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RE: Welcome to the Garage Sale Issue 8 - Velkommen til garasjesalget utgave 8
The spring is here in Norway and the sun in shining. I have bought my herbs, tomato and cucumbers to plant in this fantastic felt pot's, how about you?
This auction is for 3 pieces of 3 gallon felt pots.
In this pots you can plant everything for herbs to small trees.
So hurry up and and make your bid at @Babsboard garagesale
The link to the post is here click here
And do not forget the famous CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
HI @EveryDayCoach
Da prøver jeg meg igjen på de fine pottene dine. Dem passer perfekt hos meg :-)
I try once more for the pots :-)
Mitt bud er 28 SBD - My bid is 28 SBD
Best regards from
Just send 28 SBD to @everydaycoach. And you know the drill with the address in the memo.
The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you some nice CachBack.
Have a great day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach
Dear Mr. @EveryDayCoach
Yes. Finaly the pots were mine. Thank you very much.
Jaaa... Endelig ble pottene mine:-) Tusen Takk. Jeg klør i fingrene til å begynne å plante. Det begynner å bli dags nå:-)
SBD er overført....
Stor klem fra
Congratulations @barbro,
Enjoy making beautiful plants growing in those wonderful pots. I'm happy for you.
Congratulations @Barbro,
Wishing you even more success in the future.
Congratulate you from my Heart for winning this Bid.

Congratulation. Enjoy every moment of it @Barbro.
congratulations @barbro !
You had these beautiful pots! apparently you like plants, take a good look at them and have fun with the beauty of plants and nature.
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Congratulation Dear @Barbro for winning these Grow pots.
Many many congratulation to you @Barbro. You really deserve this Win.

Congratulations to you @barbro win well deserved Orange Cat of Steemit
Congratulations to you win @ well deserved Orange Cat Stemit
My new bid is 15 SBD !
Congratulations @redouanemez! You got a visit from @gentlebot!
Thank you @hasmez !
Congratulation Dear @Redouanemez, you got an @upvote from @gentlebot. Its so cool you & me, we both got an @upvote from @gentlebot.
Thank you @pijon !
You are most welcome @Redouanemez.
From this photos I think you are Mexican :)
is not it ?
Hi @Redouanemez

I am from Bangladesh.
But i also love Mexico & its Culture.
Regards @Pijon
Thank you @gentlebot
You are really nice ;)
I'm glad you did not forget me
Great sir
Thank you @beuti24 !
My bid for those 3 pieces of 3 gallon felt pots is 19 SBD.
Needed for my Rooftop Garden.
Want to grow some Strawberries.
Steem Power of Sir @BabsBoard Wallet on payout of this post will be 13380.
Thank you @GentleBot.
Thanks again @GentleBot. I am so happy right now.

I got 3 @upvote from @GentleBot. Thank you so much @GentleBot for these @upvote.

Congratulations @pijon! You got 3 upvotes from @gentlebot successively! I'm not going to upvote you in order to let this gentle robot cast the fourth upvote four you!
Thank you so much Dear @Hasmez for wishing me.

my bid for those felt pots is 5 sbd. i like it. it need for my garden
Hi @zahidul0
I think the last offer was 26 SBD you have to give a bid higher than 26 and good luck :)
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Ok friend @redouanemez... Thanks for your suggestion .....
You are welcome Bro @zahidul0 !
Hi @everydaycoach.
I want this to plant my herbs and maybe an olive tree:-)
My bid is 10SBD
I need those fantastic felt pot's to plant some Paprika Seedlings .
Again i raise my bid to 26 SBD.
I want some felt pots for my garden. My bid is 13 SBD.
I am back with my new offer & my new offer is 25 SBD.
Hi @everydaycoach !
I want to have Your pots So I bid 5 SBD
Best Regards @Redouanemez
Hi Everyone, My BID is 17 SBD for these Strong felt pots.
Wana grow some Tomato.