Everyday Things That Are Banned In North Korea

in #north6 years ago (edited)
  1. Having an opinion

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To be honest you are not allowed to have one on the internet anyway. So really it's no different than that. But yes in North Korea you are pretty much forced to keep your opinions to yourself. Of course you are not allowed to even have your own opinions.

The only opinions you are allowed to own are the ones that have been reviewed and accepted by the govt Itself. Good thing they do not have Yelp over there. I hate to leave a review over a bad meal there and risk getting in trouble.

  1. Music

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Now OK. Not all music is illegal in Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In fact, you are encouraged to listen to music. But all music in North Korea is controlled by the govt. and they are related to country patriotism. So if you are a fan of popular music and be rap heavy metal or even Rock, you are out of luck.

In fact, if you are caught listening to Western music or Indian music it will cause you paying the ultimate price as it's considered a criminal offense against the state. And it might cost you your life. So we guess that is a no to listening to Arijit Singh Songs. Well, that is probably a decent thing actually.

  1. Browse the internet

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OK, so this one is pretty obvious it's pretty much general knowledge that nobody in North Korea has the internet. The govt in North Korea sees this as a gateway to liberation and anti-propaganda. That is why nobody over there has access to the wonders of the World Wide Web.

Anyone who somehow does manage to own access will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And in North Korea, that is something you do not wish

  1. Calling it North Korea

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North Korea. What will this North Korea you speak of? are you implying that there is a South Korea? No such factor. there is the only Korea and that is it. Yes, In North Korea, they believe themselves to be the only Korea that exists. To them South Korea is nonexistent and referring to the country as North Korea or perhaps acknowledging the existence of South Korea is considered a criminal offense and believe me you do not want to be tied to a criminal offense over a North Korea.

The examples of punishment for tiny mundane things are completely ridiculous. Honestly, if you are over there you are better off not talking or really doing something while you are there

  1. Drinking

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North Korea could be a dry country. Drinking alcohol is not only frowned upon. It's straight up illegal to consume or even own over there. Currently sure that does not mean it's completely illegitimate as there are selected days on which citizens are allowed to drink. However, outside of those days, it's banned.

So illegal in fact that you may be sentenced to pay the ultimate price of court intoxicated. So if you wish a drink perhaps avoid North Korea on your next vacation. Especially if it's during a morning ceremony.

  1. Religion

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OK before we go into this let's keep things civil in the comments section. All right. so for those of you who do not know North Korea does not really have any religion as they think about themselves to be an atheist state.

On top of this North Korea does not take kindly to practices of religion normally so if you go over there you cannot go around showing your beliefs. Want to know how bad they're with this.

Well back in 2013, 80 Christians were publically quote unquote disposed of in a stadium. Because every and each individual up on the proverbial chopping block was caught with a Bible in their possession. This is not just restricted to Christians because believing in any religion can get you into serious trouble over a North Korea.

  1. Watching TV

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Oh, you wish to catch the newest episode of The Walking Dead. Sorry, not available. What about the most recent season of Game of Thrones. Oh sorry. you are out of luck. Well, what on earth can we watch in North Korea? they have TVs so surely there should be something you'll be able to watch over there.

Well, there is. North Koreans are only allowed to watch state propaganda and nothing else. Exactly riveting storytelling but it's what it's we suppose. Oh but what if you dare to change the channel to watch one thing from South Korea.

What happens then? Well here's what happens. Many hundred people have been disposed of simply because they wanted to observe a bit of tv from south of the border. Bit dramatic do not you think.

  1. Asking the age and birth date of Kim Jong-un

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Yeah something that should be general knowledge to the public of the country is against the law to know and even more illegal to even ask regarding. So for some strange reason asking questions about the age or birth date of superb leader Kim Jong-un, will cause said person facing the full extent of the law.

All because they wanted to learn more regarding their leader. It's quite counterintuitive, to be honest. Everyone's life in North Korea revolves around Kim Jong-un. But they are not allowed to ask questions to learn more regarding him. It's quite crazy, to be honest.

  1. Common mistakes

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Look we all make mistakes. no one is ideal and it's only human nature to come across a mistake once in a while. While in North Korea. Either you are flawless or you are just about worthless.

Recently a journalist was disposed of for making a typographical error in an article. Typos in magazine articles and newspapers are as common as they come. but it's considered a criminal offense in North Korea.

If you do plan on moving there I know I am doubtful anyone will. however please for the love of God be fluent in their language if you're taking a job that needs writing.d765cfe26a33385d0d3bb34275462034.jpg0cd936db0012f47ffbc9a7e51d932289.jpg1ca81e0a8ca640d7e12d6fd487feb970.jpgdad787419ee89f115733945bf9b43844.jpg492be8020577e6f18095cebcc17cf079.jpgbd5696745ce9376b89f045feb85467c5.jpg2ecde8d12fd74513708691989ce2a40f.jpg96b6b990e7205cb2ecfcf6b4bf59c8c5.jpg22626ca2b62d6537f2d9bcf500407f95.jpg

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