How Steemit Pushed Me Out of The Comfort Zone

in #nocomfortzone7 years ago

So the lovely @katrina-ariel has nominated me for the #nocomfortzone challenge started by @topkpop. You can see the original post here

I like this one a lot. It's easy for us to write about the things that come naturally to us, or share photos of the things we do regularly and do well. But it's an entirely different thing to put ourselves out there in places we don't feel we shine, or in places we don't necessarily fit in, or sharing things that make us feel vulnerable.

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I had to think about this one a bit. In general, I'm a pretty confident person. I'm not shy, I can do crowds or public speaking, I have challenged myself physically in the past. Then I remembered something I did on Steemit not that long ago. With a little push from the amazing @thekittygirl, I posted a tidbit of poetry.

I am in no way a poet. I dabble here and there with word combinations. There will be a phrase that pops in my head that I like (mostly phonetically) so I jot it down and will write a little poem around it. There's usually no specific meaning or agenda. I like the way something sounds, so I create a little meaning (usually pretty abstract) around it. I do it for myself, not for recognition or a hope of someday being published. Just one of the ways I pass the time and entertain myself.

Until Recently I Have Never (Not Once) Shared a Word of It

So it was a pretty big moment for me to post the first one. I was uncomfortable. I felt vulnerable and exposed. I hit refresh like a million times just waiting for the negativity to flow in. And you know what? I survived. So I did it again today in honor of this challenge.

You can check them out if you'd like. It makes me uncomfortable. But isn't that the point?

Blunt Device

I think how it works is I now have to nominate somebody else to do this. @thekittygirl and @kerlund74 - you're up ladies, if you choose to participate.


Okay, I did it. I stepped out of my comfort zone, too.

You really know how to take a challenge and run with it. BEAUTIFUL post, thank you!

I love that you took on this challenge. Great works! It is not always easy to get out of your comfort zone and it is really cool seeing what it was for you and how you explained it all. Great post and way to go!

Congrats on getting out of your comfort zone. I find this is a necessary thing in order to grow from time to time. :D

Yay for poetry! Sharing your writing can be scary. Sometimes even reading it years later can be scary, lol! (Might just be me.) Poetry was my biggest release growing up. It helped me get my thoughts out and navigate my emotions. Poetry is therapeutic art, to me. Yours is lovely, I enjoyed Barfly especially. :)

Thank you. I think that’s it. Because i do it for me, it’s my personal therapy. And sharing that is haaaaard for me

already waaay out of my comfort zone......

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