Pictures from Norway after living 2 years in tropical Thailand
After Living in Thailand 18 months Czech 3 month we have now gone to Norway.
We are still trying to ride our bikes as much as possible
Not exactly Thailand
Eva tried Skiing
Frozen water bottles is something new here
A church
We hit golden hour once on a bikeride
Mountaintop views
Riding down a cold valley
We tried to do lots of walks here as that is not as cold
This is from the late autumn
Artistic view
So cold in Norway!
Some nice pics! I bet the air is sooooo fresh! That's one of the main drawback of Chiang Mai, the pollution. My girlfriend had no mucus or phelm issue before coming here but now she's always clearing her throat. I also have some allergies too. I will be leaving for the UK on February 5th and yes it will be colder than Thailand but I think it will make a nice change!
I dont mind pollution too much, except the smoke of course
I don't like Norway!!!! Too cold for honey badgers!