"Nothing on earth consumes a man more quickly than a resentment." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche also thought that the height of human enlightenment is by way of the group, like team sports, and not an accomplishment of an individual. Yet, on the other hand, he was writing in his journals, that it is the problems and challenges in life which allow the individual's triumph of the will in the face of adversity. He never published his journals while alive because he couldn't reconcile within himself the discrepancy between an individual and a group.
As for the resentment, it is a feeling of sober realization that others did wrong to you in return for your help, love, trust, and truth. It's a form of judgement, nothing wrong in feeling resentful, it is a healthy reaction towards the offenders in order to protect oneself from similar situations in the future, to reconsider relationship status, and personal attitudes and commitments. Blaming the victim is another way of attack supporting the offender. Hate is all consuming, the resentment is not in the same category, not even close.
The guy was obviously confused. Somebody told him that he was exceptionally smart and he run with it believing every word that came into his mind as some pearls of genius. I care to disagree with his basic postulates. I say that the pinnacle of intelligence is within an individual while the groups become progressively dumber the larger they get, thus a full stadium crowd loses the ability to speak being reduced to only noises and simple chants.
To conclude, the shared experiences of the groups will never replace the individual experience of the sublime and divine nor will they replace or provide a better way for personal enlightenment and ascension to higher spiritual astral plane of reality.
The opposite actually, as a matter of fact, the groups waste the individual's time and energy on irrelevant to their personal growth stuff leaving the individual members stuck behind their own spiritual development and as a sacrificial lamb for the group's priorities and goals, success and prosperity.
The groups are the tools of adversary and are required for war. Theirs is the Lord god of War, god of separation and boundaries, who is also the adversary to God of Creation and unity of lower and higher self in Christ (annointed) Consciousness. The Church means an assembly.
Theirs is the assembly consisting of like minded individuals forming a group where they exalt each other's egos, hide each other's wrongdoings, spread lies, ignorance, conformity and confusion.
The real Church of Christ is the assembly of one within the individual human body, as the Temple of God, where resides the Holy Spirit, as the breath of God, commanded by the awaken soul, as the Consciousness of God, where the mind (there/then) is in symbiotic union with the brain (here/now) and rooted in the will of love, truth, and peace of God.
"Nietzsche is dead." ~ God
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