NoFap: Your Key to Freedom

in #nofap7 years ago (edited)


Nofap is when a person gives up porn videos, self-stimulation, Masturbation for an extended period of time. It's used to help overcome pornography addiction.

Our conscious mind is like the Fool in the play, King Lear, who was not only loyal to his master but also an astute observer and a blunt critic of the King.

With persistence, we too can develop our mind to see our habits from a different perspective and strive to change it by gradually changing those habits that are not in sync with our long-term goals.

Addiction is very powerful thing and I believe all humans carry an addiction. Whether it's food, TV, Adrenaline, all comes down to allowing ourselves to indulge in any one of those thing too much. Having an addiction can have not only detrimental mental effects but detrimental physical effects as well. Watching porn puts you in a state of mind where you're only concerned about pleasing your self sexually.

You should first figure out WHY you have the addiction. What does it do for you on an emotional level that you crave for it so hard? use this as fuel to motivate you to stop watching porn. There is really not any benefits to watching porn. Besides that you're giving your literal life force energy away, and that's why you feel so miserable. Sexual energy is beyond powerful, because it's often the fuel to your other energies. It is sort of the back bone. Before you watch porn, study yourself. Ask yourself: what thoughts trigger me to watch porn? What TV shows, people, videos games trigger this feeling within me? And after you figure that out, do everything to eliminate these things from your life.

Give yourself reasons why you shouldn't. Weather it be because you finally understand why you do after you figure out your WHY, or remind yourself what this habit does to you before you do it. Truly, I don't think you should need anything outside of yourself to heal this part of you. But if you really can't stop, even after doing these things, please do seek help.

There is a rapidly growing NoFap community and even so many fb groups where you will get all sorts of help.

Remember: At the base of addiction is the lack of connection. After feeling a little of your energy it feels like you're very lonely. You long to be loved and to be surrounded by people who love you like a significant other or friends and you're using this addiction as a coping mechanism to make yourself feel better, when deep down you subconsciously feel lonely. Please open yourself up to others. Go out and make some good friends. Do everything you can to feel connected to the world around you and feel the love you desperately need. Find love within yourself as well. And realize that self love is eliminating anything that hurts you... Such as Porn addiction.

Find the root cause and work on it. Generally for many people, It is loneliness, boredom and lack of love (self love).

Loneliness - you are not alone in this world. In this busiest business world everyone is alone but they bound with some social networking like blood relation, non blood relations, friendship and other social relationships. Nobody come to find you to join the community where you live. So your first job is breaking loneliness. Come out of your home (home has lots of meaning) and find the way to join the local community that around yourself.

If you break this loneliness you will not find bored life.


Breaking an addiction takes lot of work on your part like, self-discipline, perseverence, shear will, and to follow some strict guidelines. And PMO (Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm) is one of the most common habits almost all people have.

If you're on NoFap journey then their are 3 things which will always keep you on track if you daily follow them.

1. Meditation

All purpose of meditation is generally to reduce fluctuations and activity of the mind. So you can choose any productive activity which attracts you the most, however during the day when you're walking, talking, going about your daily life, focus just on the breath and ignore your thoughts, there's nothing but phantoms. Hold attention gently on the breath and that will take you far.

2. Sexual Energy Transmutation

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Sexual energy is creative energy. Find an creative outlet like singing, playing an instrument, drawing, writing poetry. When you PERFORM creative activities you transmute that energy rather than it being wasted on porn.

3. Grounding

There are so many different ways in which you can ground your energy such as by Hugging trees, visualising energy going down through your feet into the core of mother Gaia, use essential oils, or simply walk barefoot on ground or grass and this will help you ground your extra energy into mother Earth.

NoFap will give you the immense amount of energy but you must tame it through grounding, meditation, energy transmutation and being present.

No one is born legend, everyone starts at the bottom, it the persistence, perseverence and dedication that increase your ranks and differentiate you from a failure. Don't complain about desires, persist on NoFap, No Porn till the desires complain about you.

PMO makes you weak and miserable, Be strong, fight it.

Make sincere decision for the sake of yourself to eliminate PMO from your life.

I suggest you all who are practicing abstinence to kindly refrain from counting the number of successful days in their NoFap calendar because if quitting pornography and masturbation is your long-term lifestyle change and not just an intermediate period of fasting then you may be doing yourself some harm by constantly reminding your mind of your past habits.


As per Wegner’s Ironic process theory, when we attempt to suppress any thought one part of our mind complies with the injunction and dutifully avoids the forbidden thought. The problem arises when the other part of the brain periodically monitors that activity with an intent to check that the restriction is being obediently complied but ironically, such fixated voluntary supervision of the mind only ends up making the forbidden thought to reoccur.

