B/W - Dramatic sky

in #norway6 years ago

I am starting a black and white project now and are going to combine this with the Lee filters.
Here are my first photo and hopefully we will see some progress in some pictures.


Until next time, stay safe, warm and dry


I think you're feeling good now @gyldenhorn,
I wish you good luck for your project.


Best Wishes @Redouanemez

Thx a lot @Redouanemez. I getting back to shape

This very classic photo, @gyldenhorn, can be viewed from the background you photograph, extends far away an empty field, and the clouds that beautify the black and white photo.

Thx a lot for those kind words @Amuchtar, I also liked the clouds in the picture :)

I do not know why I feel that something has a sad or precarious character when it appears in white and black especially for photos that do not show people, so if this photo was taken in color mode can be it appears different and joyful .

It is a feeling that I feel and I do not know what exactly is.

And do not tell me it's just me who has that feeling, otherwise I have to go see a psychiatrist.

You know what @Aminekad? I felle also a bit sad when I look at B/W pictures and that is one of the reasons I am going to take on this project, to have a selfie cure so I won't get sad/down any more :)

You do not have to go to a psychiatrist @aminekad I also share your opinion about white and black, this kind of pictures make me feel uncomfortable and I feel that there is no life in the picture, but if that is not normal, I think you should give me an appointment with your psychiatrist to treat lol.

"Lee filters" the best one out there! I'm having a blast taking long exposures and learning new teqniches in my photography. Of course, friends and family are totally amazed at my talent.......... So I won't tell them it's Lee that makes me look good lol!! The Lee Big Stopper is a 10-stop neutral density filter that cuts 10 stops of light, making for some interesting photos! Get it, play with it, learn with it, and take your photography to the next level!! (Of-course the lee filter is not mine because its to expensive for me so sometimes i borrow it from my close friend named Sumon.)

I have the complete set so have been using it for landscape a while, but now I am looking forward to test it on B/W


Wonderful Norway! The first project that is amazing, so cool! You are photographing with an incredible ability. I have never seen firsthand about the beauty of your country. However, I am very grateful to have introduced about the nature of your country is very beautiful.

Have a wonderful day, sir!

THx for your kind words @Seha76

A bit of a learning curve but this great product will enhance your images. If you have free time please check the Lee Filter website for tips on using. Adds the ability to shoot in high contrast situations such as full sun or when shooting reflective surfaces. Very high quality piece of glass and comes in a protective case. I plan to also add the little stopper to my collection.

I have been using the Lee systems for a while so know how to use them, but have never tried to make B/w photos. But, thx for the tip :)

I have always wanted to try out the LEE filter system, spurred on by gorgeous, ghostly images of seascapes and streaked images of surreal skies.Best of luck to your Black & White Photography Project. Eagerly waiting for your next amazing black & white photos using Lee Filters.

Thx a lot @Latikasha :)

Very beautiful to enjoy. You are photographing with great ability. A nature photography that is very sensational and fantastic. What a beautiful Norway! Thank you for sharing the beauty and happiness through the cool black and white photos.

Greetings from a far country!

THx a lot @Roman-sabil

This is really lovely, I love all the tones and contrast!

Thx a lot @Vtravels

Takk for at du skriv om erfaringane dine med Lee-filter @Gyldenhorn
Eg har tidlegare lese om dei, men har ikkje eigen erfaring med dei.
Det du skriv og dei erfaringane du gjer får med til å vurdera om bruk av slike filter kan vera noko eg bør investera i ôg. Har dei noko burksområde utanom landskapsfotografering eller er det der åleine at dei vert brukte?
Stemmer det at det kostar relativt mykje med Lee-filter samanlikna med dei som dei ein skrur direkte på objektivet?

Med vennleg helsing

Hei @Siggjo
Jeg digger Lee filterene mine. Har hatt de i ett par år, men først nå i vinter jeg virkelig har startet å bruke dem. Ved siden av landskapsfoto er de helt magiske hvis du skal ta urbane bilder. Da kan du plutselig få med deg skyer på himmelen selv om du står midt mellom to høyhus hvor det er mørkt og lyset på himmelen blir visket ut. Eller du kan jo ta bilder i en gata hvor det er mennesker, men pga at du får så lange lukkertider vil det se ut som du er helt alene i byen pga alle menneskene blir visket bort.
Ang pris kommer det litt an på hvilket kamera system du bruker. Til min Canon m3 tror jeg komlett sett koster mellom 12 og 15 tusen.

Mange takk for oppklarande svar @Gyldenhorn
Du forklarar fint andre måtar ein kan bruka desse filtera på utanom landskapsfotografi.
Lee-filter er absolutt noko eg vil vurdera. Ser at prisen er relativt høg, men kanskje Steem kursen viser fin utvikling framover,og så kan mange upvotes gjera at dette er noko kan realiserast ein gong.

Med vennleg helsing

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