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RE: Welcome to the Garage Sale continuation Issue 2 - Velkommen til garasjesalgets forsettelse utgave 2
The auction of our T-shirt is very popular these days. Is it the Springtime that does it or what?
We still have all sizes, lady and men's model. Bid what you want and have fun. Remember our famous CashBack.

Auksjonene med våre T-trøyer er veldig populære i disse dager. Er det våren som nærmer seg eller hva da?
Vi har fortsatt alle størelser, dame- og herremodell. By hva du vil og ha moro. Husk vår berømte CashBack!
Regards, @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard
Hi everybody,
I didn't get that T-shirt yet so I will be very happy if I won in this auction.
My offer is 12 SBD

Hei @BabsBoard og EveryDayCoach, Kan ikke la denne trøya slippe unna meg da jeg sårt trenger en ny av disse flotte trøyene.
Mitt bud er - My bid is 27SBD,
Just send 27 SBD to @BabsBoard. In the memo you write your name, address and country, + what size and modell you want. If you do not want other people to see your name etc. You just start with # in the memo field, then it is only @BabsBoard and you that can read it.

The Upvote Cannon Boat will now summon people to come and give you CachBack.
Have a nice day and enjoy the CashBack
Best regards @EveryDayCoach at @BabsBoard
Good morning!
Last word last chance 🤞🏻
Have a nice day 🦋
Hi everyone! I will try my chance again

My bid is 15 SBD
Hello friends,
I'm still trying to win this t-shirt, my bid is 19 SBD
hi @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard

I want the famous steemit t-shirt
my offer is 16 SBD
Great to see that you continue with your famous t-shirt. I hope to collect one this time.
My bid is 10SBD
Hi @EveryDayCoach and @BabsBoard

My bid is 17 SBD
Very happy to give us another chance to try, my bid is 20 SBD.