你知道,穆斯林由克里斯托弗·哥倫布發現美洲大陸......百年 Do you know that Muslims discovered the continent of America before Christoph Columbus for centuries ...

in #nice7 years ago





提到書“北非沙漠”引用鋁謝里夫鋁IDRISI(560 AH) ,其中指出,八個專章“傲慢年輕的”安達盧西亞組從起航西部海岸安達盧西亞中第四個世紀希望能探索海上黑暗,海洋他們去西部再向南Ferssoa當島上再其次路徑,直到他們到達另一個島嶼找到了巨人紅色,整體的感覺,並會見國王島嶼,並告訴他,他們出去探索叢林海洋結束,是什麼說服了他們不可能他們的項目留東部,直到他們到達里斯本港口走60天西部安達盧西亞。


在書(條件美國伊斯蘭教育)說,卡邁勒虎博士認為,一些穆斯林水手從掀起安達盧斯(1150)和定居岸邊。在西班牙也發現報告可追溯到1790年的摩洛哥穆斯林從西班牙移民現在被稱為«巴西» -時間迫害-並定居加利福尼亞州南部和佛羅里達州。
   We learned in geography that it was the Italian explorer Christoph Columbus who discovered America in 1492.

The fact that Muslims arrived on the shores of America before Columbus 500 years ago, the geographer and the Muslim historian Masoudi mentioned in his book "The Meadows of Gold and the Metal of Essence" that a Muslim sailor named Syed al-Qurtubi sailed from the west coast of Andalusia in 889 and walked in a straight direction He arrived at a large beach and came back loaded with many treasures.

Massoudi also drew maps of areas in the Atlantic Ocean (west of the African and European continent) he called the unknown land.

In a book entitled "North Africa and the Desert", Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi (560 e) says that eight Andalusian young men sailed from the shores of Western Andalusia in the fourth century AH, hoping to explore the sea of ​​darkness. They met the king of the island and told him that they had gone out to explore the periphery of the ocean and convinced them of the impossibility of their project. They left east and walked for sixty days until they reached the port of Lisbon in western Andalusia.

The adventurers of these adventurers - who are cousins ​​- were included in the investigations of Kratchkowski, and were verified in 1952 in the Department of Geography at the University of Whitewater.

In the book "Conditions of Islamic Education in America," Dr. Kamal Al-Nimr said that some Muslim sailors set out from Andalusia (1150 AD) and settled on the shores of what is now known as "Brazil." Also found in Spain are reports from 1790 about Moroccan Muslims who emigrated from Spain - Time of persecution - They settled in Southern California and Florida.

- To this day, in the library of the Escorial Palace in Spain, there is a map of the eastern coasts of the Americas, showing the discovery of the new lands by Columbus several centuries ago.

Add to this in the Ottoman era that the Turkish captain Haji Ahmad (or Perry Al-Rayes as it is called in the West) drew in 1513 an amazing map of the coasts of the Americas while Columbus thought he had discovered India!

Muslims discovered the continent of America Christoph

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