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RE: Welcome to the Garage Sale continuation Issue 2 - Velkommen til garasjesalgets forsettelse utgave 2
Auction 7 is closed - Auksjon 7 er stengt
Auction 8 coming in issue 3 - Auksjon 8 kommer i utgave 3
Auction 7 Issue 2 - 20 STEEM ~~Auksjon 7 Utgave 2 - 20 STEEM
Do you need or want 20 STEEM then this auction is for you. You can bid with SBD or what ever you want.
When the auction is done you can pay with SBD, send money to our bank account or maybe you have some cool stuff you want to send us, then you bid with that.
Yes it is true the product this time is 20 STEEM
Trenger du eller ønsker 20 STEEM så er denne auksjonen for deg. Du kan by med SBD eller hva du måtte ønske.
Når auksjone er avsluttet kan du betale med SBD, sende penger til vår bank konto eller kanskje du har noe annet kult, da byr du med det.
@EveryDayCoach & @BabsBoard - We fix everything
Ok, @hasmez:-)
New bid 27.5 SBD
Just send 27.5 SBD to @BabsBoard, in the memo just write auction 7.
Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach at @BabsBoard
So cool. Thank you so much @everydaycoach and @babsboard.
The money is transferred.
Looking forward to see The CashBack Upvote Aparatus do it's work.
Can't wait for your next auctions in issue 3
Love your posts
Best regards a happy @frufiffi

Ok, my bidding stops at 45 USD because I have not more than this sum now!
So good luck @frufiffi!
Me too me too.... I want to join in since we are taking about a bargain...
I will bid 10SBD
I bid 22 SBD for 20 STEEM
Hi @BabsBoard and @EverydayCoach. My next bid is 21SBD
Hi again Dear friends,
My new bid is 35 USD via paypal
Hi @everydaycoach and @babsboard,
I bid 10 USD via paypal for the 20 STEEM
My new bid is 12 SBD - Mitt nye bud er 12 SBD - 12 SBD عرضي الجديد هو - Ma nouvelle offre est de 12 SBD - Mi nueva oferta es 12 SBD
My new bid is 25 SBD - Mitt nye bud er 25 SBD - 25 SBD عرضي الجديد هو - Ma nouvelle offre est de 25 SBD - Mi nueva oferta es 25 SBD
I want this.
My bid is 15SBD
Hi @everydaycoach and @babsboard,
I bid 5 SBD