NIKE ... the only brand that will last 3 years out
The pair of Shoes are a pair of Nike's along with other Shoes i have brought with me. This is my Air Jordans. I hardly wear them, but when i do , i do it in style ... usually when the sun is out and in malls ... after that i put on my shitty shoes and place these bad boys in cloth bag. I'm that vain... bwahhhha
NIKE shoes ... these are my pair ... there is no other pair like mine
This article Discusses why Nike Shoes are the best all around shoes out there. Also why I brought them with me.
Nike shoes since I was age 6 have always been on my feet, no other casual shoes have touched my feet until i went to college.
Oh come on man!!!! You lyin! Well like I said casual shoes. Nike for some odd reason the quality for the price you pay lasts you at most 2 -3 years as a kid depending on how much you use them. However Nike somehow stood the test of time and actually paid for themselves. I've had a pair of nike shoes for 4 years before changing them out while growing up. My parents saved up alot of money cuz of NIKEs. The quality is by superior to any casual shoe out there.
I've tried Sketchers later in life and found out sketcher shoes just dont last more than a year on my feet. sure they feel comfortable and give you additional height, but the stuff that I do like walk, catch the bus , run, play sports, etc. Sketchers just don't cut. They break easy.
I've Tried Reebok, they come in second, the problem is with reebok is that their designs are more like Vans or for skateboarders. They last pretty well about 2 years at most, but I don't like reebok because of their design. Sure their are other designs but where I used to live reebok shoes copied the vans style of foot wear. I really needed that arch in my shoe for flexibility, i always felt stiff.
Lugz is another brand i like, but because of their suede composition they deterioate fast in warm weather in South East Asia. I love the fact they look like construction boots, but damn they break down fast because of the suede. I usually use them when going to high end places and urban style is a must.
So before coming to south east asia i brought with me 3 pairs of NIKES. My thinking was that was last me a good six years if i space it out right and not over use them. They are stylish shoes so i have to use local shoes in country for everyday wear.
But thankfully my Nikes have not broken down and i'm still on my first pair of NIKEs. The weather doesn't affect them too much and they maintain their shape and quality with nearly zero break down. Of course i take care of my nike shoes unlike the local crappy shoes. I have to replace the crappy shoes at least every 6 months. The brand is something local so its not worth mentioning, however my NIKE's in all of its endeavors here in South East Asia such as rain, heat, sun, humidity, they still perform well and don't degrade as fast.
NIKE ... its everywhere your feet wanna be