The Crisis is Real .. Their Excuse is Denial.
Yes, mankind does contribute to many issues on planet earth....However let there be no mistake that the entirety of this is an allowed chastisement coming from the Wrath of God enacted through his Son.
Apocalytic Weather Joe Monte Has This Story
CONFIRMED Tornado Increase NOT Linked To Global Warming - ABN Apocalyptic Weather - Jan 30th, 2017
Yet another massive tornado outbreak strikes heavily populated areas of the US Gulf Coast, killing 19 and leaving many homeless. Amidst the rubble of a Christian University in Mississippi, a statue of Christ is left in perfect condition, while a paper bible is found open and in-tact under church ruins. Now scientists are finding that the increase in storms is not at all related to climate change, so what is really causing the bizarre weather patterns?
ABN Weather Correspondent Joseph Monte will break it all down and bring you the whole truth on this episode of Apocalyptic Weather.
Updates Coverage on the same Issue of the BIG COVER UP
COVER UP in PUERTO RICO!!! Why Are They Hiding the Truth?
Archbishop Jean Viete Also presents explanations
Trump Proclaims Global Warming as a Hoax
Weather Channel Founder DESTROYS Global Warming Mythology - John Coleman
Berkeley declares 'climate emergency' worse than World War II, demands 'humane' population control and Quotes Cardinal Adam Muema
" More than 60 million died during WW2 " that is a statistic to recken with, but what is the TRUE cause ?
Qhotes Inhabitat by Lacy Cooke
Earth has a “30-year window of opportunity” to tackle climate change, according to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) secretary-general Petteri Taalas. He called for greater urgency in carrying out the Paris Agreement as the leaders of the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) together with WMO launched a brand-new climate change coalition. Every year 12.6 million people perish due to environmental risks — air pollution in particular — and the group aims to lower that number
Story Here
Antarctic ice loss triples in decade sparking fears of serious trouble
14 June 2018
Quotes Chris Mooney
Antarctica's ice sheet is melting at a rapidly increasing rate, now pouring more than 200 billion tonnes of ice into the ocean annually and raising sea levels half a millimetre every year, a team of 80 scientists has reported.
Story Here
Quotes Rick Smith, Iowa View contributor
Climate emergency: Half of Bering Sea ice vanishes in 2 weeks
Story Here
SO What exactly is coming ?
The Imperial Regent of the Lord quotes
Isaiah 24:20 It staggers and shakes like a drunkard or a hut in a windstorm. It is burdened down with sin; the earth will fall, never again to get up
Planet X Nibiru Causing Most Bizarre Weather in 1000 Years [VIDEO]
Breaking news !!! LISTEN To This - RUSSIAN TV is showing NIBIRU PLANET X (Russia Doesnt hide it)
Pole Shift Threatens To Cause Weather Chaos ...It Already has .. and NIBIRU is escalating it. The Destroyer ushers in this Apocalyptic Weather ..
Enlil aka Lord of the Winds is behind it all because we are now living in the time period within the Book of Revelation and he is the one in the same as Yeshua now RayEl .
Revelations 19 12
he Rider on the White Horse
11Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. 12He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.…
Sources and Credits
God and his Son Lord Rayel
Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
I do not claim credit for any of these pictures, video and stories.
Hello @cardinalkpatrick,

I upvoted your post for the reason there is much work behind.
But, nothing of all is the truth...
I hear these stories since 30 years and more... Nothing ever happened..
The humans still alive, our earth, too
We will still be alive in 100 or in 1000 or 10000 years...
Much love to you and best regards
It is all happening now regardless of our opinions. Research statistics
ok, let's talk in 10 years again...
It's best you research... Then come talk to us! <3
The evidence provided is undeniable and extremely well thought out!
The birth pangs of Matthew 24 are increasing exponentially, THAT is what's being shown in this article.
Yes, we have ALL heard these stories for the past 30 years. That doesn't make any of this less real.
So, why is this period of history different from all others?
The answer is Israel.
The only document on the face of the planet that said Israel would be reborn as a nation IN THE LAST DAYS and that Jews would regather in the Holy Land after centuries of exile is the Bible (Isaiah 11:12, Jeremiah 23:3-8, Amos 9:11-15, Zechariah 8:4-8, Ezekiel 37).
This prophecy was FULFILLED May 14th, 1948. Seventy. Years. Ago. And today, we are seeing the buildup towards the battle of Armageddon.
YOU are placing a time frame on this, Zanoni. Not Cardinal Patrick. The Day of Judgement could be tomorrow. It could be in a 1000 years, only G-d knows. Our wise Cardinal is simply stating our reality.
"Day of Judgement"
judgement for what?
I thought "God" is friendly and kind and not a "Vendetta Lover"?
Jesus, in my eyes the biggest Grand Master the world had ever seen, never spoke about judgement, he spoke about forgiveness and love or I see something wrong?
Whenever I hear something about apocalypse or end times, I think these are very negative and destructive thoughts, for sure not in the sense of Jesus.
He teached kindness, love and happiness to the people, not fear and destruction.
But anyway, thanks to "God", he give us our free will, so everybody can believe what he wants.
Best regards
This really ties a lot together, keep up the good info Cardinal
I have no idea how people could dismiss this as a sign of Christ. It's insane! That weather made me get out of America quickly... It was too hot!
He has returned, there's no other explanation.
How could anyone deny were are in the final days?!!
WOW, this is a great compilation of facts, undeniable truths!!
Nibiru the destroyer is here and like the judgment of the times of Noah people need to repent or...
The weather is a huge clue to these End Time prophecies!
We're masters of our decisions, and slaves to their consequences.
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