Flote Plank Owner NFT Series – Launch Update & NFT Reveal
Happy New Year, Flote Fam!
2021 has been a wild year for all of us! If we thought 2020 taught us to roll with the punches… well, 2021 taught us all to judo that shit and redirect those meaty fists right back at the balls of those tossing them. (HiYA!)
In other words, nothing ever goes as planned. So we might as well make the best of it and take the wins where we can get ‘em.
We had planned on launching the Plank Owner NFT sale on New Year’s day, and damn did we pull out all the stops to try to make that happen! But sometimes, shit happens instead. What’s far more important than going live on “X” day is making sure that this launch goes as smoothly as possible for our entire community.
That said, we do not yet have a hard date set for the official NFT release, but as soon as the finish line comes into view we will let you know. Rough guess… A week or two.
With the not-so-great news out of the way, we do have something to share which we think you’ll be excited about. We are ready to reveal the final Plank Owner NFT designs! Have a gander…
NFTs pictured above are low res copies. The real-deal will be high resolution.
There’s space, there’s sea, there’s motion and shiny sparkly bits, and allusions to things on the horizon. What’s NOT to like? However, the true value isn’t in their hypnotic beauty. The value comes from the long (and ever-expanding) list of perks that they grant to their holders. If you haven’t heard what they are, I suggest reading up on the general and tier-specific perks. Oh, and we can’t forget to mention our recent partnership with Unstoppable Domains that helped land each Plank Owner a free blockchain domain.
So that’s a wrap on 2021. We’ll see you next year. Until then we invite you to come vent your frustration with us (or preferably your unconditional love) in our Telegram and Discord communities.
Cheers! To a 2022 that finally relents to freedom and rationality.