The only way you can stop doing something you think is wrong is to accept it as something that is not wrong. In other words, allow yourself permission to do it. Don't judge or shame yourself for doing it and every time you do it tell yourself the lie "I am doing the most beneficial thing for myself" without judging yourself. The ego and mind will continually do things we think are wrong or that we feel shame about in order to perpetuate an inferiority complex. therefore doing what I stated above will allow you, in the short term to not feel guilty and stop perpetuating shame, and in the long term to stop the practice all together. As your body vibration lines up with your intention, (To do the most beneficial thing for yourself) you will quit the behavior. The mere idea that this would be an acceptable behavior, or even a good behavior, suggested to your mind, may cause you to lose interest in the practice all together.

Take control of your life. Don’t fight or resist temptations or wish it would vanish but rather concentrate on what is within your power and strive to excel at it.

“What you resist, persists."

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Learn more about the shadow self, it exists within everyone, and can manifest as different traits and characteristics (the undesirables), Great power can be found in integrating ones's shadow self rather than conquering it. One who successfully integrates their shadow self will cease to judge the shadows which they perceive in the world! IT's an incredibly difficult task, it is a feat of heroism for that reason.

My Experience

Here I am going to dive in more deeper levels so please bear with me.

I am on NoFap mode since 7 years even before I knew about this term.

I follow some strict guidelines that helped me to got over from this addiction completely.

This is how I got over it:

  1. I wrote in my notebook - Thank you God/Source for giving me the strength to get over porn. Energy that I am receiving is powerful.
  2. I accept that I am addicted to porn and I really want to get over my addiction as I know that it is suffocating my soul and experience of life.

After continuously repeating this, I was given the guidance and technique to get over it.

Guidance: Your senses (body) is controlled by your mind. Your mind is controlled by you intelligence and determination (intent). Intelligence is controlled by your soul which is ultimately controlled by supersoul (god/Source).

Technique: Notice the particular time you feel yearning for masturbating and from next day before that time stand upside down. You can take support of wall, bed, pole etc. While doing it, visualise your sexual energy (semen) going inside higher chakras (sacral and solar plexus). This will drastically increase your creativity as that energy is life force itself.

Always remember that certain beings are surrounding us who put these thoughts inside your head which make you masturbate because they feed on your energy. They suck your energy. Even the thought of masturbating is not yours. Don't give them your energy or let them manipulate you. (They are non physical is nature and communicate through thought forms, so you don't have to be scared).

You should also practise the first two exercises mentioned here

You will feel immense confidence and strength within you after atleast 21 days. You have to be very strong and pray for guidance. Determination is the key. Invest your energies in building will power. Your will has the ability to change the direction of your life. You are stronger than you think. Instead of following your senses, follow your soul/spirit. Connect with your soul more often. Find time to meditate, go in nature, hug trees, etc.

Food also plays a MAJOR role. Manage your diet and eat good stuff. Stat hydrated.

All these things add up. Small actions lead to big results.

NoFap benefits? I hear you ask.

Well, I have experienced all those common benefits listed in this video, except "sex becomes better than porn". 😛 As I've never been into any such relationships.

I am on Brahmacharya mode now.

Retention of hormonal fuel helps build up the required charge to ionise the spinal fluids, kundalini becomes more potent and electric.The energy release through ejaculation is a lower octave expression of spiritual life force, transmuted and allowed to move properly up the spine, through surrender and merging with its flow, it can channel the energetic perception to its peak.

After the threshold is reached, the spinal fluids begin to shower from the bottom of the crown and can be experienced as subtle pranic energy emanating a full body orgasm, breaking down muscle armoring and releasing nervous tention. This sublimation of spinal fluids releases a fully integrated physical, erotic, volitional, emotional, expressive, conscious human/divine bliss, also called the divine nectar of immortality, ambrosia or amrita.

Brahmacharya is all about merging with the One of all the precepts.

The reason why I am on Brahmacharya is to use my energy for a higher purpose than for external desires. I use my sexual energy to regenerate my connection to my spiritual self.

Brahma literally means the ‘divine consciousness’ and charya, means ‘living’ or ‘one who is established in’. A literal definition of the fourth yama becomes not ‘celibacy’, nor ‘moderation’, but ‘being established in divine consciousness’, or ‘being established in the higher (form of the) mind’. Or even, ‘walking with God’- being One with everything. It may be easier to understand brahmacharya if we remove the sexual designation and look at it purely as energy.

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Brahmacharya means merging one's energy with God/Source to be able to experience this state and sustain it. This is why abstaining from loss of energy through sensory pleasure seeking is advised against as it not only subjugates us to primal instincts, the body has to work to restore the lost fluids at a higher rate than they naturally get replenished.

While self restraint from compulsive behaviour aids the ascent of kundalini, denying sexual expression hinders the flow, we cannot eradicate this life cycle and get rid of our existential features. Realisation of self is integration of all aspects and bringing them to conscious so they do not control our impulses. Thus, a healthy balance is the key.

Once a person reaches an equilibrium of energy one can recycle the fuel through sexual energy transmutation or with help of a right partner, at this point sex becomes divine, an act of meditation.

Much love, light and blessings to everyone! 💚 🌟 💫


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@invinciblelight 💫


I can attest to all this, yes :)

When I met my husband, he was into porn and we both stimulated ourselves. However, I have CPTSD from abuse, (part of that abuse was sexual) and the narcissist used porn as part of his methods to either punish me or threaten me.

