NIGERIA ,The Dilemma of a Country and the Politics of Political Parties. The Advantage The Catel!

in #nigeria7 years ago

Prior to her movement from military Regime To what is called democracy in 1999, Nigeria has never been in a state of enjoying the true dividen of this system of governance called democray.
Going by the popular definition given by Abraham Lincoln( 1 August 1858), that democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
He went further to emphasied it by saying " *** as I would not be a slave, so will I not be a master. this expressess my idea of democracy, whatever differs from this to the extent of the difference, is no democracy***images(9).jpg
From the above definition, I understand that DEMOCRACY as a system of governance, is a goverment created by the people of a country, practised by the same people for the benefit of the people i.e the masses.images(11).jpg
it means everyone in the sense that, not only in terms of participation, but in terms of getting a fair share of the dividence of democracy that leads to the overall wellbeing of the people... EQUITY AND JUSTICS!

as I look at the situation in Africa as a whole and nigeria in particular, it worries me beause I see no element of democracy in any form, all I see is Aristocracy and a Feudalistic system with feudal Lords in the guice of Presidents, Governors, Senators, rep members etc who only care about what they will embezzel to enrich themselves and family even if it means others dying, they dont care! they live in the best houses, drives the best of cars,eat the best of food etc, at the detriment of the common man in street.
I tend to understand that the government is meant to be there for the intrest of the people, in terms of implementing policies that will better people welfare, improve living standared, reduce poverty, unemployment, basic infrastructure and the overall development of the nation as a whole.images(16).jpg

all you find is party politics of PDP, APC! without any focus and point of agenda as a nation. as of yesterday, the minister of information Mr Lai Muhamed( APC) said that the people should not be decieved by what PDP is saying, that they should not allow those who destroyed nigeria to pretend to be the ones that will save it, that APC is building a better nation.and my quetion is How?
mind you, I belong to non of this parties, and I'm not in support of any of them.
this is the dilema which nigeria finds herself.
the above is a photograph of a nigerian senator representing a senatorial district in Kogi State displaying luxury cars worth billions while the people he represents wallow in poverty!images(15).jpg
the nation is now own and runed by certain number of elite aristocats whom I call the catel... in the senate, house of representative, the presidency, the justics system etc they own the country, they decide what happens and so it is.
the masses have been shurt down, nobody dires to challenge the status squo and as such, the cabals are in control of everything, while the masses are living at their mercy!
my quetion then is how is africa going to grow if we dont rise and face reality by challenging the statue squo and taking out this aristocrats and feudal lords?images(8).jpg
we must rise and face reality, else we die hopelessly in cowardice... this I my thought and revelation. stand up and think for africa.map_of_africa.jpg # ngang


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