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RE: My Mixed-up Feelings on Being a Yoga Teacher

in #nocomfortzone7 years ago

I enjoyed your last post - but after this post... i'm following :)

so much of what you said CLICKED... and is actually my "nocomfortzone" as well. I wish that we could just do the things that we're passionate about without needing to be those people on the street corners wearing the ridiculous Statue of Liberty costumes! lol ughhhhh whyyyy. why can't it be simple? LOL

but you know what....occasionally, you meet a person in your class, or on your journey that makes it so worthwhile.... and then you think - THIS is what I do it for :)

we just have to cling to those moments and hope that enough of them come together to be strung like pearls on a necklace :)

sending you hugs through the airwaves ;)


Such a sweet reminder, thank you! Yes, teaching has been very rewarding for me in the heart connections I've made with some of my students, many of whom are now teachers. I'm grateful for those, and grateful for you connecting here! Fabulous comment. Hugs back! 💖

Yes, I love that:

occasionally, you meet a person in your class, or on your journey that makes it so worthwhile.... and then you think - THIS is what I do it for :)

we just have to cling to those moments and hope that enough of them come together to be strung like pearls on a necklace :)

Sometimes, I'm rolling in pearls, but occasionally have to go pearl-hunting myself.

right????? LOL well, hopefully those times of plenty happen often enough to get us through the times of famine ;)

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