in #nine-eleven6 years ago (edited)


The CIA controlled the Los Angeles Crack Cocaine trade that Gary Webb wrote about, and was killed for. This is a known fact.

For those who are too young to remember, Crack was worse for Black people than the opiate (heroin) trade is today - it swept the poor, just cheap enough to get high on a welfare check.

Unlike today's heroin epidemic, the USA government attacked Black addicts and made the dope in addicts pocket enough to catch 5 years - 25 for his dealer who was breaking a fraction of an ounce of Crack Cocaine into pieces the size of a sharpened pencil tip. Large Crack busts were non existent, even though it is incredibly easy to trace such a rudimentary supply line of addicts and low level dealers.

Why not break the booming, blossoming Crack Cocaine trade? Because at the top of that Crack network was our Dope Boy government - dope boys for hundreds of years - ever since the Brits got more than half of the Chinese male population hooked on Heroin back in the early 1800's and fought a series of "Opium Wars" to keep than junkied up - the same folks who run the show today were warring poor folks to sell them dope and keep them sleep while fleecing through addict theft the tiny accumulation of wealth these poor societies had way back when we were on plantations - do you think they quit or got better.

The LA Crack trade was a step on the dope running path we are on now - 93% of USA Heroin comes from Afghanistan, a country with 1 international airport, and no seaport, under military occupation by the most powerful government in World history - but we can't stop guys carrying Heroin poppy through the mountains with donkeys? That is not a thing - in fact, the first President of Afghanistan, Karzai, is brother to the country's largest Heroin trafficker - we as Americans silently participate as our Government runs 93% of the USA Heroin supply through our CIA control of Afghanistan, right now!…/wo…/article/0,8599,1932862,00.html .

There is actually a database run by the DEA that tracks every sample of Heroin confiscated in America - and try selling that 7% of Heroin that was all of USA Heroin back in the 80's - they will take your competitive network down so fast it is insane - they track who makes what dope so we can keep making all the dopes! LOL!

The LA Crack Cocaine trade of the 1980's was trafficked by the CIA as part of the Iran Contra Affair. This is a known and accepted fact - Iran Contra ran Cocaine through Mena Arkansas.

What they don't tell you is that Mena Arkansas CIA Cocaine route was opened in 1982 to develop the Crack Cocaine trade - a direct attack on Black America!.

The recent Tom Cruise movie American Made (2017) was about CIA agent Barry Seale who ran the Cocaine from Nicaragua to Mena Arkansas, under the oversight of then Arkansas Attornet General Bill Clinton!

The USA was flooded with Cocaine in the 1980's, why would American CIA open a new route, serviced by just a handful of pilots, Barry Seale among them, and four airplanes, from 1982 - 1986?

Because that Mena Arkansas cocaine was meant specifically for the CIA developed, never before heard of, Crack Cocaine.

Here is the REAL Freeway Rick Ross, the biggest Crack Cocaine dealer of the time, in an interview with Alex Jones, in which he says that his primary supplier, the man who snitched on him, turned out to be a CIA agent connected to Mena Arkansas - this confirmed what Gary Webb was killed for reporting, that the prime Crack Cocaine connection for the REAL Freeway Rick Ross - who supplied LA, was a CIA connection.

The CIA opened a special Cocaine route to supply the start of the Crack Cocaine Trade, from 1982 - 1986, through Mena Arkansas, with $100,000,000 per month laundered and documented under the Arkansas Development Finance Authority.

This is all known fact - the USA Government did Crack to Black America - just like they changed the laws on opiates, ran the pill mills to get ready for the Afghan Heroin trad we were seizing, trillions of dollars in the most valuable War minerals on Earth are in those mountains, we sold them to China for cheap, we got the Heroin - Known Facts - most just don't know nothing cause the Mocking Bird Media does't tell us..

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