I am so happy to be the owner of the NES Classic Edition, I used to have the original back in the days and I am a Die Hard Super-Mario 3 Fan. So in this blog, I want to show you the 30 games that comes with the console, a Speedrun through all of them from the best of the best on Youtube in alphabetical order, enjoy :)
Balloon Fight
Bubble Bobble
Castlevania II: Simon´s Quest
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong Jr.
Double Dragon II: The Revenge
Dr. Mario
Final Fantasy
Ghost and Goblins
Ice Climber
Kid Icarus
Kirby´s Adventure
Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Punch-Out! Featuring Mr. Dream
Star Tropics
Super C
Super Mario Bros 1
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario Bros 3
Tecmo Bowl
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Which NES-Classic games are your favorite? Comment below and Steem On :)
I love the way they have made them so small and cute too.
Upp n Follow @fyrstikken
Love the Pacman and Super Mario
Yeah Pacman & Super Mario is fun :)
I never got the chance to play all these 30 games, so I´m looking forward to start from the top.
The controller cable was a bit short
Damn -- I im having a flashback to the good old Donkey Kong days... CHEERS!
Donkey Kong Rules @macksby - Cheers :)
super mario jag ålskar
Totally - Best Game ever from Nintendo imo
Ghost & Gob is the most difficult game i've ever played. And great game. Have fun with the console! The box still looks brand new!
Thank you bro - I will try G&G - never played it.
I would change the title to "weekends are wasted now" haha
Good stuff man!
BTW - what was that game withe gnome, the guy and the girl who were fighting against creatures and you could cast magic too?
hehehehe :D good one :D
The weird/intersting thing is, all these games are from the late 1980s/early 1990s, yet they look like phone games.
hehe, the 80´s and 90´s games were a bit ... less complicated ;)
But they put a lot more effort into making them fun to play.
It is my childhood-console :D
Thanks for the article ! I remember my childhood , I spent many hours playing . It was great ! I will follow you !
Ahhh it reminds me of my younger days too. How much does it cost?
Wow, so many memories!! Have fun.

thank you @hilarski :)