The most used training aircraft for the Allied World War II, participated in Stord Airshow 2018

in #norway7 years ago (edited)

North American T-6 Texan var eit avansert fly. Det flaug første gang i 1935 og er såleis ein flytype som er meir enn 80 år gammalt. Denne flytypen var det viktigaste treningsflyet for dei allierte pilotane under andre verdskrig. Etter trening på dette flyet fekk pilotane sluttopplæring på den flytypen dei skulle gjera teneste på.
Når flyet var i kanadisk eller britisk teneste, fekk flyet namnet North American T- 6 Harvard. Flyet som deltok på Stord laurdag 16. juni, var nettopp ein Harvard.
Bygningane eller husa ein kan sjå på eit av bileta, er frå Rubbestadneset i nabokommunen, Bømlo.

The North American T-6 Texan was an advanced aircraft. It flew the first time in 1935, and the apparatus is more than 80 years old. This plane was the essential training plane for the Allied Pilots during World War II. After training on this plane, the pilots received final training on the type of aircraft they were going to service.
When the plane was in service in Canadian or British, the aircraft got the name North American T-6 Harvard. The plane that participated in Stord, Saturday 16 June was just one Harvard.
The buildings or houses shown on one of the pictures are from Rubbestadneset on the neighbouring municipality, Bømlo.


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Oh! wonderful pictures.
And the scenery looks amazing )
I liked very much and 4 photos with a propeller.
Very beautiful!

Have a great weekend )

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