in #nigeria6 years ago


"But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation." (1Thess 5:8).

Does "YOU CAN LOSE YOUR SALVATION" bring any hope about your salvation to you, friend? Does a statement like that give you a confident assurance of your salvation? Yet, this is what we hear many many preachers say today! I wonder where they got that!

The truth is, most believers are not humble at all. Why? Because, they completely reject what God freely offers them by Christ, and that is rebellion in God's sight. They would rather choose to suffer than to rest in the sufferings of the cross. They would rather allow their own good works, obedience, self-righteousness or even their faith to replace Christ, even the blood, than rest in the grace of Christ, and that is idolatry.

"Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him." (Romans:5:9)

Does the scripture say, "because you don't sin, but do good, live right, holy, and have a perfect lifestyle, you shall be saved from God's wrath?" O, is that what it says? Never! The scripture says, " because we are JUSTIFIED BY THE BLOOD, WE SHALL BE SAVED FROM GOD'S WRATH THROUGH HIM, CHRIST! "

"For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, BEING RECONCILED, we shall be SAVED BY HIS LIFE." (Romans:5:10)

Good works, perfect behavior modifications, self-righteousness, man's obedience, and " holy" living do not save a man. The above scripture doesn't say so. God forbid! Never! Not at all! It simply says, "THE LIFE OF CHRIST! " READ THAT LAST PART AGAIN!

Yes, what saves a man is that blood which was shed through that precarious death on the cross! The scripture openly says that, "BECAUSE WE ARE RECONCILED BY HIS DEATH, WE SHALL BE SAVED BY HIS LIFE (NOT BY OUR GOOD WORKS OR HOW OBEDIENT WE ARE)" This is what is called SALVATION BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN CHRIST! "

Friend, do you desire to lose your salvation? Then, let me help you do that! JUST REJECT JUSTIFICATION BY THE BLOOD, AND YOU SHALL EFFORTLESSLY LOSE IT!

"So, I you saying we are not to do good works? We must continue in sin because 'ONCE SAVED, FOREVER SAVED'?"

Friend, I am never saying so! What we were not taught was " PUTTING OUR FAITH IN THE FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST." All they taught us was that, "WE SHOULD LIVE RIGHT, HOLY, AND DO GOOD WORKS TO KEEP THE SALVATION. " This was what you and I were taught. But friend, this is NOT the way we " WORK OUT" this salvation. It is solely by "ACCEPTING WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE" not by "DOING GOOD OR LIVING RIGHT!"

The more we accept that we are reconciled, justified, washed, and sanctified by the Christ, that blood, the more we walk in true holiness and righteousness. It has nothing to do with "RIGHT LIVING "; it has all to do with "RIGHT BELIEVING". Your salvation is as perfect as the blood of Jesus is. ONCE YOU ARE SAVED, YOU ARE FOREVER SAVED! Shalom!

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