
Likte sida ;)

Trur du vi får se denne pasere i nermeste fremtid??
You think we will see this passing by in close future??

Ja absolutt.. skal ikke se bort i fra noe lenger ;) Planet x har det vært mye prat om ;) Digger astrologi generelt. Takk for påminner - Må dykke enda litt mer inn i Astronomien igjen @joklahoma :)

fortsatt veldig langt vekke da. Men hvem vet om hva som skjer der oppe i det hele tatt ;) hehe

Astrology is one of the most exciting areas. Always there is something new to discover. Thanks for this interesting article

glad you liked it :)

Of course :D

Moon is also a curious Objects for all.... Thanks for Sharing...

yes i love the moon ! live by it ;)


this post is so amazing, I'm so inspired to keep working hard on steem.

thank you :)

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