I do not know where the devil got into you until you threatening me? That looks stupid I did not know. I just feel no need to know will be the doings behind me. There are other things more important to save my brain capacity. That’s not what concerns me.
If all this time I did not mean I’m submissive, maybe you are born a queen that is free to act with all my ladies in waiting. Which can easily control the pawns of the courtier? But I’m not them.
With how the way I say it again if my tongue reluctant to remove the hate speech. And today when I finally speak, it’s because the discomfort was ambushed my body.
Even when I’m devastated, it was not as easy as you conquer me. Thankfully you do not know. And even if one day you realize this then read my statement. Who are you? How dare me. You think you who? I’m not a slave, I am a free man.
Tell the devil that controls you, the threat was not thrilling me. Your hands could never touch me. Know why? Because I was the one who did not have hope. And people who do not have a hope also has no fear.
If you are brave, try the face-to-eye. And repeat the words.
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