Konservering av bær og frukt.

in #norway6 years ago (edited)

Den rike hausten av bær og frukt i år gjorde at mesteparten av dette måtte syltast og frysast ned. Tidlegare i år vart mesteparten av blåbæra frosne ned i frysebeger. Dei vil utovrer hausten og vinteren bli tint opp og brukt som dessert med anten rømme, yoghurt eller kremfløyte til. Det same gjeld for bjørnebær som nyleg er plukka, men her er ôg mykje laga til syltetøy. Mesteparten av epla vart konsumert fersk. Men noko vart gjeve til slekt og venner. Det same skjedde med plommene. Det me ikkje klarte å konsumera ferskt sjølve eller det me gav bort til slekt og venner, måtte konserverast.
Plommer og bjørnebær vart sylta og vert no lagra i kjøleskap. Når det ikkje var meir syltetøyglas att, vart steinane tekne or plommene og dei steinfrie plommene vart lagt i fryseposar for nedfrysing. Etter kvart som syltetøyglasa vert tomme, vil nytt syltetøy verta laga. Det er så mykje frose ned at me reknar med at det er nok til å kunna laga godt syltetøy eit par sesongar til.
Elles vart det kokt plomme- og eplegraut som vart brukt opp relativt raskt.
I år var me heldige og fekk haust mykje både av ulike bær og mykje plommer og eple.

The abundant amount of berries and fruit this year caused most of this to turn into jam or freeze. Early this year, most of the blueberries were frozen in the freezer. In the autumn and winter, they will be thawed and used as a dessert with sour cream, yoghurt or whipped cream. The blackberries were treated the same way and ended in the freezer. However, a lot of the blackberries was cooked into made for jams.
Most of the apples were consumed fresh. And a lot of these apples were given to relatives and friends. The same happened to the plums. What we did not manage to eat freshly, had to be preserved.
Plums and blackberries were made for jam and stored in a refrigerator. When it was not a glass of jam, every stone was taken out of the plums and the stone-free plums placed in freezer bags for freezing.
As the jam glasses became empty, new jams will be made. There is so much frozen that we expect it to be enough to cook good jams for a couple of seasons.
Otherwise, it was boiled plum and speckled as used up relatively quickly.
This year I was lucky and got a lot of both different berries and lots of plums and apples.







It is a good thing to collect those fruits and berries and store them for use later @siggio.

Thanks for your friendly comments about the fruits and berries @Cryptopie
I completely agree with with you.

I love plums.
And the pictures are great, and this plum cake is from me. )

Thanks for your comments about my post about plums and other kinds of fruits and berries @Singa
And thanks for the picture of the beautiful plum cake.

Jeg er glad du likte ham )

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