#TeamNorway / #TeamAceh - 2nd Collaborative project to help people in need! Please Read! Whales/Dolphins! Make a real difference!
#TeamNorway & #TeamAceh
Helping poor families in Indonesia
With The Help Of The Steemit Community

=====Suryawati and her Childrens, They are : Mulyadi , Syahril and Iqbal======
This is a family from Indonesia. They live in a small and unfit wooden hut in a village in Aceh - Indonesia, more accurately in Baroh Kuta Bate - North Aceh. This family of six consists of a father, mother and four sons.
The fathers name is *Abdul Gani , he is 53 years old, and he is unfortunately deaf. When you don't have the ability to hear like him it is very hard to get a job. His daily activities consists of staying at home and take care of the housework. The only one with a fixed income is his wife.
His wife name is Suryawati and is 47 years old . She is the backbone of the family. To support her family, she is working for a local farm. Each day she is paid about Rp 50.000, - or about US $ 4.5. With that amount of money she is supposed to have enough for daily expences like food, as well as clothes and money for her sons schooling.
Working as a farm laborer is not a regular job. This is a seasonal job, which only exists during the growing season and the harvest season. When we visited their house yesterday, Suryawati told us that right now they are very difficult to earn money for their lives and their children's school fees because the harvest season in the fields has just finished some time ago.
"To earn money at times like this, I help my neighbors and I get a little money from them", said Suryawati with sad tones to us.
Their oldest son is named Fazil (18 years old). He does not go to school anymore, He must be willing to leave school because his parents can not afford it. Now he works to help his parents earn money for their daily meals and for his siblings' school fees.
The second child is named Syahril (17 years old). He is now studying in one of the high schools in his village. after school, he also helps his parents to earn money. He wants to work with anything to help his family. The neighbours often ask him for help , and that way he can earns a little money to help his family.
While the other two are Iqbal (13 years old) and Mulyadi (10 years old). Both of them are still studying in elementary school, Iqbal is in the 6th grade and mulyadi in the 4th grade.
Because the family is so large they need a fixed amount of money each day for food and school fees, and their income is very small and inconsistent, sometimes Suryawati needs to borrow money from her neighbours.
They also need money to fix their already damaged house. A hole in the roof make it very difficult during the rain season. The house gets very dirty and wet during rain season. This is something they wanted to fix for a long time but they never had the money to do it.
Please help us make this family life a little better. As you could see from the last project we had, it works!

======Their Home from front side ======

======Their Home from back side ======

======Dining Room ======

======Kitchen ======

======Family room ======

======Their home roof ======
NB : When we visited them yesterday, Abdul Ghani (husband) and Fazil (The first son) are not at home
The project aims to help a family at a time. By converting STEEM / SBD to local currency, we will be able to help these people directly!
This is a collaborative project between #TeamNorway / #TeamAceh
This project is not a scam, You can see the report of HELPTHEPOOR project last week here
So Whales/Dolphins! Load your Upvote cannons!!
Or send SBD/STEEM to @kiimo or @sogata with the memo "helpthepoor"
Let's make a difference for this Family!
Let's get this platform on the map!
We are reaching out especially to Whales/Dolphins to help with Upvotes!
we hope this donation can help a little of their basic life needs, Such as for their daily needs and to repair their homes
After one week has passed and donation has been delivered to This Family, #TeamNorway and #TeamAceh will write a new post where all you Steemians can see how much of a difference your contribution actually made!
This is a perfect way of sparking more interest for the Steemit Community, as well as big possibilities for media coverage!