africa economic emancipation: review and Solution

in #nigeria7 years ago

hello steemian,
africa ft.jpggrowthproject.jpg
I have actually been wondering the reason for the large differences between the african's economy and that of the economy of other continent. i decided to make this research and i observed the following problems and further sorted out solutions and step that could be taken to alleviate, grow and develop the african economy.
Read and share until it gets to the africa leaders who will implement .

Preamble: Before entering into the resolution of any dispute or error, there is need for proper identification and understanding of the cause of such disputes or agitation. Also in this article, before proffering solution that will enhance Africa’s economic emancipation, I will take time to review and evaluate the economic activities in Africa before colonization, during colonization and after colonization to help understand the place of Africa economy in the separate eras.
This article reviews the economic activity in Africa before colonization, during colonization and after Africa’s independent eras. It views the problems encountered by Africans, the reasons why Africa’s economy is still lagging compared to the economy of other continents in the world and the necessary steps to be taken to alleviate, improve and help increase development in Africa. In this view, the article will be slated into four sections to enhance proper understanding. These sections include;
(Ai) The Africa pre-colonial economic activities.
(Aii) The problems associated with the Africa pre-colonial economic activities
(Bi) Africa colonial economic activities
(Bii) Problems associated with Africa’s colonial economic activities
(Ci) Africa post colonial economic activities
(Cii)Problems associated with Africa post colonial economic activities and
(D)Solutions proffered for Africa economic emancipation.

(Ai) Africa pre-colonial economic activities: In Africa, before the arrival of the colonial masters, the basic economic activity in Africa was the barter trade. The process by which goods are exchanged for goods. In the ancient Africa, Africans depend solely on subsistent agriculture. A system where a family produced what was enough for him and his family. The problem of not being able to produce what was enough for each family resulted to the barter trade or trade by barter. The ancient Africa had more religious believe, cultural value and so therefore did not go into industrialization which will develop its economy.
(Aii)Problems associated with Africa pre-colonial economy: the major problem associated with the Africa pre-colonial economy was the problem of technology. The ancient Africa lacks technology and also the foresight to project or make policies that will help develop their economy. The economy was also held back by lack of good means of transportation, language barriers, religious differences and gross illiteracy. The ancients Africans felt okay with subsistent occupation which featured production of goods for immediate consumer of individuals and households. The ancient Africa economy had no development plan rather Africans then held their cultural belief and religion strongly.
(Bi) Africa’s colonial economic activities: this era witnessed growth in production as a result of the involvement of the white colonial master in the economic interplay. The Africans then understood the value of money, and making money became their priority. The colonial masters on the other hand traded african’s fortune for material needed by the ignorant Africans. The Africans then saw slavery as a source of income and livelihood therefore they got involved in slavery. So slavery became a legal economic activity as that time. The colonial masters managed Africans economy to their interest, while some tried to make Africa a home. Some saw Africa as a dumping; a market where they obtain all the resources they needed.
(Bii) Problems associated with Africa colonial economy: the major problem of this era was the problem of ignorance. Africans were so ignorant that they ignored the opportunity to set a blue print for Africans development and trade their desires with the whites man wish. Another problem recorded was the problem of mentality. The Africans mind as at that time was to make money, to use sophisticated products made by the white man instead of working out their own product. Another problem recorded in this era was the problem of exploitation by the colonial masters. The colonial masters instead of projecting Africa economic development, used Africa as a source of raw material for their industrial development.
(Ci) Africa post colonial economic activities: this era experienced boom in the economic activities. At that time, the learned Africans were then aware of Africans worth in terms of mineral resources. They managed Africa mineral resources and were able to produced their best with the prevailing technology in Africa. The learned Africans and leaders saw themselves as rulers over Africa, and managed Africans treasure to develop themselves instead of using Africans treasure to develop Africa. Africa leaders sort to have the white mans luxury with thinking of how to create such luxury themselves.
(Cii) Problem associated with the Africa post economic activity: the problems associated with Africa economic activities include the Africa chase to live the white man luxury, inadequate management, bad leadership, political instability, absence of blue print for development, inferiority, greed, inadequate expertise, lack of technology e.t.c.

(D) Solutions proffered for Africa economic emancipation: the first step toward Africans economic emancipation is re-orientation of Africans i.e making Africans believe in themselves. Africans should know and have the believe that the white man culture is not superior to that of Africans. If this is achieved, Africans can now take this following step for gradual liberation of the Africans economy. These steps include
-i- creating a strong and formidable economic union to unite and make Africa a small global village, irrespective of their differences such as religious differences, language differences, colonial differences, cultural differences e.t.c.
-ii- creation of a development plan to be integrated with all states in Africa.
-iii- creation of a strong African currency that will be accepted by all Africans.
-iv- creation of industrial developmental plans to suit in with the development plans set by the union.
-v- collectively fight bad leadership in Africa.
-vi- embrace africa’s product i.e. patronizing Africa made goods rather than depending on the importation of foreign goods from other continents.
-vii- promote africa’s culture make Africa a tourist attraction.
-viii- collectively fight colonization and foreign influence.

If this suggestions are implemented, bet you we will achieve great development in no time and have the africa of our dream.

love steemit, love steemians, love afraicans, love the world at large.
still me @donjerro.
and God bless.

africa future.jpg

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