My husband and I, before we knew we would even marry, discussed stopping the self stimulation and he agreed to stop viewing porn. I wanted it to be fair, so what applied to him, also applied to me. At first it wasn't clear cut, and we slowly got into it as we established how certain things made us feel.

It happened a couple of times when one of us slipped up and didn't tell the other until we did talk about it and it felt like he had gone behind my back, because of what I had lived in the past. But these moments were also stepping stones, where we realised how important it was to communicate our affectionate and sexual needs but not neglect our bodies.

Over time, I learnt that it's ok for me to not be able to make love and that he will not seek satisfaction elsewhere as a way to punish me, like my abuser would do.

It has been so many years now since the last time one of us did anything other than make love to each other. Our sexual energy builds up and it is saved for us. We can be intimate without sex and still feel orgasmically pleasured, just from the energy. We are satisfied just by being together, we don't always need sex to be satisfied in terms of affection. I also used to be afraid to initiate sex and I have come to a point where most of time, if I feel it's now, I tell him it's now, without the fear of "being turned down". And if he does tell me he is unable, it doesn't make me feel as though I am being rejected. I have worked on healing much of the abuse and am so much more confident and comfortable sexually with my husband. Yes, sometimes I still feel guilty turning him down, but I can now tell him that what I need is for us to not make love, without being afraid. Guilt and fear don't have to go hand in hand. But mostly, I've moved passed a lot of my issues in that regard.

We have all this energy for each other. I also find that I am a lot more creative and inspired when my libido is high. This is regardless whether we've made love or not, because some weeks, it's every day, twice a day, and I'm so inspired and there is so much of that energy. Other times, it's more subdued, but even when we feel the need to not make love, that energy is there, so we feel the love connection anyway, breathing each other in. It is such a wonderful sensation to share with someone to whom I have pledged my love for the rest of my life.

What started as something that could help me heal, has become something that we wish to continue for the growth of our love and the health of our relationship.

Those last few lines of your article sum it right up lol "Once a person reaches an equilibrium of energy one can recycle the fuel through sexual energy transmutation or with help of a right partner, at this point sex becomes divine, an act of meditation."

I agree 100%. When you can have an orgasm without any sexual intercourse or foreplay, you know you've reached a level of meditative sexual connection with your partner.

Woah!!!! Thank you for sharing your amazing experience! ☺ LOVED how it turned out for both of you and made you divine couple of cosmos!!! 💚

Keep walking on the path of divine union, let your precious sexual energy trasmute intself into infinte creativity. May the divinity bless upon you both! 💫

Keep smiling and keep shining! ☺🌟

Thank you! :)

Btw, how does one type up that green heart emoji? I don't know how to do emojis on Steemit lol. Green is my favourite colour XD So thanks for choosing that one ;)

You're welcome! ☺💚

It's inbuilt in my phone keyboard. I don't know how to type green heart emoji on pc as I don't have pc or laptop.

I use green heart emoji coz it symbolise uncoditional love and also our heart chakra is of green colour. ☺


Ah, you're using a phone. On my tablet I have these icons too. I Steem on a laptop though. So I guess I'll have to search to see if there is a way to get it on PC.

Green chakra! That is the reason why I started putting green in my hair, because I can connect to my inner healing energy. These days, I also have violet and blue, for communication and third eye energy.

The colours my husband and I had at our wedding were, for one our favourite, but also for what they represent, green and orange: love, healing and joy.

Awesome!!! ♥️💛💚💙💜

LOVE this, thank you for sharing. I definitely do not have an addiction to porn (I haven't ever watched it, honestly), but I have been doing a LOT of reading about divine sex and feel really called to explore this side of my sexuality and I think the overall message here is super important, especially to those of us on the path of ascension. Thanks for sharing. Letting it all sink in.

Thank you very much! I am glad you loved this. ☺

You're welcome! 💚

Much love, light and blessings to you! 💫 keep smiling and keep shining! ☺🌟


Beautifully articulated post :) loved reading. Upvoted and following u as always.
Regards Nainaz

Wow! Amazing effort here. Have upped & resteemed u :)

Though there are a few mistakes with the code around two of the images. You may want to tidy these up before it becomes permanent ;)

Thank you very much, @samstonehill! ☺💚 It means a lot!! I am very grateful to you! ☺ Blessings. 💫

I have used the code like the way it shoul be. And even in preview it is showing no errors... image image

on eSteem app.

I don't know why it shows that errors on browsers even though I re-checked the code.

Perhaps some bug or something like that.

Sadly I can't fix this error from my phone. (Pain of having no pc or lappy.)

Ah, no worries. It's a small detail. Can't please all the people all the time!

Is that your article on Grounding? I guess you know I don't wear shoes ;)

Yup, I've mentioned about grounding in my article as I myself do it daily and also sungazing, too! 😉

And yes, I know you don't wear shoes. As you like to spend your life quite simply in the direct embrace of Mother Nature. ☺

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