Sick of Corporate fake news? Let's do something about it.

As I watch the pathetic presstitutes in the mainstream media on both sides of the Atlantic continue their propaganda campaign against Donald Trump it occurred to me.....
Dont get me wrong, I don't watch network news very often and I certainly don't watch it for the news. It's for comic relief. Listening to the talking heads is hilarious, most of them don't have the first clue how moronic they sound as they trot out their given narrative.
This morning I tuned into the 'News' and listened to a complete asshat going on about 'The Donald' being a racist because of the alleged 'Shitholes' quote. These idiots parading as purveyors of truth are desperately grabbing onto anything now to denegrated the man. They followed this up by blaming all manner of economic issues in Britain on Brexit! Sighs.

Anyone who wants to rule over others more than likely has sociapathic or psycopathic tendencies, in the past we had statesmen, not any more! When was the last time we saw a real statesman or woman running for office, anywhere?
Shitholegate as it will no doubt become known is just the latest in a litany of non-stories being debated by bought and paid for shills parading as legitimate journalists, clogging up the airways and getting the retarded SJW's all wound up into a frenzy of renewed 'Trump Hate'.
I'm not going to get too deep into the reasons why the MSM are going after Trump other than to say that they are being instructed to by their owners almost ALL of which backed Hillary Clinton either with donations or by slaughtering Trump on their networks. I'd rather focus on how we as individuals can try to affect some change.
Below is a fantastic infographic by illustrating just how ridiculously easy it has become to control the media, you just get 6 Oligarchs and you buy it all! Remember this was created over 5 years ago so it's only got worse since then. Take a look around the Internet, you can find similar situations in Britain, Australia and other countries.

As individuals we can refuse to partake. Just stop watching, simple right? These networks rely on massive amounts of advertising revenue to survive, advertisements aimed at YOU! They also rely on license revenue, money that comes from YOU! I believe that if people just stopped tuning in to these news networks the advertisers would take their money elsewhere and that would leave the networks with 2 choices...
1. Go out of business.
2. Give people what they want, real news.

It may sound like a naive idea but we've got to try something, without a proper journalistic base holding the government and other large entities to account you end up with oligarchical fascism. Forget the racist aspect many people think of when they here the word fascism, I'm talking about the merger of corporations and the state, geez folks were a long way towards it already and without real investigative journalism there is no stopping it.
Come on folks, lets force them to change or go broke trying to feed us bullshit!
As Steemians, especially those who already write truth posts I propose a new tag #nomorefakenews I know it's not exactly earth shattering but I believe that in the coming years Steemit will be MASSIVE! New adopters may well be different to the earliest adopters here who were from the Crypto, Anarchocapatalist and voluntaryism camps. These people may well be jumping ship from Fakebook and the other social media platforms and looking for real news. Let's make it easy for them to find.
Every relevant post I write from this moment forward will contain the tag #nomorefakenews hopefully if it takes off it will be easy for old and new adopters alike to seek out real news from those of us who care about the truth.
Thats it, not exactly the most complex plan ever devised but the simpler a plan the easier to execute. It may fail miserably and I'm ok with that, it's better to try and fail than to sit back and do nothing. I'm just one man and on my own nothing I do would ever make any difference but together we CAN make a change

Great idea my friend, simple but effective! I'm absolutely sick and tired of these MSM knob jockeys (whoops triple micro-aggression alert) trying to define the boundaries of the public's perceptual reality! Who are these idiots to tell me which words are racist or sexist? They insult my intelligence with every word that spews from their garbage filled mouths. This is the language of Shakespeare and yet they try to define which words I can use or which prenouns I can articulate? To me MSM (both print & televised) are akin to a disease, a disease that's infecting the minds of the masses! Good on you for trying to find a cure @tremendospecy and thank you for the shout out! I really appreciate it.
Haha, you sound exactly like me this morning as I ranted at the TV as a halfwit presenter interviewed an equally moronic 'social commentator' What the fuck does that even mean!? about Trumps latest 'outrage'. I swear if I hadn't just bought it I would have put my foot through the screen 😂
Then the same pair of deluded cretins then went on to blame Brexit for everything from the Carillion debacle to the inflation figures. MORONS!
It's a disgrace, we need to do everything we can to change the narrative at least here at Steemit.
Cheers for the passionate comment my friend.
Haha yes my friend I think I wrote this after watching the news so the opinion was fresh and unfiltered lol I have never been able to understand why newsreaders are so elevated? Repeating robots I call them ;) Again great idea my friend!
Yes, they're not reporters they're repeaters!
I agree, why are they put on a pedestal when they're just reading a script crafted for them by their corporate masters?
It's a sham.
#nomorefakenews is a good tag. I hope to see lots of real news on steemit under this tag. @ironshield
Cheers dude, it won't take long to get a good thread of real news together.
I like this new tag, I really hope it can gain traction without turning into anarchy and conspiracy theories.
Real honest factual news with real sources and no agenda would be well received i think.
Cheers Gohba.
I like it. Simple and straightforward tag. I'll be using it in my next truther post.
Thanks for the mention brotha!
Thanks mate, you're welcome.
Used to think I was the only one who feels this way. Good to find many likeminded persons here, let’s find a way
There are many of us here mate. I'm pretty sure there are many more, hopefully they'll find their way here.
😂😂😂 Nice.
I agree 100%. Since when has allegedly calling a country a shithole been considered racist? Can one be racist against a land mass? I didn't think you could, but then I have been wrong before.
Don't buy into this crap. They are sabotaging language to suit their political agendas.
I agree, a shithole is a shithole, if you wouldn't want to live there or go for holidays - it's a shithole and nothing to do with race.
Haha, no argument here mate. Doesn't make you racist if you don't want to go there though.
Agree :)
I think Melbournes a Shithole, does that make me racist against..... hang on what race is Melbourne?
#multiculturalism bro, get with the times.
So I'm racist towards multiculturalism. Thats gotta be the most racist of them all. :)
Racist - level over 9000
Your racist..... Us Melbournians are a breed of our own and the rest of you just can't handle the fact that Melbourne keeps being listed as The Worlds Most Livable City!
It's complete bollocks mate. With so many real stories not getting investigated and reported its so annoying to see the constant shite that's being peddled by the news networks.
Cheers Muxxy.
Very insightful, and the tag is wonderful definitely going to be using it
I am really really tried of those junks reason why I find it difficult most times to watch or even listen to them
Very educative tanks bro
@sirknight is a great motivation to everyone
You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!
Thank you.
@sirknight is indeed an inspiration and a great friend of mine we joined Steemit the same week.
I think many, many people are sick and tired of being lied to, it's time to turn off the MSM.
Yes definitely time to off the MSM
Just posted my first #nomorefakenews post here:
Is Youtube Shadow-banning the White House?
Awesome mate, you're already number two on the trending list behind this post.
There are only two of us though 😂😂😂
I'll go read it bro.
I'll definitely be using this tag! Thanks @tremendospercy for thinking of solutions, this is what we need more of. We all know how shit things are, so instead of talking about that, let's talk about solutions. #nomorefakenews
Thanks babe, I knew you'd jump on board. Your posts regarding the atrocities perpetrated by Israel are both brave and informative, we need more of that.
You're awesome Lyndsay, I'll never forget the unbelievable support you, V, SirKnight and PF have given me in the last 7 months. ❤️
I'm happy I met you and that we're friends :) Of course I'm on board, and I'll always support you!
Likewise babe 😉