Follow-Up to my First NFT & Auctioning a Second NFT
First Failed Auction
Last week I posted how I created my first NFT. However I was already uncertain about the whole procedure, and with the listing on Mintable only getting around 15 views, it did not auction. Was I surprised? Not in the slightest.
One of my first lessons is that the NFT is not going to sell itself. Even though I am a published author, I doubt this would hold any value unless I'm actually famous or a celebrity. Moreover, apart from the question of how much I should price the NFT, the lack of presence on social media and lack of NFT store make it more difficult to actually sell.
Discovering Other Marketplace Options
Checking other marketplaces, most required a gas fee to create the NFT or to set up a store to sell. I have also discovered a way in which you can create a batches of 50 (for free) on Mintable. This seemed like an interesting idea - but if I was not able to sell a sole NFT, why would I create 50? That would dilute the value of my NFT, right?

From the Backseat of a Bus, 2019
In 2019 I published a chapbook (collection of 15 poems), originally published by Ghost City Press. For my first NFT, I had decided to record myself reading these poems, so the .mp3 audio file is something that nobody has access to. Owning the original NFT with this audio file would definitely be cool (at least, that's what I think the use of NFTs are). One potential issue is that the audio file is not visual content that can be perceived before it is actually downloaded. Thus, a viewer would not be able to perceive the value that well before purchasing.
Creating and Selling another NFT
After some lessons from the first NFT, I decided to perhaps go smaller project and put just one poem in an NFT. For this, I chose Our Last Goodbye, which was the final poem in my collection.

Screenshot from Atomic Hub
This time, I have decided to move away from Mintable and head into Wax, which I heard is better for cheaper NFTs. I have created a collection and an NFT on AtomicHub which I am auctioning for the next 3 days, starting price being 1 WAX (around $0.29). Once I get the hang of it and upload a couple different NFTs, I would be able to request the collection to be whitelisted, which would help me with market visibility.
In the meantime, I will rely on my promotion! If you believe in me, bid on my NFT, Our Last Goodbye. And who knows, you might resell it for much higher price!
Do you have experience selling your own NFTs? Or perhaps any ideas/suggestions on what NFTs I should mint in my collection. Perhaps theme collections like poetry books so each collection has a limited amount of themed poems, or would it just be a collection of all my poetry regardless of teams?
- Official Publications: Poetry by Jeremy
- Twitch: PinkGeeRough
- Youtube: PinkGeeRough
- Twitter: @PinkGeeRough & @PoetryByJeremy