Testing NordPass for the first time!
This morning I have spent quite a lot of time reading about different password lockers, password protectors, or whatever you call that kind of programs. I have been working with LastPass for years, but I decided it was about time to try some others, and thus, I have given NordPass a try so far today.
I am not entirely sure about whether I love it yet, but I do like it. One thing is that it seems to be quite poor at giving the chance to remember passwords typed into different website. I don't know why, but like when I log in to Twitter, it doesn't offer a chance to remember the password seeing that my username and my password is entered on two different pages.
You can see the little NordPass logo in the upper right corner showing that I have the extension installed in my browser. It is easy to use.
No matter what, the design of NordPass is nice and it is very easy to use. So, I will do even more testing and then I will write more about NordPass in one of the coming days. I will for sure write about it in the IP Address Guide at https://www.ipaddressguideo.org/, but I will also do my best to write about here on Steemit.
Are you using any good password programs? Which is your favorite and why do you use your current program? Are you using a free version or have you paid to get a premium version of the program?
I would love to hear from you!