Well this was not the way I planned #nocomfortzone

in #nocomfortzone7 years ago (edited)

Deep, long sigh. lol (this is going to be a post where i'm not really worried about grammar, punctuation, etc. lol sorry and there are 2 parts.)

part 1

So when @d-vine nominated me for this challenge, I was so pumped!!! I thought - of course I can do this! Yeah!!! here we go! Because when you think of a #nocomfortzone challenge, I think- initially, you think - how can I push myself to some limit that I haven't experienced before??? This is gonna be like Rocky! I can't wait to run up those stairs blaring Eye of the Tiger, baby!!

But you're really not .... or I wasn't... REALLY thinking of NO. COMFORT.

like...beyond... where you are comfortable.


Just think about how we avoid discomfort! I mean - we are human beings that are trained to lean away from pain. slink away from conflict. we don't wanna feel the burn - we wanna run and hide!

Now... having said that - I.... like my girl @d-vine, have a feisty, can't-knock-me-down spirit. I can rise to the challenge. I know how to fight. I know how to analyze. I can get prepared.

that's when I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. hahahaha

but this challenge was really a lot different. It was choosing to put yourself there. and i will be completely and brutally honest.


I did intentionally put myself into a place where my skin was crawling with anxiety and discomfort. (nothing harmful! Just completely pushing my limits)

and I kept telling myself - ok, you can do this. calllllm dowwwwwn. I talked it through with someone who calmed my nerves and pumped me up and I was ready... so ready... to give over control and just dive in.

and then - I didn't. First there were legitimate reasons, and then that crucial timeframe passed. You know - the one where you're teetering... and if just one more minute goes by, you're backing up. And that minute did pass, and instead of leaping, I took that step back away from the cliff. Then the excuses began, and then there was guilt, and that kept me avoiding the issue even more.

and... I still haven't gone back to that ledge.

I'm not even going to tell you "what" it was that freaked me out. because it doesn't matter. Some people would relate. Some people would think it's ridiculous. Some people would say THAT was your no comfort zone???

But yeah. it was. it IS.

Why do we always try to compare suffering with other people and somehow try to categorize it as more or less than what others are going through??? Why do we do that?

My SUFFERING is my suffering. It isn't yours and yours isn't mine. I can breeze through things that incapacitate you. And you will think the things that freeze me in my tracks are just "a piece of cake".

But it doesn't matter what you or I or he or she thinks about what others are going through. That's their struggle with their own demons.

So. failed. well? let's just say i haven't succeeded YET.

But... at least I acknowledged it, and I have it set before me. and I truly believe that I will conquer it when I'm ready. because it bothers me, and i want to change it. i want to experience facing this head-on. and i'll take a few bruises, but i just want to walk away the victor.

Part 2.

As irony would have it..... I found myself in another situation that I willingly orchestrated. hahahaha (go figure!) and now.... I'm completely panicked.

There is no way out. I NEED to go through with this. I NEED to rise to the occasion, and I know I will. I didn't expect this "discomfort" until it came a-knockin' on my door.

But it's here. and i'm about to handle it. so in a way, i avoided one #nocomfortzone, and found myself in another.

Life's a tricksy thing.

I have some nominees in mind... I'll edit my post tomorrow with their names :)


I'm literally about to head out the door to THAT meeting. #nocomfortzone

you are one of the ones i was going to nominate. LOL and i have no VP to upvote your comment... so take this 40 cent worth tip! hahahahaha

Hi @stormriderstudio! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: 26 Day Detox: Day 19 - Who Ordered The Side Of Insulin?. Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

@cardboard can you please let me know how to remove the post promo? I put in "tip simple" and it accepted it and told me that i updated the settings - but it keeps putting the posts in. thanks in advance :)

"Life's a tricksy thing."

Yep. Get some sleep...

Good night... <3



hehehehe yes - sleep will probably help greatly :)

i can't upvote you right now. hehehehe i am never gonna get my VP back up ever again LOLOL but i can give you a tip! simple :) and its worth way more than my penny vote anyway hehehehe and i'm trying to get the posts to stop showing up with the tip.... but it's not working- so just ignore the post promotion lol i'm sure you've already read whatever it chooses anyway hahahaha

Hi @creatr! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

I believe in this one thing, nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been made possible yet.

One day your impossible will be possible keep on working at it!!

Thanks for the encouragement!!! Have a fabulous day today!!! can't wait to see pics of your VIP adventure hehehe ... and since my vote is meager... please accept this tip! simple from meeeee hehehe

Hi @robmenzies! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

You can now delegate SP to @tipU for daily profit:) Click here to learn more :)

I am now intrigued at what might make you so uncomfortable. Public speaking would do it for me - makes me want to shrivel up and hide!!!
Good luck with conquering it :)

hahahaha... part of me wants to just say it - so that maybe other people can say - meeee toooo! and we can console one another and laugh at the ridiculousness of it. (and then encourage each other that SOME DAY we will overcome! lol) but then... i guess that's why it really conquered me in the challenge. cuz the whole thing just makes me irritated that it has power over me. I really hope I do conquer it... and then i'll be able to come back and be like "wooo hoooooo. who's yer daddy?!?!? " or mommy i guess. lol (i am saving my upvotes because my VP is ridiculous and I am ridiculous in not being able to refrain for any significant time period to let it recharge!!! i haven't been over 30% in the last week!!!! hahahaha so you get a much more attractive tip! simple :) don't spend it all in one place!!!

