of working ever? NO PROBLEMO. Because we have some sort of moral responsibility you see. Us white folks, we have this special responsibility towards the rest of the world - because some of our ancestors did some not so great things 400 years ago in a world where everyone were fucking savages, and they ironically were not as bad as the arabs or africans who sold their own brothers to slave drivers.

And as long as the mentally insane liberal left, sjw's, normies and everyone else shuts up or turn their cheek or doesn't dare to speak up - we're going to see the reduction in quality of life in the West. After 500 years or so with prosperity and growth, finally the backwards regressive left will have their dream come true.

And these childless female politicians don't give a shit if Europe turns into a muslim hell hole - because thats their way of saying fuck you to their fathers who didn't love their ugly asses :)

It is something that is being carried out deliberately and systematically, this type of migration is not the product of chance, much less the generosity of politicians in wanting to help, this is part of a kind of social engineering that is being carried out.

If you think about moving to Slavic World, consider Montenegro, my friend in Kotor is renting his house to some Norwegians for years. There is a fjord-like bay, food is good, prices are low (1.000 Euro per month to be a king), the sun is shining and the temperature is always above the zero.

Why would someone want to move from Norway? That is, I have never been there, but from a distance I have always considered it to be paradise.

And in Sarajevo, Muslim Arabs are spending millions spreading salafist Islam!

No thanks!

Poland is much safer!

They do in recent years, but the Bosnians are very liberal people. Some of them are open atheists, others eat pork, basically, only old women cover the head (Balkan thing, due to the bad hair mostly), and a few would reject alcohol (if they are ill or so...). After the war some of them turned to more extreme versions, but generally speaking, they could be considered as the true Europeans.