Made In Nigeria Mantra: The Way Forward

in #nigeria7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians! Welcome to Euronation!

Today, i will be focusing on Nigeria as a country, Nigerians as people and Nigerians as compatriots! Do not mix it up that because someone is a citizen of a country then the person is a patriotic. Patriotism is beyond citizenship by birth or by migration.

As a people, we are intelligent and gifted. Hardly is there anything we cannot do. When you mention world movers, Nigerians are always there. This suggests we are dedicated and hardworking. 

For a while now, there has been this continuous chant that made in Nigeria products should be embraced by all Nigerians. This, according to experts, will help the country greatly. This will move Nigeria market forward and encourage mass manufacturing of many products. This will drastically reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. It will also make many Nigerians employers of labour and thereby creating population of entrepreneurs. 

You will agree with me that we have amazing products in the market. We have good leather shoes, bags. We have good and beautiful textiles. We are also creative in mixing textiles and leathers together to create amazing and beautiful sandals, ear ring and bags.

Nigerians are really creative and very industrious. We are always ready to try new things, new possibilities and we are goal driven. If you have been to African markets, especially Nigerian markets, you will agree with me that we are creative.

I still believe best leather shoes are in Nigeria. You can try visit Aba market, Onitsha market to see beautiful leather designs.

By now, you will be asking yourself, where is this heading! Yes, this is heading towards our attitudes as Nigerians towards our own products. 

How many Nigerians can use Nigerian products and be proud? When last did you hype Nigeria products on any social media to promote it? When last did you encourage someone to buy Nigeria products for supposed 'English party'?

Tokenization is the new thing in the world today and all countries are adopting it and some are coming out with their own tokens. These tokens are being adopted massively by Nigerians which is a good thing because it is investment. But the idea behind this topic came up when a fellow Nigerian introduced us to another platform where we can buy an ICO. To my surprise, the platform was immediately rejected simply because its name looks like that of Yoruba people's (Yoruba is a tribe in Nigeria). I had to dig deep to understand who owns the platform. Amazingly, no single Nigerian in their team. I was just sad and felt helpless. I asked myself, can't Nigerians create token and sell ICO? 

We need to understand that we need to promote our own products, we need to support our people. We need to buy Nigeria to grow Nigeria. We need to support ourselves. The way we carry our products, advertise them to the world is the way they will help us take it.

Patriotism is supporting a promising investment by fellow countryman. Rome was not built in a day. So we need to start now.

This quickly reminds me of Black Skin White Masks by Frantz Fanon where he argued that we are Blacks according to our skin but Westerners in thinking. This kind of thinking relegates every African ideas as either barbaric or inferior. 

We need to think big and understand that the growth of our people depend solely on us. Nobody will promote our own products for us except we embrace it ourselves.

Let's change our orientations about our people. We are great people and that is why we do great things.

Thanks for reading.

@euronation team is a group of people with common goals and desires. The team was created with the intention to help newbies, Nigeria steemians and to grow steemit as a community. We guide members on the ethos of steemit, how they can be creative and come up with amazing ideas and impact the community at large.

Euronation Team










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Hello @euronation

He you omitted one of the team — @dray91eu?


Thanks @eurogee for the observation!

I am proud to be a nigerian

We are proud Nigerians too!

This is the way to go.One love.

Nigerians are very creative. We just need to cherish what we have.

You are very correct brother! We need positive vibes to move our nation forward.

Yeah we kill ourselves by ourselves and uderlook eachother
This needs to stop!!
Great one @euronation
I am a proud Nigerian

Wow! @euronation, you have just succeded in
arousing my passion for Nigeria. I believe in Nigeria! How can someone be part of euronation?

Hello @petoz

It is good to see that your passion was aroused by this post. To be part of @euronation, please contact any of these people: @smyle @eurogee and @sweetestglo-eu on
Thanks for your contribution.

Charity begins at home, so we have to love Nigeri before some people else can love it

Hello @josediccus

You are very correct! We must patronize our own goods first.

You see people even asking if is Nigeria made because they dont want to buy it and people who specializes in the production should try as much as possible to make it a quality product .

Hello @dollypor

You are are right! However, there are many quality products in Nigeria. Ordinarily, we call a product local just because it is made in our country. The quality has nothing to do with local or foreign because even what we call foreign is local in the country it came from. We need to change our mentality and support our own. There are inferior products in every country and these people still promote their own products. We should do the same.

Thanks for your time.

Thats true and sometimes Nigeria is use as a dumping ground for other country's product

Nigerians are unfortunately so much interested in foreign made goods even where our own are better, this is indeed an ugly development and must stop.

We are really gifted in Nigeria. Another thing i think we need is packaging, most of our stuff are well made but not well packaged.However, Many see themselves too high and mighty to use Nigerian products, which is very bad I love my country Nigeria, its full of well talented people. Lets show the World we are as good if not better. Nice,topic, nice pictures

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