Hi @andysantics48! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

You can now delegate SP to @tipU for daily profit:) Click here to learn more :)

Wow thank you very much - I will be sure to spend it wisely in many ....... stores? Just saying it may be empowering and it might free you from it's hold over you :D Can't say that's ever worked for me though lmao

Hahahhahaha.... Yeah I kinda think I'll say it and then be like..


That was anti-climactic.

And then I'll feel worse cuz I'll feel all alone and weird. 😂

I do appreciate you and your gentle nudging though! It makes me feel "hugged" that you would even take the time to comment about it 🤗

So thank you!!! I'll make you a deal. The day I conquer it, you'll know exactly what it was that got trampled by MEEEEE 😊

Come on over to my place - you can whisper it there :P

Ewww I just realised that made me sound like a stalker lmao

Hahahhaa I didn't think that at all and I was going to write "only if you make hot chocolate with marshmallows!" And then I saw you comment below and cracked up!!!!!!(which is why I'm commenting there now hahahaha)

Blimey are you trying to knock me off lol I would love to make hot chocolate and marshmallows but..... that would require me going into a carb coma..... I suppose I could watch you consume it.

Ohhh booy, exactly that happened to me! I pushed through it though & did what I did.
Well things happen for a reason, I believe, if @topkpop would have not come up with this challenge, I would have done it anyhow, like I mentioned I will be writing a book.
I have dealt with it to be able to put it out there, having had a life threatening illness put things in perspective.
I never did it, believe me what was uncomfortable was the responses, to get attention or compare my suffering. I shared my story, not because of the suffering & bad things.
It actually makes me uncomfortable to get reactions, I don't want anyone to get the idea I am a victim, I was victimized!
We are all individual & unique, everyone with their own mind, emotions, experiences & story,
I know I am a super bad ass & I shared it to let people know, NEVER GIVE UP!
Everyone should do things on their own accord & for the right reasons <3

Much love & humongous huggins to ya, D

not you!!! LOL

i was saying that sometimes i belittle my own suffering because I compare it to the perceived REAL suffering of others.

but.... we need to live in our own worlds and realize that everything affects us very personally and seriously.

I feel the same way as you - i refuse to be a victim.
(and when I behave like one - it makes me so mad!!!!)

I love you and I'm so glad that you challenged me - because it shows me I have some places that I really need to grow hehehehe

and i won't give up!!!! i won't! i promise!!! :) I love you! (and i currently have such little voting power that I need to do better than an upvote... hehehee tip! simple there you go!!! hehehe)

All goooood <3! I LOVE YOU TOO! I didn't see this directed towards me, I just felt the need to explain to you why I did it <3
I am a bit uneasy though to have made you uncomfortable. You should know, you don't have to do anything that doesn't feel right to you <3

I LOVE YOU TOO <3 Enjoy your trip you pirate <3

totally. that's why i needed to stop! lol

and didn't i just tell you that a few days prior??? seems like it was coming for me too! hahhahaha

i love you too!!! just 5 more days aghhhhhhhh

Man, am I curious! It's ok though, I understand why you don't want to share. I hope you do conquer it! I think you made a valid point when you said we all handle things differently.

Yeah you know people want to say.. oh you're complaining about this and people in "x" need "x"

Yes! They do! But that's their world.

And in my world... This is a very real struggle that I have. And it affects me deeply.

But you know.. then there are times when we agree with them and we all can't help but say ... Oh geez. What am I whining for??? Lol

But each person is really dealing with a private personal battle

I think of it a little like phobias. I am so irrationally afraid of spiders that I think they will do things to me from a horror movie. Lol

But I'm not at all afraid of snakes.

So does that make me better than the person who is afraid of snakes? Lol
No! There is no comparison. The phobia is totally subjective.
It's similar (but not exact) with suffering

Perception shapes our reality. I want to change my perception to see things the way God sees them. To see myself the way God sees me.

But that's a journey. 🙂

Amen! That's a good word right there!

Perception shapes our reality. I want to change my perception to see things the way God sees them. To see myself the way God sees me.

Yes, a million times! ❤

Oh, you've got me curious. One day you can whisper it to me too. I've had so many fears in my life, that chances are I will understand yours. When you come to NZ, you, me and Andy can have a nice detox tea or summat together and chat.

my daughter read my post yesterday and she said MOMMMMM WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?! lol

then i shared it with her (cuz i didn't want her to worry that i did anything bad to myself!) and she said - oh. good. i agree with you.

AGHHHHHHHHH i've created a mini-me who struggles with the same things!!!!! LOLOLOL

and oh my goodness. the NZ trip just got better knowing that Andy is your sister!!!!!! this is awesomeeeeeeee and yes some chamomile will be fine. hehehe i told her she could make us some hot chocolate with marshmallows hahahaha (but don't tell her i can't drink milk anymore hehehehe ) LOLOL

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