Linux Scene
added this as a loader too, got a ways to go before there's 256 and after that there's lalala nda ofcourse and as if it matters
Added as a loader to #nftyr site on janesondergrond
why ?
see we HATE justifying and explaining ourselves, it breaks the flow and kills creation - its something better left to the salesgirlfriend in the harem because SHE IS GOOD AT THAT
this is a linux demo which is rare enough as is (relatively) in the booming section - its also 4k
so those people who are like "thats not writing" and "pixar looks better"
most of these people (in the 1000s and 10000s here) obviously have undeniable talent but for some reason they only put their shit out in the scene and their name doesnt ring bells on tiktok and pop-tart
thats why YOU , pavlov gnome, should stop trying to understand what you cant label, you'll end up with something full of stickers that still makes no sense and has all the wrong words to it, like shoving dating or car ads in our face when we clearly said : never until out of belgium, never done a dating site, always random encounters (as it is in the universe apparently on sight but is it) and never had a car and dont want one (not even a li-on pile EV)
thx that said
this is 128b
this is 256b
this is 512b
this is 1024b = '1k'
1k =
by your favourite skitzo-collective
this is 2048b = '2k'
by your favourite skitzo-collective (i mean if WE can do it - zonder een diplom ...)
the second one is our fav so far since its more - thingy - than the others even if the 1st has a tune, the takes up most of the space - no scrollers so far (scrolltext takes up hell too in a small system without custom compression or trickery)
this is 4096b = '4k' = this is the amount of characters used to create "the thing" in the video
ask pixar, yourself or maybe chatgpt to write something creative in that amount of characters
check out how this thing is more alive than your whole world combined
(if you think "you belong" ... well so do the freaks)
"because you dont get six-page essays for free" ?
We have no intention of being an aggregator but if something catches the eye ofcourse .. someone who's been at it since the kid wrote hello basic its hard to resist
see? all that time spent explaining we could have been doing something else - we also dont like "talk about it"
barring money and a harem we have no use for contact with humans anymore , we found them highly contagious and if you dont then the triffids try to destroy you, flat and simple
a hoot to the guy there where we found the first two vids that get us back onto the one thing to rule them all
he too is drawn back - ...
once you have felt the one thing to rule them all its kinda hard to stay away from it for indefinite periods
and you see ? for five facebook likes, the guys does what he does so that too, brute
pavlov gnome you simply wont understand b/c he doesnt really do it for the facebook likes
and everyone be "GREAT man, good thing you're doing demoes"
we dont release or what we are not like "a group" even if we are many-in-one, we dont even have a sceneID ...once we checked and it said "tell us why you need one"
and we concluded
"well we actually dont, do we?"
but thats the thing there, you cant "just subscribe" for the numbers and they wont let you in if you "just pay eight dollar"
they wanna see something you made, that flat and simple
or you get referred
so we dont really care too much about proving ourselves and since no one has said hay, have a sceneId either no one saw anything, or someone doesnt like us or we simply aint good enough
now watching the stuff that gets on csdb and pouet on the daily
we think we are somewhere in there in the ranks from bottom to top (somewhere inthere) b/c we've seen stuff that just gets point for GUD MAN, YOURE CODING
so ...
not an aggregator
hoping to get to a pseudo-stable state where we feel coding and devving again, also on the site, also on the unfinished demo (which windows saw fit to delete - it rebooted twice on a BSOD then started repairing without asking, 1 hour later we found ourself with an empty user folder)
we have backup but thats from august, good thing they tried to destabilize us so we basically got nothing done but dishes since winter
whtaever, who knows the difference anymore
write something better
in 4096 that impresses you more than the vid :p
in literature that would be arthur clarke or (we prefer van voght instead of the pop-literature) something
yes if you look on the map there seems to be a certain concentration there of "the last gud coding men on earth" (and women too btw - and others ... maybe , no one usually asks lol - you're the handle)
please mind too : most of these things arent done their proper credz on youtube vidz just like a c64 isnt done its proper cred on oled screens that dont have proper emulation going on of an ancient tube or crt due to the machine literally running on scanlines and a youtube vid doesnt really do a 4k procedural demo at its finest either but
i guess dat is niet weirken
otherwise e'reybody rich
(and i dont think most of them are)
SO tell me again it comes down to talent and hard work
b/c it doesnt
it comes down to where you're born and who you know and
just how much of a non-lethal psychopath you are
(aaahhhh couldnt help it there ... but we're practicing)
there's no agenda or deadline , given enough stability there will be coding on demo, game website and other game
and otherwise there wont be
as for the rest
we agreed to say the world is doing fine and things are picking back up now that the pandemic is over and this will all blow over soon
(ZeroDesign ft. some dude with a name)